chip zdarsky Archives

Another Dead Robin? Batman #125 Spoilers
And in Batman #125, the new run from Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jimenez his newly revealed status is even referred to, albeit obliquely. But in the ensuing mess of the Penguin's big announcement, and his new target of the mass rich, it is a Robin get gets downed. He does make himself quite the target in that get-up,[...]
First Look At Failsafe From Batman #125 (Spoilers)
But, courtesy of one comic book store putting copies on sale ahead of street date, we get a look at what Failsafe actually looks like from one of the Batman #125 covers, with a design by Jorge Jimenez. Is he a robotic Batman? An artificially intelligent robot in the Batman style that is triggered when something…[...]
Batman #125 Preview: An Early Look at Chip Zdarsky's First Issue
Dan and Danny; it was a good match. But in the upcoming Batman series by Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jimenez, beginning with Batman #125, Bleeding Cool gets the word that the significant threat is going to come from Oswald Cobblepot, The Penguin He has reinvented himself as a socially aware activist, a murderous Robin Hood figure,[...]
Batman 125
Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jiménez launch a new run for Batman #125, featuring a new Batman villain named Failsafe And while details on the new character are sketchy, they have announced a new cover featuring Failsafe Even if they aren't actually showing it yet, just using this "placeholder" image and dubbing it the Failsafe Protocols[...]
Batman #125 Preview: An Early Look at Chip Zdarsky's First Issue
DC Comics dropped an early preview of Batman #125 by Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jimenez, the start of Zdarsky's run as lead writer on the book Check out the preview below, and head to DC's website if you want to read an interview with Zdarsky about the book. BATMAN #125 Written by CHIP ZDARSKY Art and cover by[...]
Newburn #5 Review: Clever
All of this leads to a very surprising and labyrinthine set of events that may be the best comic book mystery in some time and definitely the smartest issue of this already enjoyable series thus far. The script from Chip Zdarsky never lets on what it's really doing until it's far too late for you to[...]
First Look At Batman #125 by Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jimenez
He returns to Batman with Batman #125, Chip Zdarsky – and Tomeu Morey Such is Morey's presence as a superstar flashy colourist, it has sometimes been hard to see where Jiménez and where Morey begins But to close off the week, Jiménez posted a page from the upcoming Batman #125, that is all him[...]
Chip Zdarsky & Jorge Jimenez New Ongoing Team On Batman From #125
Announced at ComicsPRO's Annual Conference, which is taking place virtually around the world for a second year in a row, Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jimenez are the new creative team on the monthly Batman title from Batman #125 going forward Jimenez along with Tomeu Morey was the acclaimed artist on the run with James Tynion IV,[...]
What A Surprise, Daredevil #1 With Same Creative Team & Matt Murdock
So that's a new Daredevil #1, with Matt Murdock as Daredevil again, written by Chip Zdarsky and drawn by Marco Checchetto Who could have imagined such a scenario? And beginning in June 2021 The same month that Spider-Man: No Way Home comes out digitally, on DVD and Blu-Ray, funnily enough Go figure. A new DAREDEVIL #1[...]
Image Comics and Skybound have announced Stillwater: The Escape #1, a new one-shot special issue of the horror comic book series from Chip Zdarsky and Ramón K Pérez Stillwater: The Escape promises to deliver "chilling tales of lives upended" in March 2022 Chip posted to his newsletter "We've rounded up some amazing talent to tell[...]
Donny Cates And Chip Zdarsky Turned Down Nightwing
Last night (or this morning from my perspective) Kids Love Chains, the Substack of Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman, held a video conflab while Ryan Stegman drew Batman, with Scott Snyder, Fletcher Chu Fong, and Chip Zdarsky popping by Cards on the table, I ended up there too And they had tales to tell of[...]
Newburn #1 Review: A Tightrope
When violence is called for, Newburn doesn't hesitate, nor does he have any challenge getting his point across. Writer Chip Zdarsky plays this all without irony, and his script is a straight procedural that's elegant in its sparseness Obeying the law of conservation of characters much like a Dick Wolf show, the angle may be new,[...]
Batman: The Knight Explores Dark Knight Before He Was Dark in 2022
But what about the time between when the weepy-eyed young Bruce Wayne watched his parents die right in front of him and the time when he finally had the skills to make mentally-ill criminals around the world collectively shit their pants by dangling them off rooftops in enhanced interrogation sessions? That's exactly what Chip Zdarsky[...]
Devil's Reign #1
Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto's Devil's Reign #1 kicks off the new Daredevil event at Marvel Comics, which may end up with the comic book Daredevil even changing its name But Bleeding Cool has got a first look inside those first few pages… and it begins with Wilson Fisk, berating Daredevil and expressing his hatred[...]
Daredevil Changes Name After Devil's Reign? Chip Zdarsky Teases Stuff
Comic book artist and writer Chip Zdarsky has updated his Substack to let everyone know what projects he's working on Some we knew, some we didn't know Until now that is At least we know some We knew about more Kaptara and his new series Public Domain from his Substack Pro And about Newburn from[...]
Devil's Reign, Chip Zdarsky & Marco Checchetto's Daredevil Event
As teases in Marvel's Timeless announcements the other day, Devil's Reign is a new Daredevil event starting from Marvel in December, and crossing over into a number of New York-based superhero comics titles led by Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto, asking "Who Will Reign?" Launching in December, DEVIL'S REIGN will be a classic-style Marvel Comics crossover[...]
