ike perlmutter Archives

Ike Perlmutter And Elon Musk At The Inauguration Of Donald Trump 2.0
Ike Perlmutter, former Chairman of Marvel Comics and font of endless obsession, discussion and commentary from Bleeding Cool, sat next to fellow billionaire Elon Musk at the inauguration of President Donald Trump earlier today Ike is the one with the salmon pink tie. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1[...]
Ike Perlmutter Didn't Know Spider-Man When He Got Marvel Toy Rights
Ike Perlmutter, former chair of Marvel, the man who pulled the comics publisher out of bankruptcy, pushed them to make movies rather than license the rights, and then sold Marvel for four billion dollars to Disney in 2009, is out Completely Robbie Whelan at the Wall Street Journal reports that Perlmutter has finally sold all[...]
Ike Perlmutter Didn't Know Spider-Man When He Got Marvel Toy Rights
Ike Perlmutter is back He never went away No matter what the world throws at you, at Bleeding Cool, you can still read all about comics, merch, TV shows, games, movies, and more The Daily Lying In The Gutters remains a long-running run around the day before and the day ahead You can sign up to[...]
Trump's Loss Crushed Ike Perlmutter, But Helped Free Jawad Amir Musa
Bleeding Cool has long been fascinated with the former chair of Marvel Entertainment, Ike Perlmutter An Israeli soldier who came to New York penniless, he built up a toy business, was bought out by Marvel, ended up saving Marvel from bankruptcy, started up the film division with Iron Man, and sold the company to Disney,[...]
Trump's Loss Crushed Ike Perlmutter, But Helped Free Jawad Amir Musa
Here's a look at some of the highlights: Donald Trump shakes hands with Marvel Chair Ike Perlmutter at a bill signing Screencap YouTube Box Office vs Bottom Line: When it comes to Disney and Marvel Studios, Perlmutter takes issue with what he sees as too much concern for box office results and not enough concern for how[...]
Marvel Takes Top Ten in Diamond August 2020
Three top executives who had been with Marvel for decades, Ike Perlmutter, John Turitzin and Rob Steffens were dropped, as part of a cost-cutting reorganisation within the conglomerate as a whole, and reports that Marvel Comics, as well as their toy and game divisions, would be absorbed within the greater Disney organisation. A day later, we[...]
No Marvel Previews This Week? What Are They Hiding?
As well as laying off Ike Perlmutter as chairman of Marvel Entertainment – a company that technically now no longer exists – Marvel has also fired John Turitzin, chief counsel for Marvel Entertainment, as well as Rob Steffens, co-president of Marvel Entertainment, all three confirmed by Disney spokespeople, via the New York Times As is[...]
Trump's Loss Crushed Ike Perlmutter, But Helped Free Jawad Amir Musa
Isaac Perlmutter, or Ike Perlmutter, has been fired as chairman of  Marvel Entertainment The New York Times reports that the eighty-year-old man who saved Marvel Comics from bankruptcy sold it to Disney and ruled like a tyrant was "told by phone on Wednesday that Marvel Entertainment, a small division centered on consumer products and run[...]
Joanna Robinson's Unofficial History Of The MCU
Dishy and authoritative, MCU is the first book to tell the Marvel Studios story in full―and an essential, effervescent account of American mass culture." I'm especially interested to read more on Marvel Chair Ike Perlmutter at the company Bleeding Cool has covered a number of takes on his involvement, both as a bullying figure within the company, and[...]
Marvel's Ike Perlmutter Dined with Donald Trump for Half A Million Dollars Saturday
Earlier this year, Bleeding Cool reported that Marvel Chairman Ike Perlmutter, his wife Laura, and the Perlmutter Foundation had donated $15 million to the Cardozo School Of Law to create the Perlmutter Center for Legal Justice Or as Bleeding Cool styled it, a "Justice League" Well, that Justice League has just freed its first prisoner Bruce[...]
