grant morrison Archives

Another Deep Dive Reference for House Of X
Earlier this week, Bleeding Cool looked at a reference in House Of X #5 that replayed a classic scene from Chris Claremont and Marc Silvestri's Uncanny X-Men from the eighties. Well, a big thanks to Bleeding Cool reader Danny Devlin, who picked out another from House Of X #2, which took a scene from Grant Morrison[...]
Grant Morrison and Dan Mora Creat Widescreen Comic For Joe Christmas
Coming from Boom Studios in December… Grant Morrison and Dan Mora have put together a widescreen Klaus comic book in time for Christmas 2019 with The Life And Times Of Joe Christmas And they are turning the comic book on the side to do – the last time Grant did this was for the New[...]
brave new world
Written by David Wiener, Grant Morrison and Brian Taylor (Happy!) and based on Huxley's influential work, Brave New World imagines a "perfect society" that achieved peace and stability – but at a cost: the prohibition of monogamy, privacy, money, family, and history itself. As citizens of New London, Bernard Marx (Lloyd) and Lenina Crowne (Brown Findlay)[...]
brave new world
Written by David Wiener, Grant Morrison and Brian Taylor (Happy!) and based on Huxley's influential work, Brave New World imagines a "perfect society" that achieved peace and stability – but at a cost: the prohibition of monogamy, privacy, money, family, and history itself. Netflix/YouTube Originals/SYFY/CW/BBC America As citizens of New London, Bernard Marx (Lloyd) and Lenina Crowne[...]
'Happy!' Cancelled by SYFY After 2 Seasons Because We Can't Have Nice Things
Sax's fresh start will be tested by a familiar enemy: Sonny Shine, who is on a mission to Make Easter Great Again (MEGA) with the help of his demented Easter Bunny henchman. Written and executive produced by Brian Taylor and comic book writer Grant Morrison, the SYFY series was based on Morrison and Darick Robertson's comic book series, and starred[...]
Doom Patrol: How Much of Grant Morrison's Comics are in the Show?
Fans of the original Grant Morrison run on the comics were pleasantly surprised by how much of that material was used in the Doom Patrol television series. But exactly how much was used? Let's take a look… DC Universe Showrunner Jeffrey Carver worked on SYFY's remake of BBC series Being Human In adapting Doom Patrol, he kept the premise[...]
Sax, Amanda, Happy save Hailey from a fate worse than death. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: HAPPY! | Season 2 Official Trailer | SYFY ( "Happy!" is based on New York Times best-selling author Grant Morrison and Darick Robertson's graphic novel of the same name[...]
'Happy!' Season 2, Episode 9 "Five Chicken Fingers and a Gun": Smoothie's in Control [PREVIEW]
Sax's fresh start will be tested by a familiar enemy: Sonny Shine, who is on a mission to Make Easter Great Again (MEGA) with the help of his demented Easter Bunny henchman. Written and executive produced by Brian Taylor and comic book writer Grant Morrison, the SYFY series is based on Morrison and Darick Robertson's comic book series, starring Christopher Meloni, Patton[...]
DC Comics Give Us New Team - The Green Lanterns of the Multiverse
In August 2019's DC Comics solicitations, we get a most intriguing listing for The Green Lantern by Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp To be fair we always do But this suggests a new superhero team being seeded – that also takes us back to another Alan Moore story idea The Green Lantern so far has[...]
'Happy!' Season 2, Episode 8 "A Friend of Death":
Sax's fresh start will be tested by a familiar enemy: Sonny Shine, who is on a mission to Make Easter Great Again (MEGA) with the help of his demented Easter Bunny henchman. Written and executive produced by Brian Taylor and comic book writer Grant Morrison, SYFY's Happy! is based on Morrison and Darick Robertson's comic book series, starring Christopher Meloni, Patton Oswalt, Christopher Fitzgerald, Patrick[...]
'Happy!' Season 2, Episode 7 "Arlo and Marie": Guess It's Too Late for "The Talk," Sax [PREVIEW]
Sax's fresh start will be tested by a familiar enemy: Sonny Shine, who is on a mission to Make Easter Great Again (MEGA) with the help of his demented Easter Bunny henchman. Written and executive produced by Brian Taylor and comic book writer Grant Morrison, SYFY's Happy! is based on Morrison and Darick Robertson's comic book series, starring Christopher Meloni, Patton Oswalt, Christopher Fitzgerald,[...]
