Posted in: Comics | Tagged: All New Invaders, animal man, Aphrodite XI Hidden Files, bad ass, Batman, batman and robin, batwoman, captain midnight, chew, Comics, dark horse presents, dc, dc comics, dead body road, Deadly Class, elfquest, entertainmnet, harley quinn, hawkeye, image, image comics, Jinnrise, judge dredd, krampus, marvel, marvelk comics, massive, Mega City Two, Midas Flesh, mighty avengers, mind mgmt, origin II, peanuts, pretty deadly, samurai jack, sex, star wars, The Mocking Dead, tmnt, transformers, Umbral, wonder woman, x-factor, x-files, x-men, zero
Thirty-Nine Thoughts About Thirty-Nine Comics – All New Invaders, Batman, Mighty Avengers, Batman And Robin, Hawkeye, Transformers, Animal Man, Origin II, X-Factor, Wonder Woman, Sex, Harley Quinn, Batwoman, X-Men, Midas Flesh, Jinnrise, Star Wars, Pretty Deadly, Deadly Class, Dead Body Road, Chew, Umbral, Krampus, Zero, Bad Ass, Peanuts, TMNT, Elfquest, Mind MGMT, Dark Horse Presents, Captain Midnight, X-Files, Massive, Judge Dredd, Mega City Two, The Mocking Dead, Samurai Jack and Aphrodite XI Hidden Files
So, we're missing a bunch of Marvel books over in the UK this week. So I am a little thought deprived. Still, there's plenty more to read…
From All-New Invaders #1, the Human Torch is recognised by his workmate and friend by his voice, even when he's a ball of flaming gas. Has comics' most sacrosanct suspension of belief been shattered? After all in the new Batman…
…the secret identity of Bruce Wayne can be maintained even when the Commissioner is talking about Bruce Wayne by taking his glasses off. A kind of anti-Superman paradigm there. Whereas over on Mighty Avengers…
Okay, even if you hadn't been spoiled on who Ronin is, if you couldn't make a very educated guess from this, I mean what the hell are you doing here? And is everyone stupid or just playing dumb, both the rest of the Mighty Avengers and Commissioner Gordon? Or is the Human Torch's friend some kind of mystical savant?
And in Batman And Robin, we break another superhero sacrosanct suspension of disbelief. Is it all going to come down tumbling like a house of cards?
And Hawkeye #16 even mocks the very existence of the superteam The Champions. And Kate Bishop is right, exactly how does that make sense? Get out everyone, it's all coming down… still at least Hawkeye is here, even if its out of order.
Obviously because Hawkeye is here. Boy these Transformers: Robots in Disguise are dim.
Yeah, yeah Ellen Baker, I know you think that of Animal Man, but to be fair, Mera probably thought the same thing about Aquaman.
Sorry Sabretooth in Origin II, all I did was ask what you'd been doing since we all left school. I mean you can see me, but which one is Sabretooth?
And why is my friend Daniel's head exploding at the back?
Peter David gets to write Quicksilver in X-Factor the way he always needs to be written. As a man who can't sit through Star Wars.
Wonder Woman takes us where a romp with the gods was always going to end up. And gives a scene I think makes for a nice lead in to the next…
From Sex there. Which leads nicely into…
In Harley Quinn #2, we can add a couple more to DC's LGBT tally. Growing by the day.
While Batwoman brings up the heady matter of internal medical examinations.
Looks like Marvel no longer have to use fake internet company names, in X-Men, like they used to. And hey, remember when I only did nine of these?
It's nature over nurture in Jinnrise #9, as we ask if superintelligent dinosaurs have to act like dicks or if they can rise above it?
When dinosaurs use iPads in Midas Flesh. Though that looks like the model from a few years ago, so they might as well be extinct.
Still it beats being a rat dinosaur in Star Wars Legacy #11. Must be touch to chew with that triceratops carapace.
It is a point, from Deceivers #2, how often did cowboys get the chance to actually shoot someone. They're glorified shepherds.
Okay, I probably wouldn't say that a lot in Pretty Deadly, but there are a distinct lack of cows,m just horses and.,.. foxes.
Deadly Class asks an interesting question, to which I would answer "A crap boy band from the noughties I think, who will all end up in end-of-the-pier reality TV shows before being exposed by a tabloid."
Dead Body Road gives us the importance of diet when pursuing your prey. But sometimes you just need motivation to lose those extra inches.
Well this little recipe from Chew might do it. "Everyone loves a Chog…"
Umbral gives us the Glasgow welcome, a swift kick to the testes, as a way of judging character. Some people are even named after the aggressive ball action.
And there's one of them, in Krampus.
I always like it when terrorist are polite. It never costs to make time for a thank you wave, in Zero.
Nothing like a bit of paedophilia baiting in Bad Ass #1… he should by President of Russia.
I'm sure this Peanuts strip is funny to Americans. Any more Americo-centric references around to confuse me?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire #1 there. Can anyone explain the "fighting" thing to me? I get it in Colbert as well and I'm still confused…
Well, a wolf howl is the same in every language, courtesy of Elfquest Final Quest #1. It's the haunting cry of the jungle…
Though Mind MGMT #18 has a more placid take. Still that snake looks like it could be ready to attack! Its nicely camoflaged there as well… you'd never see it coming.
Especially if it disguised itself as a wedding ring and stuck its way onto Hellboy's finger in Dark Horse Presents #32. That's some bad ass camoflage right there.
Captain Midnight #7 teaches the lesson of receiving a punch to the face well. Glass gets broken, but teeth stay intact.
Massive #19 sees the Russians use every part of the helicopter, from tip to tail.
X-Files Conspiracy: Ghostbusters #1 does bring up the question of exactly where Egon got his hair in The Real Ghostbusters.
Judge Dredd #15 makes me wonder… exactly how can you listen well through that bloody helmet.
Mega City Two takes us to the Californian side of the future, which raises very impirtant questions that must be answered. Such as,
@PageFortyFive @2000AD I've got one of those that I play with my son,6."Daddy what's an Stookie Glander?""Errrm,something to do with hats?"
— LFATSF LRC (@LFATSFLRC) May 15, 2013
Mocking Dead #5 lets us know who is who. So who are you?
Which sounds like a far better test, courtesy of Samurai Jack, than throwing boiling water in the air in case it turns to snow and/or burns your face off.
And the Aphrodite IX file book narrows down its audience rather nicely.
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. This week hosting an art battle between Savage Pencil and Chris Long, commencing this evening..
Battle of the Eyes (Savage Pencil & Chris Long) will be in residence from Wednesday evening, and throughout the day from Thursday to Sunday. The Orbital Gallery will be transformed into a live studio with mural-sized action painting happening, and real underground comix artefacts being created. And Savage Pencil himself will be delivering a talk on underground comix on Friday, February 7 from 7.30pm.