Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss set has now hit shelves and in addition to Giratina, it has terrific artwork on its Horsea line.
Pokémon TCG Archives
Pokémon TCG: Sword & Sheild - Astral Radiance saw the TCG debut of Hisuian Lilligant after its introduction in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s latest expansion Lost Abyss gets uniquely beautiful Vulpix & Ninetails cards that must be seen to be believed.
Our spotlight on the artwork of Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Astral Radiance continues with Leafeon, Shaymin, and Heracross.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss includes two Gold Secret Rare Trainers. Do you want this card type to continue into the Scarlet & Violet era?
Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder Complete Expansion Review: We look back at this Lugia-themed set to see if it stands the test of time.
Our spotlight series on the artwork of Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Astral Radiance begins with Kanto favorites: Beedrill & Scyther.
We wind down our retrospective series focused on Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder with the top five cards from this Pokémon TCG expansion.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss has Rainbow Rare Pokémon, including Giratina VSTAR, Drapion VSTAR, Aerodactyl VSTAR, & Kyurem VMAX.
Looking to the latest two Japanese Pokémon TCG sets may be the key to predicting the chase card of the upcoming Sword & Shield - Lost Origin.
Our retrospective look at Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder gets to the highly valuable chase card: the Rainbow Rare Lugia GX.
These are the four Trainers who get the Full Art and Rainbow Rare treatment in Pokémon TCG Japan’s latest set, Lost Abyss.
Pokémon TCG will debut a new "Booster Bundle" product with the upcoming set, Sword & Shield - Lost Origin, hitting shelves in September.
Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder featured thirteen Rainbow Rare cards including Lugia, Suicune, Mimikyu, Ninetails, Zeraora, & more.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss continues the trend of one Gold VSTAR per Japanese set with this gleaming golden Giratina VSTAR.
The Pokémon Center has revealed new Pikachu-themed Pokémon TCG sleeves in two series: Pikachu Allover and Pikachu Cosmic.
Our retrospective series focusing on Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder wraps up the Full Art Trainers with Morty & Professor Elm.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss gives its set mascot Giratina a stunning Full Art, but that isn't the only Giratina card in the set.
Whitney Full Art is the most valuable Trainer Supporter in the Lugia-themed Sun & Moon-era Pokémon TCG expansion, Lost Thunder.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss includes some terrific Full Art pulls including Aerodactyl V Full Art, Galarian Perrserker V Full Art, & more.
Bleeding Cool's Holographic History of the Pokémon TCG returns with a new card type introduced this year: Character Super Rares.
Our spotlight on the Sun & Moon-era Pokémon TCG expansion Lost Thunder goes to the second-most valuable Full Art Trainer of the set: Mina.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss has a strong selection of Full Art Pokémon-Vs including Delphox, Kyurem, Rotom, and more.
Dragon Ball Super CG Value Watch: Saiyan Showdown in July 2022 notes the Pan Xeno SCR remain high while other SCRs remain under $150.
Our retrospective journey through Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder moves to the Full Art Trainer Supporters with Kahili & more.
Heritage Auctions has put a rare, graded 1st Edition copy of Rocket's Mewtwo from Gym Challenge, a set for the Pokémon TCG, up for auction!
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss includes four stunning Alt Arts: Rotom, Aerodactyl, Galarian Perrserker, & Origin Forme Giratina.
Let's look back at one of the major chase cards of Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon Lost Thunder, the Legendary Lugia GX Full Art.
Pokémon TCG Japan’s Lost Abyss is now hitting shelves and one of the Ultra Rares included is the Steel-type Galarian Perrserker V.
Looking back on the Fairy-types of Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder makes one wonder if the typing will return in Scarlet & Violet.