Posted in: Comics | Tagged: All New X-Factor, Arkham Manor, Bee & Puppycat, Bionic Woman, Borderlands, buffy, butterfly, Comics, dungeons & dragons, earth two, Edward Scissorhands, father's day, gi joe, godzilla, harley quinn, hellraiser, Judge Anderson, justice inc, lady zorro, Lazarus, memetic, my little pony, Nightbreed, Regular show, Rot & Ruin, samurai jack, starlight, Steampunk Battlestar Galactica, Super Secret Crisis War, The Wicked + the Divine, TMNT/Ghostbusters, transformers, twilight zone, vampirella, x-files, zero
39 Thoughts About 39 Comics – Earth Two, Transformers (x2), Arkham Manor, Harley Quinn, My Little Pony, Rot & Ruin, Regular Show, Bee & Puppycat, GI Joe, Hellraiser, Lazarus, Judge Anderson, Buffy, The Wicked + The Divine, Zero, Father's Day, Bionic Woman, Borderlands, Edward Scissorhands, Butterfly, Godzilla (x2), Dungeons & Dragons, Justice Inc, X-Files (x2), Nightbreed, Lady Zorro, Memetic, All-New X-Factor, Samurai Jack, Super Secret Crisis War, Starlight, Steampunk Battlestar Galactica, TMNT/Ghostbusters, Twilight Zone, Vampirella
From Earth 2: Worlds End #3, remember any scene set in London, you can always see Big Ben clock tower…
The Wicked + The Divine #5 rejects that utterly.
At least Twilight Zone #9 doesn't go for a quite-so-obvious monument…
It is time, ladies and gentlemen, to admire one of the most artistic expressions of a blow job in comic book storytelling to date, courtesy of Zero.
Yeah, they're going to need an X-Ray machine. From Bionic Woman #2
If you have to ask… from Borderlands #3.
Butterfly #2 may have daddy issues. But then, clearly, so has Daddy.
But nothing like those expressed in Father's Day #1.
And Lazarus has a lot of work to do with her own…
Is Duke McQueen in Starlight #6 meant to be Bagpuss now? "A little loose at the seams, but Emily loved him…"
Yeah, normally when you talk about a great hulking brute wanting only one thing, it's generally not that. From Godzilla: Cataclysm #3.
While in Godzilla: Rulers Of Earth #17 another monster seems to want exactly the same thing as well. It's just "Destroy, Destroy, Destroy". Honestly….
From Dungeons & Dragons: Baldurs Gate, I think someone needs to learn how to drive with the… stick…
Edward Scissorhands #1, launching at IDW, well the ice feature is clearly eye catching, but he might have left the rest of the decor go to pot a little. It's not just ocation, location, location you know. Time to declutter,
My Little Pony: Friends Forever #10 extends hooves across the barrier for possibly one of the greatest allegories in anthropormophic form in comcis to date. A Minotaur who wants to be a pony. Could there be a line of Minotaur Little Ponies on the way? And would male fans call themselves Moanies?
From G.I. Joe #2… mate, he stopped calling you Duke and moved onto Grasshopper. Get with the programme.
From Hellraiser: DarkWatch, man, that's so rough. Just for that, right they should definitely put a party announcement up on Hellbook and wait for the demonic hordes to arrive and trash the place.
Judge Dredd: Anderson #3 delivers the greatest straight line in Dredd history. I'm sorry, I have no choice but to turn to Power Girl on this matter.
When your own characters criticise their own dress sense, you're in trouble. Or course, some women don't care… take Pat Savage in Justice Inc #3.
Probably that you know how to button up a coat. And in a similar scene in Nightbreed #6…
I don't think it's her eyes people will be staring at. But each to their own.
Even Vampirella manages to (relatively) cover up in Vampirella Prelude #10. Thankfully the women seem able to sort it all out.
As naturally they do in Lady Zorro #4 as well. Nice to see chivalry and cowardliness go hand in hand, as they should. Though if you are looking for a lack of sisterhood…
...Rot & Ruin #2 is a little bit on the mean side.
Obama falls under the spell of the Good Times Sloth in Memetic #1. Maybe that might have affected his behaviour in All-New X-Factor today?
Even for the man in charge, it's always time to kick back, read some comics and drink a cup of coffee.
Though Bee & Puppycat #5 take a coffee from happiness to sadness…. maybe you should have a look inside to see if that makes anything better. Go on, lift the lid and take a sip.
Okay, maybe not. Regular Show #16 only adds to the sadness, with a fly in the ointment. Or the espresso. Maybe get a bite to eat instead?
Super Secret Crisis War #5 has a new recipe it seems. You may have to sacrifice the whole world to get it, but clearly it's worth it.
While Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10 has a terrible combination in mind for the remains of Sunnydale during Hallowe'en….
Transformers comics seem to have trouble with communications today, first in Robots In Disguise #34 where too much is said.
And in Primacy #3, where too little is understood. And proof positive that Transformers would make for a terrible Batman.
But then, these days, Batman makes for a terrible Batman, in Arkham Manor #1.
I reckon it was the date that put the deal over the edge with Samurai Jack #13. Though with all those Googoplexes, you'll probably be expected to pick up the tab.
Watched the original series of Battlestar Galactica perhaps? Surely not… Steampunk Battlestar Galactica does seem to have slightly higher tech than the title would suggest…
This is a TMNT/Ghostbusters crossover… so why does it look like a TMNT/Stargate crossover instead?
Flesh has turned white as a ghost in X-Files #17? Maybe because… he is a ghost! Well, he is dead. Ah, c'mon…
While back in the past, X-Files Year Zero #4 is getting to rips with the idea that, even in the past, such behaviour may not be exactly acceptable. Social Justice Warriors Unite!
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London.
Following the release of In Real Life, soon to be published byFirst Second, we'll have the pleasure of receiving Cory Doctorow here at Orbital for a talk on November 12, at 7:30pm.