Marvel's Ike Perlmutter Dined with Donald Trump for Half A Million Dollars Saturday
Yeshiva University of New York announced last month a $15 million gift from Marvel Chairman Ike Perlmutter, his wife Laura Perlmutter, and the Perlmutter Foundation to the Cardozo School Of Law to create the Perlmutter Center for Legal Justice Or as Bleeding Cool has styled it, a "Justice League". Rabbi Dr Ari Berman, president of YU[...]
Laura Perlmutter's Lawsuit, Alleging Stolen DNA, Can Continue
Bleeding Cool has covered at length the legal battle between Marvel Entertainment Chairman and multi-billionaire Ike Perlmutter and his wife Laura Perlmutter, against Canadian tycoon Harold Peerenboom, for seven years Beginning with a disagreement over who should ruin the tennis court in their private Palm Beach residential area, it blew up into allegations of hate mail campaigns and false flag operations[...]
Laura Perlmutter Sues New York Law Firm Over Use Of Stolen DNA
Bleeding Cool has covered at length the legal battle between Marvel Entertainment Chairman and multi-billionaire Ike Perlmutter and his wife Laura Perlmutter, against Canadian tycoon Harold Peerenboom, for seven years Beginning with a disagreement over who should ruin the tennis court in their private Palm Beach residential area, it blew up into allegations of hate mail campaigns and[...]
Is Pam Lifford Vs Ike Perlmutter Why There Is No Marvel/DC Crossover?
Ike Perlmutter is the Chairman of Marvel, a position he gained after he sold his toy company Toy Biz to Marvel Appointed to the board, he successfully brought the publisher out of bankruptcy and into the movie-making business It was his decision to sell Marvel to Disney, whereupon he got involved in other Disney businesses,[...]
Marvel's Ike Perlmutter Finally Wins Libel Suit Over Hate Campaign
Bleeding Cool has been covering the legal battle between Marvel Entertainment Chairman and multi-billionaire Ike Perlmutter and Canadian tycoon Harold Peerenboom, for seven years Both individuals live in Sloan's Curve, the Palm Beach complex in Florida next door to f0rmer President Donald Trump's private club  Mar-A-Lago With Perlmutter being Trump's biggest political donor, a fact[...]
Donald Trump shakes hands with Marvel Chairman Ike Perlmutter at a bill signing.
Bleeding Cool has covered the recent career, public profile, legal battles, conflict at Marvel and Disney, political support, political influence, philanthropy, and actions in government of Ike Perlmutter, Chair of Marvel Entertainment, multi-billionaire and one of the biggest shareholders of Disney From an immigrant Israeli soldier in New York, to sitting next to then-President Donald[...]
Donald Trump shakes hands with Marvel Chairman Ike Perlmutter at a bill signing.
Marvel Chairman Ike Perlmutter spent many millions of dollars helping to elect Donald Trump as president in 2016 and attempting to keep him in power in 2020 But despite Perlmutter's loyalty to his close personal friend, a Joe Biden presidency appears to be far more lucrative for him Either that, or something about the coronavirus[...]
Donald Trump shakes hands with Marvel Chairman Ike Perlmutter at a bill signing.
The Law&Crime website is reporting the latest in the long-running legal battle between Marvel Chair Ike Perlmutter and his wife Laura, and Canadian businessman Harold Peerenboom, both residents of the Sloan's Curve gated community of Palm Beach, on the doorstep of Mar-a-Lago, where Perlmutter is a member. Bleeding Cool has been covering this case across the[...]
Trump's Loss Crushed Ike Perlmutter, But Helped Free Jawad Amir Musa
Justin Fenton of the Baltimore Sun has conducted the first interview with the rather controversial Marvel Entertainment Chairman Ike Perlmutter in 35 years Perlmutter arranged and approved the interview as part of the Presidential pardon of West Baltimore citizen Jawad Amir Musa who had his sentence commuted. Donald Trump shakes hands with Marvel Chair Ike Perlmutter[...]
