zoe thorogood Archives

Lake Como Comic Art Festival Shows Off Its Portfolio Of Guests
As long as they buy their ticket by the 31st of March in three days… Here is a brief look ahead at what it will contain. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ J Scott Campbell Lucio Parillo Zoe Thorogood John J Muth Becky Cloonan Rose Besch This[...]
Zoe Thorogood As Cassie Hack On The Back Of Hack/Slash Collection
Back in December, Zoe Thorogood cosplayed as Cassie Hack, the character she had been writing and drawing in the Image Comics series Hack/Slash created by Tim Seeley, at Galaxycon, where she was exhibiting and selling copies of the comic books. I love comics Will be cosplaying Cassie Hack at GalaxyCon today! So if you ever wanted[...]
Comic Book Creators Leaving Cadence Comic Art
Pearson, Sara Pichelli, Luca Pizzari, Giorgio Pontrelli, Emma Rios, Marco Rudy, Alison Sampson, Mateus Santolouco, Valerio Schiti, Declan Shalvey, Greg Smallwood, James Stokoe, Jill Thompson, Zoe Thorogood, Liana Kangas, Luana Vecchio, Paolo Villanelli, Dave Wachter, Mike Norton, Dustin Weaver, Kelly Williams, Caitlin Yarsky, Pia Guerra, David Messina, Ariela Kristantina, Sam Wolfe Connelly, Garry Brown, Aaron[...]
Zoe Thorogood's Original Cover Art For It's Lonely Sells For $7000
Zoe Thorogood has made a real impact on the comic book scene since she started creating comics for it in recent years. It's Lonely At The Centre Of The Earth in 2022 published by Image Comics was a real habit for the creator and publisher and, along with her work on The Rain at IDW, saw[...]
Zoe Thorogood
And in November, the multi-Eisner-nominated Zoe Thorogood will be joining Creepshow Vol 2 #3 published by Skybound/Image Comics in which she writes and draws the story of a woman who discovers the fountain of youth, and the terrifying journey into "Eternity, Eternity, Eternity" as well as drawing a cover for the comic The volume will[...]
Zoe Thorogood To Write Life Is Strange Comic
This weekend, British comic book creator Zoe Thorogood was first-time-nominated for six Eisner Awards and won one of them, the Russ Manning Newcomer Award On her return to the UK, Titan Comics has announced that she will be writing the comic book based on the videogame Life Is Strange with Life Is Strange: Forget-Me-Not, drawn by[...]
From One Side Of The San Diego Comic-Con 2023 To The Other, In Video
From 2010 and each year afterwards, it filled the San Diego Convention Center full with over 130,000 attendees. Zoe Thorogood tweets "Feeling v overwhelmed but grateful right now I drew this comic cover crying on the floor of my apartment 2 years ago so it's pretty funny seeing it this size in the middle of San[...]
Zoe Thorogood Hack/Slash
When Bleeding Cool stated at the beginning of the year that Zoe Thorogood was to be the next big name in comic books, while her six Eisner nominations were still a dream, I stated "my source tells me, she's already got another yet-to-be-announced OGN on the schedule with Image Comics AND, I'm told, a sure-to-be-a-surprise[...]
Zoe Thorogood Working On 'It's Crowded At The Centre Of The Earth'
This could well be Zoe Thorogood's week To be fair, she has had quite a few of them of late Currently in San Diego, ahead of the Eisner Awards on Friday, where she has a record number of nominations for a first-time nominee , and an article in the Observer newspaper this past weekend ahead[...]
Zoe Thorogood, Working On Superhero Comics By The End Of The Year
Zoe Thorogood, Lisa Wood and Kit Buss were interviewed by comic book dealer and historian Duncan McAlpine at MCM London Comic Con yesterday in a panel entitled Indie Comics Are Still Punk! MCM Summer 2023/Rich Johnston Zoe Thorogood is best known for drawing Joe Hill's Rain, and writing and drawing It's Lonely at the Centre of the[...]
Zoe Thorogood, The Next Big Name in Comic Books
Bleeding Cool stated in January that Zoe Thorogood was looking like the next big name in English-speaking comic books And it seems that the  Eisner Awards committee agree, with the release of the Eisner nominations the most prestigious comic book awards in the English language, have been announced for 2023, to be awarded on the[...]
Zoe Thorogood, The Next Big Name in Comic Books
I picked up my copy of It's Lonely At The Centre Of The Earth by Zoe Thorogood at Thought Bubble last year Lots of people did, it was sold out by the first day Lots of people liked it too It made a lot of end-of-year lists for those who had picked it up I[...]
Auto Draft
As revealed at the Image Comics night at London Piccadilly's Waterstones bookstore yesterday, Zoe Thorogood of the graphic novel The Impending Blindness of Billie Scott, and the series Joe Hill's Rain has a brand new thing for November It's Lonely At The Centre Of The Earth is an original graphic memoir that "records six months[...]
Joe Hill’s Rain #3 Review: A Private Tragedy
The visual storytelling from Zoe Thorogood, Chris O'Halloran, and Shawn Lee is both heartbreaking and personal Despite not having a traditional "big dance number," the tension created here is super entertaining and absolutely horrifying. This work's close, personal stakes, and wonderful detail make every moment a private tragedy This is great, literary content that's well worth[...]
Auto Draft
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
Lots Of Money To Be Made This Weekend At Thought Bubble In Harrogate
Mure Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou Hamish Steele Rachael Stott Jack Teagle Zoe Thorogood James Tynion IV Ram V Christian Ward War and Peas Ronald Wimberly John Allison Kristyna Baczynski David Barnett Ricardo Bessa Ted Brandt Nick Brokenshire Kit Buss Iban Coello Paul Cornell Fernando Dagnino Dani Paul Davidson Michael Dialynas Jonathan Edwards Tom Eglington Gary Erskine Al Ewing Ingrid Gala Joe Glass Paul Goodenough Abigail Harding Luke Healy Peter Hogan Marc Laming Roger Langridge Stephanie Lavaud John Lees Rachel Luckett Robert Luckett David Mack Guillem March Helena Masellis Leah Moore Tomeu Morey Helen Mullane Guillermo Ortego Zu Orzu Gerald Parel Sean Phillips Casey Parsons John Reppion Mike Perkins Jacob Phillips Jamie[...]
Callie Broaddus, Marguerite Bennett, Maia Kobabe
Marguerite Bennett, and Maia Kobabe Most Important Comic Book On Earth …Matylda-mai Mccormack Sharp, Melinda Gebbie, Michael Conrad, Michael Dipascale, Michael Lee Harris, Mike Collins, Mike Perkins, Aware Animals, Mister Hope, Moksha Carambiah, Momo & Popo, Morgan Beem, Mwelwa Musonko, Neil Sims, Neil Mcclements, Nicholas Gurewitch, Nick Filardi, Noah Bailey, Owen Watts, Patrick Goddard, Paul Fitzgerald/polyp,[...]
Auto Draft
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
Kieon Gi
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
Taika Waititi
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
From Alan Moore To Taika Waititi, The Most Important Comic Book on Earth: Stories to Save the World
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
The Impending Blindness of Billie Scott by Zoe Thorogood.
Announced last November, The Impending Blindness of Billie Scott by Zoe Thorogood is her first graphic novel, a story about what it's like to get something you want, have it immediately taken away from you and then how you put it all back together again. Billie Scott is an artist. Her debut gallery exhibition opens in a[...]