Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: action comics, adventure time, Amazing X-Men x2, angel & faith, avengers world, Batman/Green Hornet, big trouble in little china, boom, Comics, dark horse, dc, Five Weapons, garfield, ghost, gi joe, great pacific, green lantern, idw, image, iron man, judge dredd, Justice league 3000, lobster johnson, loki, marvel, maxx, miles morales, moon knight, Nailbiter, original sin, Quantum & Woody, revelations, rise of the magi, suicide risk, Superior Foes., swamp thing, The Darkness, The Superannuated Man, the woods, tmnt, valiant, victories, witchblade, X Thoughts
40 Thoughts About 40 Comics – Lobster Johnson, The Woods, Justice League 3000, Action Comics, Batman/Green Hornet, Caliban, Amazing X-Men x2, Loki, Avengers World, Garfield, Iron Man, Green Lantern, Miles Morales, Great Pacific, Black Bat, Swamp Thing, Maxx, GI Joe, Superior Foes, Moon Knight, Original Sin, Suicide Risk, Revelations, Nailbiter, Adventure Time, Big Trouble In Little China, Angel & Faith, Ghost, Victories, Quantum & Woody, Action Cat, The Darkness, Rise Of The Magi, Witchblade, Judge Dredd, TMNT, Five Weapons And The Superannuated Man
Plans! Everyone needs a plan! Mine is to read an awful lot of comic books today. What is yours?
Lobster Johnson #4 just has an excellent getaway plan.
Woods get a second issue and a simpler version of the Lobster Johnson's strategy. Less explosives, more legs. Possibly the best plan a man can have. And it's a better plan than a Superman can come up with.
From Justice League 3000 there. But sadly, as Action Comics #31 reveals, no it's not enough. Nowhere near enough. As the world gets a dusting of a certain green cloud – no, not the one from Marvel's Inhumanity, but a permeation of the atmosphere of kryptonite, it affects Superman in an unexpected way. But he's not the only Kryptonian exposed, there's also…
Krypto. In the Antarctic without his powers, exactly how long will a dog be okay before it dies of hypothermia? Or will that aspect be conveniently forgotten by the next issue.
Also, I still find it odd to see Wonder Woman swanning around Hyde Park. Although, I suppose, it is close to the Diana Memorial. And, ironically, Harrods.
That has so much more of a ring to it than, say, By The Power Of Greyskull, don't you think? An Adam West Brice Wayne there, in Green Hornet/Batman 66, published by DC Comics with Dynamite Entertainment.
Two Amazing X-Men instalments today, the regular comic and the annual. First Storm gets a geography lesson. Yes Canada is a big place, the second largest country in the world. Just, like the largest, Russia, there are just plenty of places there that you wouldn't want to live.
And then Storm complains about the rigour involved in her SATs.
The difference between Kieron Gillen and Al Ewing's Asgardians? Kieron wouldn't have has Thor with an Aha T-shirt in Loki: Agent Of Asgard. Surely we'd have had more obscure Norweigan bands such as TNT, Savoy or Flunky?
Okay, with Hydra all over the place in the TV and movies, Jonathan Hickman uses Avengers World to bring us back to its origins as The Brotherhood Of The Spear from his SHIELD series. Could this be the sign we will finally get that series' conclusion? And look, it gets its own acronym!
How Garfield is harming the job creators of America, those upon which the health of the economy is entirely based. Basically, the fat feline is destroying capitalism. Who could take him down?
Our hero!
In Iron Man, I believe that is our first Marvel Comics mention of the Silk Road digital money exchange service famously used for money laundering and drug dealing. And in this case selling dodgy super powers from the back of a three wheeled Reliant Robin.
At $2.99! Green Lantern joins in the attempt to keep the prices of comic books down.
Something tells me that Brian Michael Bendis has seen/heard the "Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship! scene from The Lego Movie one too many times.
From Great Pacific... whatever happened to a pleasant exchange of greetings? Maybe Joe Harris should watch the Lego Movie too.
While Charles Soule on Swamp Thing has read Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy fairly recently as well. Very pretty comic.
As is The Maxx #8. It's also a bit "Oh No, Not Again" isn't it?
While GI Joe: Real American Hero #203 is a little more Monty Python And The Holy Grail. Biting your kneecaps off, etc…
Superior Foes Of Spider-Man gives us a lovely inside look to that moment you say the first syllable of a word that you really shouldn't complete in full, boomeranging around your head. I love this comic.
Moon Knight keeps its feet on the ground. Even when the ground starts to talk back. Another in the series of one issue stories, concise, lean, in and out. Like six shots from a six shooter, each landing with impact.
From Original Sin… wait is that a Space Knight?
Is that… Rom?
Oh look. Slavery in Suicide Risk #14. And a chance for a Fast Show character to make a reappearance.
It's always funny to swear at priests. Revelations #6 manages to do it while smoking at the same time. All he has to do is have sex with a prostitute and that would be three for three.
But you know, sometimes swearing is enough. It is big and it is clever. Like in Nailbiter #2.
But Black Bat goes for the Black Box option.
But, as ever, you need a Garth Ennis on hand for Caliban #3 to show everyone how it's done.
Adventure Time FlipSide flips even further. Diabetes is still a problem though.
While Big Trouble In Litle China is as sensitive on the matter of finding East Asian names amusing in the fashion of a hundred years ago as… well, as you'd expect, realt.
Angel & Faith #3 writes us a description that wouldn't be out of place on TripAdvisor. Four stars.
Ghost #4 shows how childhood vaccination against the emergence of superheroism is failing in America.
Clearly it's jumped species, according to Action Cat.
Victories #12 seems to be rather misguided as to the true nature of cats. The moment you can no longer feed them, they'll eat your face off.
Whereas Quantum And Woody #11 has the true nature of goats down pat.
Yes, this is The Darkness. Yes, it is this good.
Marc Silvestri picks up the pen for a few pages of Rise Of The Magi. And gives us a bit of bottom humour straight away. It's like he never went away…
And as Witchblade gets to #175 Top Cow's leading lady, as always, finds the balance between cop and supernatural heroine to be somewhat tilted.
While Judge Dredd Mega-City Two #5 gives us a mask that can recolour on the fly.
TMNT #34 begins something that can only be a massive cult hit. Teenage Mutant Ninja Robots spinoff series straight away? Will there be a San Diego announcement?
Five Weapons gets extreme foreshortening. Even with a snake.
And The Superannuated Man shows is the kind of comic book that Image are happy to publish – and no one else in the front of Previews will. Hell to the Yes, indeed…
So… what did you read today?