This fall, Doctor Who stars Jodie Whittaker and David Tennant will join a host of Who alums and other celebrities to produce a special album for the UK charity Children In Need According to Blogtor Who, the album will be released in advance of the yearly Children in Need telethon in November.
BBC Children in Need: Got It Covered[...]
jodie whittaker Archives
Looking at our handy online calendar, what this means is that at a minimum we're at least 5 months away from Jodie Whittaker's return as the 13th Doctor… or are we?
According to a report from the Radio Times, there is a plan underway to broadcast a stand-alone Doctor Who special before Series 12 premieres, possibly[...]
Our 13th Doctor – the talented, adorable, energetic, and authentic Jodie Whittaker – celebrated her 37th birthday this week – which raised a question When you are a household name before the age of 40 and your face is plastered on toys, posters, comic books, and buses the world over, how do you celebrate your[...]
Jodie Whittaker became the first actress to play The Doctor At heart she was the same character as the last 50 years, but now in a female body She was the biggest bone of contention amongst fans who didn't like change Right-wing sexists screamed and wailed on social media about the show "pandering to political[...]
The blue box materializes around Burnham. As the view switches to the inside of the TARDIS, the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) uses her sonic screwdriver to pause the time crystal on Burnham's Red Angel suit Michael steps out of her suit and yells at the Doctor for getting in the way and screwing up the Discovery's[...]
With Chris Chibnall, Jodie Whittaker, and the rest of the team behind Doctor Who currently busy with Series 12 production, now seems about as good a time as any to learn a little more about Chibnall and Whittaker's journey to the Who-niverse Who better to share an anecdote than the Tenth Doctor himself, David Tennant[...]
Here we have it folks!
Our first look at Series 12 of BBC One's Doctor Who! We may have to wait until 2020 to see new episodes, but today the show's official Twitter account gave us a first-look at what the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) will be up to next season By the look of things, our[...]
It perfectly captures the spirit and energy of Jodie Whittaker's Doctor, and has Eisner-nominated writer Jody Houser piloting the good Doctor through all new adventures.
So, here's the bad news: Issue #00 appears to be a FCBD one-shot, which means you probably won't see it in print again any time soon That being said, there is[...]
‘Doctor Who’ Confidential Part 2 looks at the BBC's “hidden Time Lords” in film, including Evil Dead, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure... and Mary Poppins?
The "Chibi Doctor" is thankfully voiced by Jodie Whittaker and series composer Segun Akinola will handle the score.
With no new season of Doctor Who on television in 2019, this short will have to do… for people who have VR headsets The BBC will reveal what platforms and headsets it'll be available on in due course.
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Saru's description and Tyler's phrasing immediately bring to mind the main character from another beloved science fiction series: The Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) from BBC's Doctor Who – a Time Lord from Gallifrey, a time travelling being who leaves messages throughout the galaxy and often pursues her own agenda Travelling through time and space, the Doctor[...]
That Jodie Whittaker played the line "Are we?" like she was perfectly willing to give it a try added fuel to the lit match of slash fiction that was about to be launched across fandom.
"After it came out, I was like, 'Wow, I didn't even think that was a thing'," Gill said "I didn't think[...]
In a recent interview with The Guardian, Tennant looked back on his career – and ahead, offering his thoughts on his beginnings, becoming the 10th Doctor, Who culture, the advice he gave 13th Doctor Jodie Whittaker, his new podcast David Tennant Does a Podcast With… a project he credits Alec Baldwin as being an inspiration for.
"It happened accidentally, starting with a[...]
The latest series of Doctor Who is about to launch in China, and the BBC has released a series of posters to both promote and celebrate its upcoming
An eagle-eyed fan noticed that in this week's season finale of NBC's The Good Place when Eleanor (Kristen Bell) wore a rainbow shirt that invoked 13th Doctor Jodie Whittaker's now iconic Doctor Who costume.
