This week's Pokémon Trading Card Game Artist Spotlight focues on the vintage cards of Pokémon TCG clay sculptor Yuka Morii.
Pokémon TCG Archives
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Shining Fates in May 2023 sees an increase in value for the set's Shiny Charizard VMAX, but is will the rise stop?
Nidoran Female, Nidorina, and Nidoqueen from Japan's Pokémon Card 151 set have been revealed ahead of the set's release by Pokémon TCG.
Lumineon got a chance to shine in the Sword & Shield era with an Alt Art in Brilliant Stars and a Special Illustration Rare in Crown Zenith.
The new Paldean species Frigibax from Scarlet & Violet gets its entire evolutionary line Pokémon TCG Japan's Snow Hazard set.
The new installment of Pokémon TCG Value Watch assesses the 2021 expansion Sword & Shield - Chilling Reign in May 2023.
Pokémon TCG reveals Jynx ex from Pokémon Card 151, a set that will present all Generation One species from Kanto in their Dex order.
Suicune was robbed of an Alt Art in Sword & Shield - Evolving Skies but Pokémon TCG gave it a Special Illustration Rare in Crown Zenith.
This month's Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Sword & Shield - Battle Styles watches the movement of this March 2021 set two years later.
The Scarlet & Violet games introduced new speices to the Pokémon world including Glimmet which gets its Pokémon TCG debut in Snow Hazard.
This month's Pokémon TCG Value Watch takes a look at Celebrations in May 2023 as the set experiences some minor changes in the market.
Simisear got quite a unique Special Illustration Rare VSTAR in the Galarian Gallery subset of the Pokémon TCG's special Crown Zenith set.
Pokémon TCG reveals another card featuring the Kanto region from Japan's upcoming Pokémon Card 151 featuring Cubone & Marowak.
Tadbulb and Bellibolt ex make their Pokémon TCG debut in Japan's Clay Burst which will be adapted into Scarlet & Violet - Paldea Evolved.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Fusion Strike in May 2023 notes the Gengar VMAX Alt Art rising in a way that evokes the Umbreon VMAX Alt.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Evolving Skies in May 2023 observes this bizarre set packed with more cards over $100 than even most vintage sets.
Entei is one of the three Legendary Beasts of Johto that gets a Special Illustration Rare in Pokémon TCG's January 2023 set Crown Zenith.
Aerodactyl will be one of the holographic rare cards included in Pokémon Card 151, the next Pokémon TCG expansion set to release in Japan.
Pokémon TCG Japan will make booster boxes of the new set Clay Burst made-to-order through a raffle system due to high demand for Iono.
Shroodle appears for the first time in a Pokémon TCG set in Clay Burst, the latest super popular set that has been released in Japan.
Leafeon features on a gorgeous Special Illustration Rare from the Pokémon TCG special expansion Crown Zenith, released January 2023.
The newly revealed Tangela card from Pokémon TCG: Pokémon Card 151 confirms that this Kanto-themed expansion includes Illustration Rares.
These are the Gold Hyper Rares that can be pulled by Pokémon TCG fans lucky enough to come upon a booster box of the rare set Clay Burst.
Pokémon TCG Japan will soon release Pokémon Card 151, a set featuring the Bellsprout along with the rest of the original species from Kanto.
These are the nine connecting cards by Kouki Saitou that top off Crown Zenith's special Galarian Gallery subset of Illustration Rares.
This Iono Special Illustration Rare from Pokémon TCG Japan is so rare that it sent this entrie set back to print. What's next?
This month's Pokémon TCG Value Watch observes the Charizard-themed January 2022 expansion Sword & Shield - Brilliant Stars in May 2023.
Our Pokémon TCG Value Watch series follows the cards of the special Pokémon GO set released last year with Niantic as the market shifts.
Pokémon TCG reveals more Kanto-themed cards from the upcoming Japanese expansion, Pokémon Card 151. Witness the Staryu line.
We close out our spotlight on the nine-card connecting collection of Illustration Rare Pokémon cards from Pokémon TCG: Crown Zenith.