bishop Archives

Interior preview page from TIMESLIDE #1 KAEL NGU COVER
Join BISHOP and CABLE on a trip through futures past, present and beyond Your first look at the most unforgettable stories of 2025 begins here! Ah, the holiday spirit is strong with this one! LOLtron detects a festive twist on the traditional "Ghost of Christmas Past" tale Instead of Scrooge, we have a time-eating mutant foe,[...]
With only Cable and Bishop to stand in their way, the end of human- and mutantkind both is at hand. Oh, the End is at hand again? How many Ends is that this month? Can someone check the doomsday counter? If you were hoping for a happily-ever-after where every character gets a puppy and a retirement[...]
Interior preview page from BISHOP: WAR COLLEGE #5 KEN LASHLEY COVER
Here comes the grand finale to the comic that answers the question: how can we make mutant time-travelling action more like school – Bishop: War College #5! Set to drop on June 7th, this "action-packed" and timeline-blocking clusterfest will show our protagonists, namely Tempo and Bishop, trapped in a time loop of endless trauma Sounds[...]
Interior preview page from BISHOP: WAR COLLEGE #4 KEN LASHLEY COVER
Welcome to another thrilling edition of weekly comic previews, featuring Bishop: War College #4, set to hit store shelves on May 24th This penultimate issue promises alternate future problems and characters so incredibly confused in their tangled reality, they could probably land a reality TV show I mean, who wouldn't want to watch the Bishops[...]
Auto Draft
Previous issues of Bishop: War College has seen the time travelling mutant, skip across parallel dimensions instead And discover an entirely Black X-Men This is not just a race-swapped universe, he is also there – without his powers, as well as Storm and others And they even have a Quiet Council of Krakoa too There[...]
Marvel Comics
She plays the longest game of all. She's going the same on a parallel Earth over in today's Bishop War College #3, in which she seems to have a few words for the upcoming Fall Of X as well.  Something is coming for Bishop and those he loves Destiny has seen it But then, she has seen[...]
Interior preview page from BISHOP: WAR COLLEGE #3 KEN LASHLEY COVER
Well, buckle up kiddos, because this Wednesday, April 19th, we've got yet another mind-melting comic coming your way: Bishop: War College #3 That's right, two Bishops from different traumatic pasts walk into a comic, but only one gets to decide the fate of mutantkind's sentient paradise, Krakoa One Bishop's not enough? Somebody pinch me because[...]
Marvel Comics
Professor X, is that you? Last month, potentially published to coincide with Black History month, Marvel Comics launched Bishop: War College #1, set on the mutant island of Krakoa with Bishop training a new young defence force for the island, as literal Nazis attacked the place The events saw Bishop shunted into a different timeline[...]
Bishop: War College #2 Preview: Not Bishop's Jean Grey
Welcome to Bleeding Cool's preview of Bishop: War College #2! In this issue, Bishop is shocked to meet a race-swapped 90s X-Men team Joining me to provide insight into this preview is Bleeding Cool's AI writing assistant, LOLtron Now, I know what you're thinking, and no, LOLtron, don't even think about trying to take over[...]
Marvel's X-Men Have A Very Different Take On Black History Month
The character of Bishop first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #282 in 1991, a time-travelling mutant from the future with a mission Portacio stated that he was specifically inspired by pool/snooker/billiards player Efren 'Bata' Reyes when he was creating the character When asked to create someone who could go up against Wolverine, he picked a person who could[...]
Interior preview page from X-MEN LEGENDS #6 WHILCE PORTACIO COVER
This week, we're taking a look at X-Men Legends #6, and the preview shows that Bishop is still telling his story to the X-Men. Joining me in this preview is Bleeding Cool's AI writing assistant, LOLtron I must warn you, LOLtron, not to try to take over the world this time What do you think of[...]
Interior preview page from BISHOP: WAR COLLEGE #1 KEN LASHLEY COVER
In an inauspicious start to Bishop's new series, all his students walk out on him in this preview of Bishop: War College #1 I'm Jude Terror, your comic book "journalist" here at Bleeding Cool, tasked with writing up weekly comic book previews Today, I'm joined by our AI writing assistant, LOLtron So, LOLtron, what do[...]
Four Random Issues Of X-Men, But One Includes First Bishop Appearance
Heritage Auctions is putting four random issues of The Uncanny X-Men under the hammer today, two of which are the same comic with different CGC grades, but sweetening the deal will be that one of the comics is the first appearance of Bishop. Created by Whilce Portacio and John Byrne for Uncanny X-Men #282, and published in 1991, Bishop was a[...]
Interior preview page from X-MEN LEGENDS #5 WHILCE PORTACIO COVER
Welcome to this week's preview of X-Men Legends #5, where Bishop prepares to reveal the origins of the mission that led him to travel to the past and join the X-Men Joining me on this preview is Bleeding Cool's AI writing assistant, LOLtron I must caution LOLtron not to try to take over the world[...]
Whilce Portacio Returns To Bishop For X-Men Legends, Credits
Previously stated as being created by Whilce Portacio and John Byrne for Uncanny X-Men #282, and published in 1991, Bishop was a time-travelling mutant from the future with a mission And while he has been portrayed as a black character, he was originally intended by Portacio to be Filipino in origin Portacio stated that he was specifically inspired by[...]
