Posted in: Collectibles, Games | Tagged: 1990s, collectibles, colossus, cyclops, dazzler, hasbro, Marvel Legends, old man logan, polaris, shatterstar, sunfire, warlok, x-men
Dazzler, Old Man Logan, and Shatterstar? Wave 2 Of Hasbro's X-Men Marvel Legends
After a very successful first wave of figures last year, Hasbro has now released photos of their next wave of X-Men Marvel Legends. The first wave was full of heavy hitters, characters like Rogue, Jean Grey, Cable, Deadpool. The Build A Figure was Juggernaut. It was a pretty flawless wave (except for the initial release of Iceman with the soft plastic. But they fixed it!). And that is not to mention how great it feels to even be GETTING mutant related anything after the silly moratorium on Fantastic Four and X-Men merchandise was put in place (FF is coming back as well!). Picking up where they left off, this wave digs a little deeper, with classic versions of some old favorites, plenty of accessories, a diverse line-up, and Shatter Star.
Taking a look at the 7 figure wave, the X-Men line is, after only two waves, already looking like the gold standard for Legends. Right off the bat, including long requested figures of Polaris and Sunfire are sure to excite X-fans. Both have repainted accessories we have seen used with other figures as of late, like the magic effects included with Polaris having been used for Havok, Doctor Strange etc. But they match the figure perfectly. Sunfire comes with the same fire-fists as Iron Fist from last year, but to much greater effect here.
Two fan-favorites get most welcome updated figures with a fantastic looking Colossus, that even comes with a bearded swap out head! No accessories needed with the big guy here or with his buddy Cyclops. Oh my, that Cyclops figure. This has to be the most popular version of him, Jim Lee 90's style, and boy have they knocked it out of the park.
Three figures round out the wave. While there doesn't seem to be any official tie-in for Logan from Hasbro, they are putting out their first 6-inch Old Man Logan figure, and it is a beauty. I love the sculpting on the jacket and he will possibly be the easier figure to find. Since he is the only figure here that doesn't come with a Build A Figure piece he will probably be packed two per case.
Look, I am sure he has his fans, and the figure itself looks very good, but I have just never been a very big fan of Shatterstar. Cool that he is in his debut duds, but I am just not feeling this figure. Awesome chunky swords though.
Now the standout. Oh my, I couldn't believe standing there on the show floor last year at SDCC that I was watching them put a classic, disco Dazzler into the display case. Complete with a necklace, microphone, bell-bottoms, and roller-skates, this figure is a perfect representation of Dazzler at her disco dancing and singing best. Same magic effect piece as Polaris, but with a nifty color scheme to show off her light powers. Instant buy, and so happy Hasbro decided to make it.
Collect them all and you get to build Warlok. The New Mutants alum is a scuptors dream, as many of these pieces, heck all of them look pretty exclusive to this figure. Not a character that I thought we would ever see made, but so glad they are going out on a limb with this one.
This is truly a wave for the fans. While not up for order yet, they should be anytime now, and hitting store shelves sometime in early spring.
Jeremy Konrad loves Star Wars and collecting action figures and collectibles. He also watches wrestling, maybe more than Jude Terror. Follow him on Twitter @jeremyohio