'Happy!' Season 2, Episode 6 "Pervapalooza": An Unsatisfying "Happy! Ending" [SPOILER REVIEW]
Sax's fresh start will be tested by a familiar enemy: Sonny Shine, who is on a mission to Make Easter Great Again (MEGA) with the help of his demented Easter Bunny henchman. Written and executive produced by Brian Taylor and comic book writer Grant Morrison, SYFY's Happy! is based on Morrison and Darick Robertson's comic book series, starring Christopher Meloni, Patton Oswalt,[...]
'Happy!' Season 2, Episode 6 "Pervapalooza" Makes Us Feel Dirty Just Writing About It [PREVIEW]
Sax's fresh start will be tested by a familiar enemy: Sonny Shine, who is on a mission to Make Easter Great Again (MEGA) with the help of his demented Easter Bunny henchman. Written and executive produced by Brian Taylor and comic book writer Grant Morrison, SYFY's Happy! is based on Morrison and Darick Robertson's comic book series, starring Christopher Meloni, Patton Oswalt, Fitzgerald,[...]
'Happy!' Season 2, Episode 4 "Blitzkrieg!!!" Preview: Yup, That's Sax Fighting His Own [SPOILERS]
Sax's fresh start will be tested by a familiar enemy: Sonny Shine, who is on a mission to Make Easter Great Again (MEGA) with the help of his demented Easter Bunny henchman. Written and executive produced by Brian Taylor and comic book writer Grant Morrison, SYFY's Happy! is based on Morrison and Darick Robertson's comic book series, starring Meloni, Oswalt, Fitzgerald, Fischler, Mirojnick,[...]
'Happy!' Season 2, Episode 4 “Blitzkrieg!!!”:
Sax's fresh start will be tested by a familiar enemy: Sonny Shine, who is on a mission to Make Easter Great Again (MEGA) with the help of his demented Easter Bunny henchman. SYFY Written and executive produced by Brian Taylor and comic book writer Grant Morrison, SYFY's Happy! is based on Morrison and Darick Robertson's comic book series, starring Meloni, Oswalt, Fitzgerald, Fischler, Mirojnick,[...]
'Happy!' Season 2: So Remember That Time Christopher Meloni Mooned NYC? [VIDEO]
To "Make Easter Great Again," the cast and crew behind the Grant Morrison/Darick Robertson comic book adaptation have elevated their game to live up to the promise they made us before the premiere: "You're not ready." CBS So sometimes that involves a little public exposure, which we're assuming comes with the territory when you're playing a character[...]
'Happy!' Season 2, Episode 2 "Tallahassee"
Sax's fresh start will be tested by a familiar enemy: Sonny Shine, who is on a mission to Make Easter Great Again (MEGA) with the help of his demented Easter Bunny henchman. Written and executive produced by Brian Taylor and comic book writer Grant Morrison, SYFY's Happy! is based on Morrison and Darick Robertson's comic book series, starring Meloni, Oswalt, Fitzgerald, Fischler, Coster,[...]
'Happy!' Season 2, Episode 2 "Tallahassee"
Sax's fresh start will be tested by a familiar enemy: Sonny Shine, who is on a mission to Make Easter Great Again (MEGA) with the help of his demented Easter Bunny henchman. Written and executive produced by Brian Taylor and comic book writer Grant Morrison, SYFY's Happy! is based on Morrison and Darick Robertson's comic book series, starring Meloni, Oswalt, Fitzgerald, Fischler, Coster,[...]
'Happy!' Season 2, Episode 1 "The War on Easter": Something Old, Something New, Something Bunny… and Some Thing's Blue [SPOILER REVIEW]
No reason that shouldn't go well… HAPPY! — "The War on Easter" Episode 201 — Pictured: (l-r) Patton Oswald as Happy!, Chris Meloni as Nick Sax — (Photo by: SYFY) Written and executive produced by Brian Taylor and comic book writer Grant Morrison, SYFY's Happy! is based on Morrison and Darick Robertson's comic book series, starring Meloni, Oswalt, Fitzgerald, Patrick Fischler, Ritchie Coster, Lili Mirojnick,[...]
Report: Grant Morrison and Ezra Miller to Write The Flash Movie
Miller has teamed up with renowned comic book writer and second most powerful wizard in comics, Grant Morrison. It's unknown how the pair hooked up, but if we had to guess, we'd imagine that Morrison's floating disembodied head appeared to Miller one night while Miller was conducting a seance in an attempt to communicate with Zack[...]