Posted in: Collectibles, Super7 | Tagged: reaction figures, Super7, Universal Monsters
Universal Monsters Fans Need These New Super7 Toys ASAP
Universal Monsters and Super7 are a match made in heaven and have been for many years. So many incredible collectibles over the years, but near and dear to my heart is the ReAction line. Something about these five points of articulation figures and how they pose like Kenner figures from yesteryear just scream Universal Monsters, and I have yet to get one of these that I didn't instantly fall in love with. Since Super7 is who they are, they don't just stop there, however. They sent over a surprise box of goodies this week, and some of these figures top to bottom are the best yet.
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
Super7 Even Makes Universal Monsters Soap Bottles
The first thing I pulled out of the box were four of their Super Soapies glow-in-the-dark bottles. These contain actual soap that you can blow bubbles with using the wand attached to the character's heads. Oh, and each one also glows in the dark. How cool is that? These are modeled after novelty bath bubble bottles sold in the 1960s and one of the more unique and awesome Universal Monsters collectibles on the market right now. Talk about nostalgia.
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
Next up is the main events. I love ReAction figures so much; I have…quite a few of them, but none mean more to me than the Universal Monsters figures. They bring back so many memories of collecting monster merch with my grandfather. He was the one who introduced me to this world, and that included the old models and figures. These are extra special, as the boxes are modeled AHI's World Famous Super Monsters line, which is crazy, and the even better ones modeled after the colors of the old Halloween costumes of yesteryear. I would never open these, so they shall stay minty fresh.
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
- Credit Jeremy Konrad
I did, however, open one of the glow-in-the-dark boxed Universal Monsters figures. These come in little 3.75 inch boxes to mimic the old costume boxes, and the best part is they lend themselves to being opened and resealed. Wolf Man was the one I chose, of course. He has a really great glow to him, and the colors on his fur really stand out. I love the paws-up look as well.
I don't really know what else to say here. ReAction is possibly my overall favorite line of figures period, from both a nostalgia standpoint and execution all-around. These and many other Super7 Universal Monsters figures and collectibles are available now right here.