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Preacher Seasons 1 & 2: Binge Watch with These Teaser Takeaways
So if you're reading this right now, then I'm pretty much playing the odds that you're using the holiday season to either finally acquaint yourself with AMC's adaptation of the Garth Ennis/Steve Dillon comic book series Preacher, catch up on the episodes you're behind on or just re-watching for the little things you might have missed.
Well no matter what your poison, we're here to help it go down a little smoother. Over the course of two seasons' worth of episode recaps and a second season of live blogs, we've come up with a "devil's dozen" list of either quotes or clips from the first two seasons that you should keep in mind while watching for the first or forty-first time.
To avoid spoilers, we're going with minimal-to-no descriptions where possible and it won't be in any kind of sequential order (…except where YouTube kinda' sells me out so humor me a little). Translation? We're shutting up and good luck jigsawing together the timeline…but even out of context, there may be spoilers so tread carefully!
So before you hit the road on "The Search for God" with this week's Preacher marathon (set for December 26 on AMC), here are a few "sign posts" to keep in mind during your travels (…and stock up on sunscreen!):
● "One percent. You won't even miss it."
● "He didn't come for the girls, you idiot. He came for the jazz."
● "You know what's crazy, Preacher? What's completely banana balls insane? Following a God who is silent. That is crazy."
● "I'm sorry, we're just gonna, like, drive around, shooting people, getting sated, and looking for God?"
● "He's walking the earth with a face like an arsehole. Should've tried harder. Was that an un-Christian thing to say, was it?"
● "Problems with in-breeding are to be expected."
Preacher is set to return to AMC for Season 3 in 2018, with an expected Summer 2018 release.
Based on the popular cult comic book franchise of the same name, Preacher is an absurdly twisted and action-packed thrill ride. When Jesse Custer (Dominic Cooper), a small-town preacher with a criminal past, realizes God is absent from Heaven, Jesse sets out to find Him. Along for the ride are Tulip (Ruth Negga), Jesse's volatile true love, and Cassidy (Joseph Gilgun), a 119-year-old Irish vampire, who is Jesse's best mate. The gang ends up in New Orleans, where they must dodge local gangsters, dangerous secret agents in white suits, and the Saint of Killers (Graham McTavish), an unstoppable murderous cowboy from Hell.
Preacher airs on AMC on Mondays at 9:00 pm ET, and is based on the incredibly popular comic book series from writer Ennis and artist Dillon. Ennis also serves as executive producer of the series, along with Sam Catlin (Breaking Bad), Seth Rogen (This Is The End) and Evan Goldberg (Superbad).
Just in case you're wondering what Bleeding Cool thought about AMC's first two seasons of Preacher, you can check out our season recaps and takeaways from each of the episodes here:
Preacher Season 2 Finale Recap: "Everything Has A Price"
'Preacher' Season 2, Episode 12 Recap: "I Tried To…But It's A Lie"
Preacher Season 2, Episode 11 Recap: "The Messiah Is A Moron."
'Preacher' Season 2, Episode 10 Recap: "We Call Him…Humperdoo."
'Preacher' S02E09 Recap: "'No means yes' in multiples. Got it, sir." (VIDEO)
'Preacher' Season 2, Episode 8 Recap: 'Bite Me. Bite Me. Bite Me." (Video)
'Preacher' Season 2, Episode 7 Recap: "I Would Start With Men Selling Off Their Souls"
Preacher Season 2, Episode 6: Tamashii Ureshii Iku Iku
'Preacher' Season 2 Episode 5 Recap: "I'm Sorry. I'm So Bad For You."
Preacher Season 2 Episode 4 Recap: "This Is Hell, Act Accordingly"
Preacher Confessions: 'Damsels' Takeaways (Is George R.R. Martin God?)
'Preacher' Confessions: 'On The Road' / 'Mumbai Sky Tower' Takeaways
Thoughts On The Season One Finale of AMC's Preacher
Thoughts On AMC's Preacher Season One, Episode Nine
Thoughts On AMC's Preacher Season One, Episode Eight
Thoughts on AMC's Preacher Season One, Episodes Six and Seven
Thoughts On AMC's Preacher Season One, Episode Five
Thoughts on AMC's Preacher Season One, Episode Four
Thoughts On The First Three Episodes Of Preacher