While Eleanor's shirt was a rainbow on a white background, the Doctor's shirt is a similar rainbow graphic on a blue background[...]
4th Doctor Tom Baker has authored new Who novel Doctor Who Meets Scratchman, based on a movie plot he and former co-star Ian Marter wrote years ago.
We're not at the end of the first month of 2019, and the BBC is already feeding Doctor Who fans some good news about the 13th Doctor's (Jodie Whittaker) upcoming 2020 Series 12: it's started production, folks!
In a post on the show's official Instagram account, the message, "#DoctorWho is back in production" was accompanied by[...]
Perhaps surprisingly, I find myself doing a podcast."
One of his first guests? None other than Jodie Whittaker! That's right, the 10th Doctor will be interviewing the 13th Doctor – with the pair having know each other since their Broadchurch days..
Who else will Tennant be talking to during this series? According to the trailer, the guests include Broadchurch[...]
While there have been attempts to alter the look of the Daleks over the years, it seems like Doctor Who viewers are really big fans of "bronze"...
Amazon Prime can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Torchwood Season 1 Trailer (
If You Want More Jodie Whittaker and/or Chris Chibnall:
Broadchurch – Detectives Alec Hardy (David Tennant) and Ellie Miller (Olivia Colman) investigate the murder of a local boy in the town of Broadchurch, the mother of whom is played by current Doctor Who star Jodie Whittaker[...]
As we know by now, there won’t be a new series of Doctor Who in 2019 - with Series 12 set for early 2020.Now here's a look at the REAL reason why...
At a special advance screening of the Doctor Who New Year's Special "Resolution", showrunner Chris Chibnall revealed that it was the Doctor herself Jodie Whittaker who was responsible for a Dalek showing up this series.
Many fans feel that a new Doctor only truly becomes the Doctor when they face the Daleks for the first time, yet[...]
With Doctor Who New Year's Day Special 'Resolution' set to wrap-up Series 11, showrunner Chris Chibnall is offering fans some hints about Series 12. Kinda'.
Steven Moffat’s run on Doctor Who with Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor might be the oddest, flawed, and most ambitious period of the show since its return.
When choosing our top selections, it felt like we were trying to find ten needles in a pile of needles–and nearly as painful when you see these Honorable Mentions:
Credit: BBC America/History/Starz/Netflix
Honorable Mention: BBC America's Killing Eve, History's Vikings, Starz's Sweetbitter, and Netflix's Everything Sucks, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, and Daredevil
Now here's a look at Bleeding[...]
Ritchie's character appears a bit ill or exhausted in a couple of the pics, with the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker), Yaz (Mandip Gill), and Ryan (Tosin Cole) gathered around Lin's jacket says "POLICE" and she is working on what very well could be Dalek parts.
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Winter/Snow Scene
We see someone –[...]
The 30-second video features the 13th Doctor Jodie Whittaker as well as her "fam" Tosin Cole, Madip Gill, and Bradley Walsh discussing – in frustrating generalities – just what is in store for the fans just 72 hours from now. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: New Year's Day Special Preview | Doctor Who: Resolution[...]
In "Series 11 – A Look Back" Jodie Whittaker, Mandip Gill, Tosin Cole, Bradley Walsh, Chris Chibnall, and executive producer Nikki Wilson gush about what made this series a unique experience for them. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Series 11 Look Back | Doctor Who (
While Wilson is invigorated and Chibnall appears a[...]
The 13th Doctor Jodie Whittaker and her companions are getting themselves settled in for a long winter's nap (Series 12 isn't hitting until some time in 2020), but before the series hibernation kicks in there's the matter of next week's Doctor Who New Year's Day Special 'Resolution' that they'll have to resolve – a little[...]
Now it's former companion Karen Gillan writing an op-ed praising Jodie Whittaker's debut as the first female Doctor and why it matters. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Amy Pond The Pirate | The Curse of the Black Spot | Doctor Who (
Gillan, of course, played Amy Pond, the 11th Doctor's first companion, a[...]