Posted in: Collectibles, Games | Tagged: colossus, dazzler, hasbro, marvel, Marvel Legends, polaris, x-men
Some Good, Some Bad: Hasbro X-Men Marvel Legends Wave 2 Review Part 1
Marvel Legends are hitting store shelves hard right now, with many waves of figures on pegs and emptying wallets all over the place as collectors try to scoop them all up. For me, none were more exciting than the second wave of X-Men related characters after the success of wave one last year. Last week, we took a look at the awesome Old Man Logan figure. Today, we will look at three of the other seven figures from the wave. Look for part two tomorrow.
I will say that there are some great figures in this wave. They are really going deep with the character choices, so I hope these continue to sell briskly at retail so we can get as many mutants as possible. While one of the figures today is pretty great, unfortunately we will be looking at two of the not so great figures as well. First, the good one. Colossus in a more updated look will start us off. Right off the bat it is appreciated that they keep him in scale. He is a big dude, and he should be bulkier and taller than everyone else. He comes with two head sculpts: beard and no beard, and both are pretty great, and to be honest I kinda love the bearded one! It looks so chiseled and straight! As far as paint aps go, I love the metallic gray they used for his skin, it has a nice shine to it and makes the figure pop. The paint on his costume is ok, I have a few spots where it bleeds over, but nothing too major. His bigs arms and hands allow for you to pose him in some great action poses as well, like him power lifting Cyclops.
Next, we have Polaris. One thing I will say for all of these figures is that I have very little issues with the sculpts. Every figure in this wave (except one, give me a minute) will look great on a shelf in your collection. Polaris has never been one of my favorites, but this figure went from an afterthought to a lukewarm buy for me. While the sculpt is nice, my figures arms were quite loose out of the package and the elbows barely hold up the magic effects pieces. they certainly are getting some mileage out of those aren't they? I feel like every other figure is coming with one of these. The cape is fine and attaches in the back, nothing exciting there, and it doesn't hamper her movement much. But it does stick out awkwardly when posing the figure in a position that is not upright. Feet seem to be a recurring problem however, as the thin shins on the legs make her again hard to pose anyway but upright. Buy her and hope you don't get loose joints. Then put the magic pieces on her hands and never touch her again.
Lastly today, we will look at Dazzler. Now, I was at SDCC last year when they revealed this figure was coming and I was pumped. Dazzler is one of my favorites, and from the prototype it looked perfect. Imagine my surprise when I opened it up and it is now one of my least favorite figures I have ever purchased. Only positive: the head and upper torso are great, great sculpts. Mine has no paint issues on her face paint, the necklace is cool, and her disco suit is so damn cool looking. That's where my positives end on this one. Yet another magic effect piece with this one, at least it stays on her wrist well. The shoulder joints on mine are quite stiff, and I was pretty sure her arm would snap off if I moved it the wrong way. The biggest issue here would be the legs and feet. While I understand what they were going for here, the roller skate feet end up making it near-impossible to get this thing to stand for more than 5 seconds, unless you have her posed in her crouched down I-am-skating pose. The right leg on mine does not straighten at all, and when I tried to do so it bent in awkward ways and looks like she needs crutches. I would have loved swappable feet somehow, but I also get why they didn't do that. Sadly, this is the worst figure of the wave for me. Nice head and upper body sculpt aside, the lower half of the figure is a complete disaster.
Tomorrow I will take a look at Sunfire, Cyclops, Shatterstar, and the build a figure for this wave, Warlock.