286 Bleeding Cool Comics-Related Posts About Donald Trump 2016-2021
On his final day in the role of President Of The United States, we take a look back at both the lead-up to the election, his Presidency, the cultural reflection and refraction, the actions of Marvel chair, personal friend and colleague of Trump, Ike Perlmutter which saw his face revealed on camera for the first[...]
Marvel's Ike Perlmutter Persuaded Trump To Pardon Christopher Wade
Since his conviction, he has shown remorse and sought to make his community a safer place." Credit: The White House What Marvel chairman Ike Perlmutter's involvement consisted of is unknown Ike is a personal friend of Trump, and a local member of Trump's club, Mar-A -Lago Ike Perlmutter and his wife Laura were two of Trump's biggest[...]
Ike Perlmutter Buys 350 Thanksgiving Dinners For Palm Beach Needy
Controversial Marvel chairman Ike Perlmutter may be missing out on his traditional Thanksgiving Dinner with President Donald Trump at Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, where Ike has been a long-time member and where he and his wife Laura Perlmutter sit with Trump rather than the President's own family But that doesn't mean that Perlmutter is missing[...]
Trump's Loss Crushed Ike Perlmutter, But Helped Free Jawad Amir Musa
Marvel Chairman Ike Perlmutter is known for his voracious support of Donald Trump's political aspirations But Perlmutter also has a deep friendship with The President, with whom he has been known to dine at Thanksgiving at Trump's Mar-a-Lago club But in the wake of the 2020 election loss to Joe Biden, Trump has canceled Thanksgiving[...]
Donald Trump shakes hands with Marvel Chairman Ike Perlmutter at a bill signing.
And what better friend does Donald Trump have than Marvel Chairman Ike Perlmutter? Perlmutter has helped out Trump in his political career so often; we can even make a listicle out of it! So here's five times Marvel's Ike Perlmutter bailed out President Donald Trump. Donald Trump shakes hands with Marvel Chairman Ike Perlmutter at a[...]
Donald Trump shakes hands with Marvel Chairman Ike Perlmutter at a bill signing.
Marvel Chairman Ike Perlmutter and his wife Laura Perlmutter led donations to America First Action, a Super PAC dedicated to the reelection of Donald Trump headed up by former WWE CEO Linda McMahon, in the month of September alone Bleeding Cool recently reported on the Perlmutters' efforts to reelect Donald Trump, with donations totaling $2.5-3[...]
Trump's Loss Crushed Ike Perlmutter, But Helped Free Jawad Amir Musa
In recent years, Bleeding Cool has been your number one provider of whatever the hell it is Marvel chair Ike Perlmutter has been up to When I began covering some of his odder aspects of behaviour, it was restricted to Marvel comics and toys, then to movies When Disney bought Marvel for four billion dollars,[...]
Trump's Loss Crushed Ike Perlmutter, But Helped Free Jawad Amir Musa
Because Marvel chairman Ike Perlmutter has, with his wife Laura Perlmutter, contributed millions to Donald Trump's election campaign and his foundation Such was their largesse, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Trump would not have been elected at all without his good friend Ike They dine together on Thanksgiving rather than with[...]
Ike Perlmutter Got Captain America to the New York Stock Exchange
Of course it was all down to Marvel chair Ike Perlmutter. A controversial figure, Ike Perlmutter was chairman of Marvel Comics and was also appointed to Veteran Affairs by President Donald Trump, after being one of Trump's biggest donors and close personal friend The event was attended by Marvel and Disney execs, with actors in Captain[...]
Donald Trump shakes hands with Marvel Chairman Ike Perlmutter at a bill signing.
Ike Perlmutter is often the subject of less than flattering articles around the web, such as the long series about his bizarre feud with a fellow Florida billionaire that has involved alleged DNA theft and allegations of a hate-mail campaign about pedophilia and anti-semitism Or the ones about Perlmutter's alleged attempt to secretly run the[...]