Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: E3 2017, E3 press conference, microsoft, project scorpio, xbox
Microsoft's XBOX E3 2017 Briefing Moves To Sunday
Microsoft has announced their E3 2017 briefing date, moving the briefing to Sunday in an attempt to utterly destroy the gaming press corps one day earlier than usual give us all a break in between the press hysteria and the actual Expo which starts on Tuesday.
The brief will be held at the Galen Center in Los Angeles on Sunday June 11, 2017 at 2:00pm PDT. Same place, relatively the same time as last year, the only change is which day the brief will take place. Last year Microsoft held their conference on Monday along with Sony, and Ubisoft. This year, the Sunday conferences will be EA, Microsoft, and likely Bethesda.
Granted, most of that is all conjecture as only Microsoft and EA have announced their E3 events already. E3 Press registration started on Monday so Microsoft is trying to book media early, I suppose, while EA is again eschewing the traditional press conference in favor of their EA Play event. The graphic Microsoft released with their news bomb includes the tagline "Mark your calendar." So clearly they want us to be waiting.
Their tweet made it even more obvious.
Along with the E3 press briefing, Microsoft will also be hosting another Xbox Fan Festival though they did not give details about that.
We can expect a decent bit of news from the Xbox briefing. Last year they debuted the Xbox One S, introduced the Project Scorpio console, and showed off a number of major 2016 titles and a host of smaller indie titles. Doubtless, we'll see more of the Scorpio this year as well as some of the major 2017 games. And I hope we see more of the indie games. Sea of Thieves last year was damn fun and I'm sure they've got quite a bit in store for us.
If you've got any games you hope to see at the Microsoft show, feel free to drop them in the comments.