The DC Universe Infinite digital streaming service from DC Comics has added a monthly Ultra Tier subscription as well as the existing annual subscription, at $12.99 per month (plus taxes), releasing new comics 30 days after print release, access to a library of over 32,000 DC comic books and graphic novels, an expanded roster of[...]
dc universe infinite Archives
DC Comics' streaming service DC Universe Infinite is now available in France, Italy, Germany, and Spain and will be rolling out in Brazil and Mexico on the 16th of December for those who don't use VPN services. This will join joining Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom as territories outside the USA[...]
Last year, Bleeding Cool broke the news regarding the new DC Universe Infinite Ultra option from DC Comics in which comic books are no longer delayed for six months from print to being available as part of DC's digital all-you-can-eat subscription service for an increased premium sum Instead, for extra money, the window was dropped to[...]
They will initially be published digitally first, in a webtoon serialised format for DC Universe Infinite subscribers and then collected in full volues in print later this year DC Infinite will get a new update to accommodate the webtoon vertical scrolling manga reading experience Originally Superman vs Meshi and Joker: One Operation Joker were published[...]
DC Comics has issued the most popular comic books read on their DC Universe Infinite all-you-can-eat streaming digital reading platform And, thanks to a certain Netflix TV show, Sandman #1 by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth and Mike Dringenberg, published in 1988, is the most popular read comic book this year And close behind is the[...]
Over the weekend, Bleeding Cool broke the news of the new DC Universe Infinite Ultra option from DC Comics in which comic books are no longer delayed for six months from print to being available as part of DC's digital all-you-can-eat subscription service for an increased premium sum Well, the service was reportedly flooded taking[...]
Five minutes before noon, Bleeding Cool ran the news about the new DC Universe Infinite Ultra subscription level which allows readers to pay a premium to get all of DC Comics print-released titles included in the DC Universe Infinite app a month after print rather than six months Ten minutes later, DC Comics hurriedly posted[...]
DC Comics will be making their DC Pride 2022, an anthology comic featuring stories from LGBTQIA+ creators and focusing on queer characters from the DC universe, available free to subscribers to DC Universe Infinite (which, yes, now includes the UK) on the same day that it is available in comic shops in print, or digitally[...]
Despite delays, this morning the DC Universe Infinite App was fully available in the UK, on iOS and Android alike But that is the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland And not the Republic Of Ireland who remain geoblocked And it's all because of Brexit.
Despite the UK and the ROI being totally distinct[...]
This morning we noted that, despite promises, the DC Universe Infinite App was not available in the UK this morning Certain press folk and influencers got special packs to announce it and we got the word it would, instead, launch in the afternoon And while we couldn't find it through normal means, and it was[...]
The DC Universe Infinite App has officially launched in Britain! Kinda, sort of After this morning's disappointment, I still can't find it on the Google Play Store for Android, and a direct link still tells me that the app is not available in my country And the search option for iOS Apple Store doesn't work[...]
Today is meant to be the day that the DC Universe Infinite App is meant to be available on iOS and Android in the UK And DC Comcis tweeted out that this had already happened.
But, as of this moment, it was not Not yet anyway.
However, it appears that it will be launched today, probably this[...]
Today is meant to be the day that the DC Universe Infinite App is meant to be available on iOS and Android in the UK, after Canada got it last month. But… it is not. Not yet anyway I've been checking the App Store and Google Play Maybe when America wakes up and someone, somewhere,[...]
At the weekend, Bleeding Cool ran the news that the DC Universe Infinite App was available on iOS and Android in Canada – albeit it, not web browsers yet And, in a Rich Twitch, DC Comics has now released a rollout for the DC Universe Infinite App in other countries They state that the app[...]
It was promised a while back and now is finally a thing, the DC Universe Infinite app that offers subscription streaming to DC Comics library of comic books, as well as new exclusive digital-first titles, in pretty much the way the Marvel Unlimited app does, is now available in Canada for iOS and Android Just[...]
And in a move that will annoy comic book stores, and non-US residents, DC Universe Infinite app subscribers will get digital chapters ahead of print publication, beginning on the 7th of June with additional clues and insights in the Director's Cut Bonus Box.
The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox is a new[...]
DC Comics revealed the comics coming to DC Universe Infinite in May, with a focus each week on Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage month In addition to selling some Wonder Woman apparel in the DC Shop for Mother's Day, DC has the following lined up for AAPI Heritage Month next month:
Every week in May, DC[...]
DC Universe Infinite is stocked up with some amazing story arcs next month, and to top it off, they announced early access to a new collectible This collectible is a special exclusive 4-Pack of Pops from Funko dedicated to Zack Snyder's Justice League This is the first time we heard about Funko deciding to make[...]
The DC Universe App may have been sacrificed at the altar of HBO Max, but it lives on in the form of a Marvel Unlimited clone called DC Universe Infinite And the team behind DC Universe Infinite isn't planning to rest on their laurels, announcing that they will target both Oprahbronies and Snyderbronies this March.
DC Universe Infinite is prepping comic fans for March with what is coming to the DC Comics digital comic book service However, fans are getting more than just fan-favorite content next month but also early access to a unique collectible DC Universe Infinite has revealed that Zack Snyder's Justice League will get its own Pop[...]