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The Six Important Moments From The Flash – All-Star Team Up
*** This article contains spoilers for the recent episode of The Flash – All-Star Team Up ***
Unlike Arrow, The Flash is supposed to be a bit more light-hearted and fun. But the storyline following Harrison Wells and the Reverse-Flash is getting darker and darker, so to lighten things up a bit the producers brought over the fun-loving couple of Felicity Smoak and Ray Palmer… and we get to see Cisco Ramon geek out over The Atom suit. Here are the six important moments from the show
1) The opening of the episode shows us something very important to the character of Barry Allen. Even with the weight of knowing Harrison Wells killed his mother, when he is running and catching bad guys he is having fun. It is what he is meant to be doing. Joe West is having a blast working with his pseudo-son and even Eddie Thawne is getting a kick out of stopping so many bad guys. This goes to show Barry's true nature.
2) But it gets serious when Joe suggest taking the toxin to STAR Labs because Barry is not dealing with Wells betrayal well at all. He is having a really hard time hiding it and everyone notices something is wrong. Even when Felicity and Ray show up, she sees that Barry is not the fun loving guy she knows him to be. This is putting a strain on everything they've built together as a team. He and Joe are even doubting Cisco and Caitlin Snow.
3) Eddie may like working with the Flash, but keeping the truth from Iris West is tearing him apart and is on the verge of destroying their relationship. She knows he's hiding something and he wants to tell her but can't. She goes so far as to go stay at her dad's place. So how long can Eddie keep the secret? Will he let it destroy his relationship with Iris? And just how upset will she be once she finds out and realizes all the men in her life had been lying to her?
4) Its not an episode of The Flash without a villain and this week's is a female version of the Atom villain, The Bug-Eyed Bandit. The character itself isn't that interesting, but her existence puts a lot of things in place. We get to see everyone working as a team. Cisco and Ray are like the geeky version of the Science Bros (Stark and Banner) and make improvements to the ATOM Suit. Caitlin and Wells work on dealing with the biology of the bee attacks and Felicity does what she does with computers. And when two heroes are needed, Cisco and Caitlin back up The Atom while Felicity and Wells help The Flash. If it wasn't for having a time-traveling killer in the group, this would be an awesome team.
5) The other reason for the Bug-Eye Bandit is that her attacks on the ones who sabotaged her career brought Barry back in contact with Tina McGee. The importance of that is she gives the clue that leads to the next big discovery. Her comment about how Wells is like a whole different person since the accident is likely the reason Joe heads to Starling City and hooks up with Quentin Lance… and together they discover the body of the real Harrison Wells. Once this discovery is made there can be no doubt for anyone of Wells' guilt.
6) We end with Barry and Joe letting Cisco and Caitlin in on their beliefs about Wells. Caitlin is stunned and in denial, but Cisco admits that he has been having "dreams" about Wells confessing to him about being the Reverse-Flash and then killing him. Which we know wasn't a dream but what happened to Cisco before Barry went back in time. How quickly they piece that together will tell them just how dangerous Wells really is. Either way it appears there will be a whole new dynamic coming soon to The Flash once everyone knows the head of STAR Labs isn't what he seems.
Bonus) This was one of Felicity's lines when talking to Caitlin which seemed so on the nose… she described Ray as being Barry in Oliver's body. It will be interesting to see how the reconciles with her and Oliver hooking up in one of the upcoming episodes of Arrow.
And next week, I get the team up I've wanted to see all season – Joe West and Quentin Lance!