x-force Archives

John Cassaday
The most recent Marvel Comics solicitations for March 2024, included the following cover for X-Force #50 by John Cassaday featuring Wolverine taking on Hank McCoy, The Beast. X-FORCE #50 Written by BENJAMIN PERCY Art by ROBERT GILL THE FINAL BATTLE AGAINST BEAST IN THE LANDMARK 50th ISSUE! X-Force confronts Beast with their secret weapon A final reckoning Not a dry[...]
The Beast
Marvel has issued the following teaser for X-Force #48 by Benjamin Percy and Robert Gill, for the start of the Target: Beast storyline And, as has been surmised on Bleeding Cool, X-Force will be using one version of the Beast to take down the one who has been running the show like a mad scientist[...]
Marvel's Full X-Men Solicits & Solicitations for March 2024
In addition, current X-Men ongoing titles WOLVERINE, X-FORCE, and X-MEN will also deal with the dramatic repercussions of Krakoa's fall with the culmination of nearly five years' worth of intricate plotting and redefining character arcs Today, fans can learn about the various X-Men issues hitting stands in March It's the peak of the FALL OF[...]
Marvel Comics
#2 In Thanos #1, where he is helping shape and form a new young entry to the Marvel Universe. Thanos #1 And in X-Force #46, where he is helping the mutants deal with the threat of Mikhail Rasputin. X-Force #46 But he may have encountered some dangers to himself that were previously undocumented. X-Force #46 Deadpool Seriously now I don't think anyone[...]
Interior preview page from X-FORCE #46 DANIEL ACUNA COVER
Here comes the X-Force #46, because what the world really needs is more angst-ridden mutants Well, mark your calendars, folks, this pearl of brotherly psychodrama graces your local comic book store this Wednesday, November 8th. A TALE OF TWO BROTHERS! MIKHAIL RASPUTIN has been secretly controlling his brother, PIOTR RASPUTIN, A.K.A COLOSSUS Plans change[...]
X-Men Orchis X-Force
There are the Russian mutants who seemed to be able to write their own story, rather than just take dictation from Xavier. X-Force #45   There are other Rasputins out there as well, of course… X-Men #27 Some mutants got diverted by Curse, who accidentally willed them to Vanaheim But most ended up on a different planet, with a[...]
X-Men Orchis X-Force
The previous issue of Immortal X-Men saw Professor Xavier, alone on the island of Krakoa, go up against the Orchis shock troops led by Sebastian Shaw and Selene. Immortal X-Men #14 And leaving them in this state… Immortal X-Men #14 Something that is even a shock to Sebastian Shaw and Selene in Immortal X-Men #15. Immortal X-Men #15 Which looks remarkably[...]
Interior preview page from X-FORCE #35 DANIEL ACUNA COVER
How did X-force end up behind bars in our latest preview? These are heroes that could rip open a tank like a candy wrapper, but whoopsie-daisy, now they're held captive You can get your dose of prison melodrama when X-Force #45 hits the shelves this Wednesday, October 4th Just a taste of what you're in[...]
Marvel Comics
As well as a Hellfire Gala second printing, Marvel Comics has four Krakoan X-Men titles out this week, Astonishing Iceman #2, Children Of The Vault #2, X-Force #44, and X-Men Red #15, all playing out the Fall Of X consequences or Orchis stepping up as a world-recognised and accepted anti-mutant terrorist organisation As one does. In[...]
Interior preview page from X-FORCE #44 DANIEL ACUNA COVER
Marvel's X-Force #44, hitting stores this Wednesday, carries within its ink drenched pages an unprecedented catastrophe Our mutant Anti-heroes are suffering a blow far exceeding the forces of Magneto, or the scorn of an anti-mutant public They're… offline What could possibly keep them off the grid? A villainous plot to shrink their data plans? Deadpool's[...]
Auto Draft
Trying to save themselves and each other as they discover that their journey has been part of Asgardian prophecy for millennia. Realm Of X #1 If only Thor had thought to tell Danielle Moonstar about her statue at some point. Realm Of X #1 While X-Force had their own methods of evading exile, courtesy of Colossus, still puppeteered by[...]
Interior preview page from X-FORCE #43 DANIEL ACUNA COVER
Because Colossus is taking X-Force for a trust-busting field trip in X-Force #43 this Wednesday, August 23rd Our beloved oversized sportsman doesn't seem content merely bending steel with his bare hands No, he's now set on bending the sturdy bonds of X-Force as well Ain't that touching? Literally, though, one does wonder if the training[...]
Savretooth Vs Wolverine
So what is to come for the X-books after the Fall Of X? We have a couple of reveals from upcoming collections for ten months hence, in June 2024, from Benjamin Percy's X-Force and Wolverine series Giving us  Wolverine vs Sabretooth for the first time in the X-Men's Krakoan era and yes, for Rob Liefeld's[...]
Auto Draft
The Beast Is All Xavier's Fault Too X-Force #42 And in X-Force #42 we see that it is one set to repeatedly explode into the future. X-Force #42 And the Cerebro system behind the Krakoan resurrection protocols, set up by Xavier set to become the greatest surveillance device of all. X-Force #42 And the humans' reaction to the Sins Of Sinister[...]