Newburn, A Thing Called Truth Lead Image Comics November Solicits
Newburn from Chip Zdarsky and Nadia Shammas is my pick for the one I am most pumped about, while A Thing Called Truth from Iolanda Zanfardino and Elisa Romboli looks promising as well You can see the full Image Comics November Solicitations below. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid[...]
Marvel Cancels Daredevil With #36, Will Then Launch New Daredevil Thing
Chip Zdarsky's run on Daredevil with Marco Checchetto, Manuel Garcia, and more has seen Matt Murdock jailed for murder and Elektra Natchios take over the role as Daredevil on the street of Hell's Kitchen This past weekend's Free Comic Book Day: Spider-Man/Venom included a surprise strip which saw Jessica Jones tracking the murder of private[...]
Auto Draft
But now that it is out today for Free Comic Book Day, August 14th, we can afford to be a little more spoilery. Because the comic also includes an unannounced Daredevil story by Chip Zdarsky and Greg Smallwood that looks at the world-circling around Daredevils Matt Murdock and Elektra Natchios. Which includes Jessica Jones following a case[...]
Substack Comics Creators Criticised Over Site's Offensive Content
The launch this week of a number of comic creators Substack publishing channels has seen thousands of paying subscribers sign up to James Tynion IV, Jonathan Hickman, Scott Snyder, Molly Knox Ostertag, Skottie Young and now Chip Zdarsky's channels, with many more to come We haven't even seen Nick Spencer's own plans yet And Donny[...]
Substack Comics Creators Criticised Over Site's Offensive Content
So far, Jonathan Hickman, James Tynion IV, Scott Snyder, Skottie Young, Molly Ostertag, Saladin Ahmed, and Chip Zdarsky have gone public, as well as engaging in a number of other monetising and merchandising opportunities It is clearly one of the biggest stories to hit the comic book industry this year in a year of big[...]
Chip Zdarsky, Latest Substack Comics Publisher With Public Domain
Chip Zdarsky, author of comics such as Stillwater and Daredevil, and artist on Sex Criminals, is taking his next comic book work to Substack, the latest of a number of comic book creators to do so And, as Bleeding Cool tried to do when reporting these stories, we put the money up top. MONTHLY LEVEL—US$7/month: You get[...]
Jason Todd, Red Hood, Losing Guns But Still A Murderer? (Spoilers)
And even though he isn't shooting anyone… So… that's okay then? He's helped out the kid without a dad, and Batman doesn't need to take him in anymore for an unsolved murder? Jason Todd has learned his lesson and Red Hood will now be gun-free? If only other murderers in Gotham could have a similar second[...]
FCBD: Daredevil Spoilers
And the series will kick off both the new Venom series and the new thrice-weekly Amazing Spider-Man creative relaunch as Beyond.  But it also includes an unannounced Daredevil story by Chip Zdarsky and Greg Smallwood that looks at the world-circling around Daredevils Matt Murdock and Elektra Natchios. Which includes Jessica Jones following a case while Luke Cage[...]
Crossover #7 Review: Went Meta
"Dave Murray" is actually "Steve Murray," though, which seems super uninteresting until he wanders into a comic book store, the only place he might be recognized … as Chip Zdarsky. If you have Crossover #7 in your hands, you're reading a book about a guy who writes comics written by that exact same guy His own[...]
Major Characters Return To Image Comics In Crossover #7 (Spoilers)
Crossover #7 is a "very special" episode of the Crossover series written by Donny Cates and drawn by Geoff Shaw, which features Chip Zdarsky and is written by Chip Zdarsky and drawn by Phil Hester A comic book in which comic book characters from all over have taken their war into the real world. In issue[...]
Spoilers: Another Brand New Villain For Batman: Urgan Legends
The lead Batman: Urban Legends Red Hood story from Chip Zdarsky and Eddie Barrows has seen Red Hood taking on one of the older Batman villains, Mr Freeze – as well as himself. But these days, Batman is all about the new villains and anti-heroes as well Punchline, Clown-Hunter, Ghost-Maker, and more, with a new drug[...]
Thank FOC It's Friday, 4th of June
Returnable for stores who order ten copies or more. IDW has the launch of Usagi Yojimbo: Dragon Bellow Conspiracy #1 by Stan Sakai and David Petersen Chip Zdarsky writes about his own missing status in Crossover #7 with 1:10, 1:25, and 1:50 variants. Spawn #319 plants seeds ahead of Spawn's Universe, which outperformed FOC last week. Marvel brings back[...]
Batman Helping Out Red Hood, A Confessed Murderer?
with a swathe of the Narrows destroyed and pinned on The Next Batman. At least Red Hood gets a promotion out of it…. Not sure if this is how Batman hoped to help a Robin… BATMAN URBAN LEGENDS #3 CVR A JOHN ROMITA JR & KLAUS JANSON written by CHIP ZDARSKY, MATTHEW ROSENBERG, BRANDON THOMAS, and more art by[...]
Batman Wants To Get Politics Out Of Comics
Of course, someone would be against all that. Batman Wants To Get Politics Out Of Superhero Comics That's right, the billionaire who beats up the poor, defends the banks, works with the police, and turns orphans into vigilantes is against getting involved in politics. Batman Wants To Get Politics Out Of Superhero Comics Given that Gotham's police are all[...]