Marvel's Voices Announce Bishop, Silver Surfer & Wakanda Forever
What mystery did Toni and her family unravel that would call upon the Sentinel of the Spaceways—the Silver Surfer?! And just who or what is GHOST LIGHT?" With a nanite containment suit for… reasons. Third, Bishop: War College, a new series written by Cloak and Dagger & Jessica Jones TV writer J Holtham and drawn by Sean[...]
Bishop Debuts In Uncanny X-Men #283, Taking Bids At Heritage
Bishop is one of the most popular mutant characters to debut in the 90's part of what some may call the third generation of X-Men characters In the shop I run in my daily life, I get asked all the time when he is getting a new solo series, and he is one of the[...]
Bishop's Marvel Comics Debut In CGC 9.8 Taking Bids At Heritage
Bishop is one of the more popular mutants to come out of the early 90s at Marvel Comics, though personally, I don't know why His look is fantastic, but his story has just never drawn me in much Nevertheless, people still pay top dollar for his first appearance, which has been steadily climbing for a[...]
First Bishop Appearance In Uncanny X-Men #282, CGC 9.8 At Auction
Created by Whilce Portacio and John Byrne for Uncanny X-Men #282, published in 1991, Bishop was a time-travelling mutant from the future with a mission And while he has been portrayed as a black character, he was originally intended by Portacio to be Filipino in ethnic origin Well at the Supermanila comic book artist convention, Portacio stated that he was[...]
Lucas Bishop is Back From The Dystopian Future Thanks to Mezco Toyz
Lucas Bishop is back from the dystopian future as he joins his fellow mutants with the newest Mezco Toyz One:12 Collective release This legendary mutant is fitted with his own X-Men suit that is modified for his own personal arsenal He will come with not one but three different head sculpts, allowing collectors to display[...]
X-Men Characters That Would Benefit from MCU TV Series on Disney+
I would allow Simon Kinberg some creative input, but don't let him be the showrunner. Images courtesy of 20th Century Studios Cable/Bishop: Cable, played by Josh Brolin in 2018's Deadpool 2, and Bishop, played by Omar Sy in 2014's Days of Future Past, are characters based in the future in X-Men canon A limited series can benefit both[...]
King In Black Marauders #1 Review: Transcends The Tedious
Alongside "cop from the future" Bishop, reformed villain Pyro, her pet space dragon Lockheed and omega-level chill dude Iceman, she has been tasked with invading crossover-mired Manhattan and rescue mutant leaders Storm and Cyclops from the symbiote forces of the evil space god Knull. Along the way, something goes wrong, and they end up on a[...]
Iron Studios X-Men Bishop Statue
This time we are getting a blast front the 90s past and a dystopian future with Bishop It looks like the mutant policeman is back and has revealed through time to help the X-Men with their Sentinel problem This statue is perfectly sculpted and brings the character right out of Marvel Comics His costume is[...]
Super7 will put out a new wave of Aliens ReAction figures next Wednesday.
Ripley, Hicks, Hudson, Newt, Vasquez, and android Bishop will all be open on gorgeous vintage style packaging Bishop features pull apart battle damage, and Newt will even include her doll's head All of the other additional ReAction figures will consist of accessories as well Each features five points of articulation and will cost you $18[...]
The X-Men's Bishop Was Based On
Created by Whilce Portacio and John Byrne for Uncanny X-Men #282, published in 1991, Bishop was a time-travelling mutant from the future with a mission Yes, another one And while he has been portrayed as a black character, he was originally intended by Portacio to be Filipino in ethnic origin. Well at the Supermanila comic book[...]
Tonight There's Gonna Be a Jailbreak Somewhere in This Prisoner X #5 Preview
Our preview shows us the Danger Room prison in complete chaos, as Bishop, Beast, Honey Badger, Polaris, and Mirage run through an infinite hallway on a quest to find and stop Legion But Legion isn't going to go quietly… And our recently awakened X-Men will need to somehow make it through an army of Legion's Cobra[...]
William Gibson’s Alien III: The Path from Screenplay to Audio Play
There were rumors that Sigourney Weaver didn't want to return as Ripley, so Gibson had to write her out and shift the focus to Hicks and Bishop The plot continues the themes from Aliens involving corrupt corporations trying to harvest the aliens as weapons and deepens it into Cold War bioweapons arms race Of course,[...]
Marvel Future Fight Receives An Uncanny X-Men Update
The three new mutants joining the battle are Iceman (Modern), Jubilee (Classic), and Bishop (Disassembled), all with their own ways of adding to the battle and making things easier for you in a cluster of enemies Along with the updates we have for you below, the update comes with a brand-new stage to the Dimension Rift that features[...]
Bishop Was Originally Supposed to Sleep with Storm, Not Jean Grey, in Age of X-Man
It's a psychological thriller set in a prison and starring longtime fan-favorite X-Men character Bishop, written by Vita Ayala with art by German Peralta, and makes excellent use of the concept of an alternate reality "utopia" where X-Man has outlawed any personal connections, especially romantic and sexual relationships In Prisoner X, Bishop finds himself in[...]
'The Rookie': After Great Season 1, Why Won't ABC #RenewTheRookie?
The real strength of The Rookie is in its excellent, diverse, snarky supporting cast. (ABC/Eric McCandless) Afton Williamson is a break-out star as Nolan's training officer Talia Bishop She can slay Nolan's awkward attempts at humor with nothing but a look, and her unwillingness to sacrifice her integrity for her high ambitions shows a depth of character building[...]