Posted in: Collectibles, Toys | Tagged: Demistros, Four Horsemen Studios, Powercon
Four Horsemen Reveal First Powercon 2023 Exclusive Figure
Four Horsemen Studios has fully revealed their first Powercon exclusive for the year, and his name is Demistros.
Four Horsemen Studios took a break from roasting our wallets recently and revealed a figure that will be on sale at this year's Powercon 2023 event in August. Demistros was teased a little while back, but now we can see him fully revealed. The figure is not a Mythic Legions or Cosmic Legions release, but just a cool figure that may be an omen of things to come. He certainly would fit into any of our Mythic displays, however. Below you can check him out in all his glory.
Four Horsemen Studios Powercon 2023 Demistros Revealed
- Credit Four Horsemen Studios
- Credit Four Horsemen Studios
- Credit Four Horsemen Studios
Powercon and the Four Horsemen go together like PB&J, and they are not even done revealing figures for the show yet. They also do a couple MOTU tribute Legions figures every year, and those will be revealed at a later date. Not going to the show? No worries, as they always sell thier exclusives as standard edition figures at a later date as well.