Kevin Smith wasn't supposed to be at San Diego Comic-Con yesterday. It turned into a memorable day regardless. Read the story here.
Posted in: Collectibles, Conventions, Games, san diego comic con | Tagged: Nick, nickelodeon, san diego comic con, sdcc, sdcc 2017
SDCC 2017: What's In The Nick Box?
Well friends, it's Preview Night. Even though we're only five hours into San Diego Comic Con, I'm beat! I've been coming to SDCC for the better part of a decade and this is the earliest I've ever decided to tuck myself in. Comic con is a younger man's game. But wait! What do we have here?
A Nick Box, por moi? Let's open it up.
An assortment of fun. Dare I look further?
A tasteful Nickelodeon t-shirt in heather grey. Whether you're laying around the house, or trying to impress the boss at the weekly staff meeting, you'll never be out of place with this beauty.
Here we have a tasteful tumbler featuring the cast of "Hey Arnold!" Perfect for any potable you can imagine. Me personally, I'm going to empty a whole jar of olives into it. As you drink, the olives that surface are your reward for persevering through the brine. Why yes, I am none too smart. Why do you ask?
Bobble on, you wild, beautiful football head!
You know, I've always thought of myself as the "Spike" amongst my group of friends. Should probably stop hanging out with babies.
This fine porcelain vase depicts the head of Arnold's stalwart bestie "Gerald". Some may think it distasteful to store a loved one's ashes in this receptacle. I don't think it could be any more tasteful.
This vinyl melting ice cream is perfect in its imperfection. I've never gotten one of those ice creams with the gumball eyeballs intact.
I've always wanted people to take me seriously as a chef. I don't think this will help, but then again, couldn't hurt?
Folks, I've had a problem with loose chips around my house. It's gotten to where I can't even leave the bed most mornings. This, this is a game changer.
Mini cornhole! Finally, a solution for people like me with small hands and big dreams.
Rounding out the set are a Comglom-o coozie and a Mickey Kaline baseball card. Is it weird that I recognized this piece of memorabilia, but struggle to remember the name of real baseball players?

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