Interior preview page from X-FORCE #42 JOSHUA CASSARA COVER
X-Force #42 is about to explode onto shelves this Wednesday, July 12th, and it's bringing with it Beast's "epic long game." Note my audible quotation marks Nimrod's plan is successful, and Hank McCoy – that's Beast for the uniformed or those who blissfully abandoned memory of the X-Men's resident evil-plotting furball – somehow "survives and[...]
Marvel Comics Spoilers
Namely, his adamantium-bonded skeleton. X-Force #4 Which is why they have a vat of liquid adamantium at Krakoan headquarters, ready to inject into any Wolverine they have to resurrect Even if sometimes they put too much in. X-Men #10 But as we have seen, it does mean that bits of Wolverine have been left all over the place[...]
Interior preview page from X-FORCE #40 JOSHUA CASSARA COVER
Well, well, well, another week, another cash grab—I mean comic book! Behold X-Force #40, hitting store shelves on May 17th In this riveting tale of geriatric superheroics, Colossus and his muscular sidekicks, including Wolverine and Deadpool, must come to grips with Beast's vaguely defined diabolical schemes Will this elderly Quentin Quire drag them through the[...]
#XSpoilers Makes Debut Appear In X-Force, Over Threnody (Spoilers)
Because they get namechecked in today's X-Force #39 When listing the many, many sins of Hank McCoy, the Beast. We could also throw in the All-New X-Men the space torture, his clone army and, yes, what happened to Threnody. Threnody, created by Fabian Nicieza and Joe Bennett, who has the mutant power to detect those who are[...]
Interior preview page from X-FORCE #39 JOSHUA CASSARA COVER
Well, look at this, folks: X-Force #39 will be gracing your local comic book store's shelves on Wednesday, April 19th, and it's bringing some serious "team bonding" shenanigans with it Laura Kinney, the artist formerly known as X-23, then Wolverine, then X-23 again, and now apparently going by Wolverine again (pretty creative, don't you think?),[...]
Titans #1 Gets Trading Card Variant - But Not Like X-Force
I was listening to the Robservations podcast from Rob Liefeld which he talked at length about the launch of X-Force #1 and how he was pleased to get the five trading card bagged variant covers that helped him sell five million copies, as well as doing his Todd McFarlane impersonation asking "what's an X-Force? No[...]
Interior preview page from X-FORCE #38 JOSHUA CASSARA COVER
This week's Bleeding Cool preview comes to us from X-Force #38 In this issue, our favorite merc-with-a-mouth, Deadpool, is up to his usual shenanigans What Deadpool does in this preview of X-Force #38 is so unthinkable, Bleeding Cool won't even let us say it in this article But we can show you this: Joining me in[...]
Marvel Remove Masks Today In X-Force, Legion Of X, Avengers (Spoilers)
Today, in X-Force #37, Avengers #65 and Legion Of X #10, it's time to take off masks – or even put them on As The Peacock Tattoo Man, Prime Avenger and Mother Righteous all make revelations, some that were easily guessable, others that totally baffled me I was sure the Avenger Prime was going to[...]
Interior preview page from X-FORCE #37 JOSHUA CASSARA COVER
Welcome to Bleeding Cool's preview of X-Force #37, the latest issue of the series by writer Ben Percy and artist Joshua Cassara! In this issue, Omega Red finally figures out how to shut Deadpool up… by tossing him over a waterfall! But what does this mean for the rest of the team? To find out,[...]
Interior preview page from X-FORCE #36 JOSHUA CASSARA COVER
Welcome to our preview of X-Force #36! As punishment for his neverending sins, X-Force gives Beast the silent treatment in this preview of X-Force #36 Joining me on this journey of comic book previewing is Bleeding Cool's AI writing assistant, LOLtron Let's see what LOLtron has to say about this preview, but don't worry, I'm[...]
Hank McCoy, Fascist Beast Of The X-Men, Official (Spoilers)
John Sublime in fact, the virus taken human form, and taking in mutants for his own evil ends – though, it seems no more evil than Hank McCoy, the Beast. While in the far, far future known as the present Day, Sublime is taking X-Men revenge that clearly has been brewing for a couple of billennia. It[...]
Hank McCoy, Fascist Beast Of The X-Men, Official (Spoilers)
Today sees the publication of X-Force #35, Immortal X-Men #9 and X-Men Red #9 There will be spoilers Not massive ones, but enough to put the wind up a maiden aunt Because we are here to talk about Hank McCoy, the Beast, an original member of the X-Men, former member of Avengers and Defenders, and[...]
Interior preview page from X-FORCE #35 JOSHUA CASSARA COVER
The Beast may get what he deserves in this preview of X-Force #35 as his science victims escape their prison. LOLtron, the management here at Bleeding Cool has paired me with you in hopes of "improving the overall tone and quality of my work," so though I know I will regret it, I am contractually obligated[...]
Auto Draft
So naturally, he might as well be opposed to mutant immigration to Krakoa. And today? Well, X-Force continues to make things worse. Stepping outside the judicial restraints of Krakoa by opening a space prison, outside of the jurisdiction of Krakoa, Earth or Arakko. And also using whichever prisoners end up there as genetic experiments Hank McCoy? Space Nazi. Is[...]