Rafael Albuquerque Archives

Dan Slott and Bleeding Cool
Back in 2016, Dan Slott told Bleeding Cool, "Last time my contract came up, DC asked me to come over specifically to write Superman AND Batman comics," but that "I'm under a Marvel Exclusive contract for 3 years." Looks like that is now up, with Superman Unlimited by Dan Slott and Rafael Albuquerque launching inn[...]
Rafael Albuquerque Was Originally The Absolute Superman Artist
Instead, that was Rafael Albuquerque And rather than getting a year's prep on the book, he had a month before the announcement As Rafael Albuquerque had to drop out due to the catastrophic flooding that hit Brazil Now we have gotten to see some of his planned designs for the character, courtesy of Vinicius of the[...]
Rafael Albuquerque
Rafael Albuquerque writes, "Dear friends This weekend l'll be participating of HEROES FOR BRAZIL: A special fundraiser with legendary comic book creators, in support of the victims of the floods that are devastating Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil The auction will take place this Saturday, May 11th, from 10 AM EST to Sunday, May[...]
Rafael Albuquerque, Joëlle Jones, Cliff Chiang &  Chris Burnham TMNT
IDW has given IGN the press release that the artists on the first four issues will be big name creators Rafael Albuquerque, Joëlle Jones, Cliff Chiang, and Chris Burnham Each of these artists will illustrate one of the first four issues of the new series, one per turtle But no, Rafael will not draw the[...]
Rafael Albuquerque Creates New Assassin's Guild Comics For Massive
Each issue will feature two stories by well-known comic book creators. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Assassin's Creed: Visionaries #1 will kick off with a story drawn by Rafael Albuquerque, written by Ale Santos and coloured by Marcelo Maiolo, set[...]
Duck and Cover
Duck And Cover is the new ComiXology Originals story written by Scott Snyder, drawn by Rafael Albuquerque and to be printed by Dark Horse Comics, probably next year The first digital issue is out, and we have a video of just how Albuquerque created the cover, and just uploaded it to TikTok… And here's a preview[...]
Auto Draft
And in today's Detective Comics #1063 from Ram V and Rafael Albuquerque, it takes that opportunity to present Harvey Dent in that fashion. Harvey Dent as Phantom Of The Opera- Detective Comics #1053 from Ram V and Rafael Albuquerque Man, the word "flicker" really can be read as something else if you don't pay attention, can't it?[...]
Thank FOC It's Sunday The 26th of June 2022
Vampires, this series will feature a brutal story with a cadre of talented creators delivering 32 pages of original content!" with 1:25 and 1:50 tiered variants for FOC. Detective Comics #1062 is the big Detective Comis relaunch from Ram V, Simon Spurrier, Rafael Albuquerque and Dani "GOTHAM NOCTURNE PART 1 OF 4: OVERTURE It's a new[...]
Ram V, Rafael Albuquerque, Dave Stewart On A Dark Knight Comic
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool ran news of comic book writer Ram V posting a tease that he, Rafael Albuquerque and Dave Stewart are working on a Batman-related book He posted the following images with the tweet "Soon! My next project at @DCComics with the incredible @rafaalbuquerque on art @Dragonmnky on colours Details incoming this week Much[...]
Ram V, Rafael Albuquerque, Dave Stewart On A Batbook
Yesterday, comic book writer Ram V posted a tease that he, Rafael Albuquerque and Dave Stewart are working on a Batman-related book to be announced tomorrow He posted the following images with the tweet "Soon! My next project at @DCComics with the incredible @rafaalbuquerque on art @Dragonmnky on colours Details incoming this week Much excite."[...]
MCM, LFCC, Bristol, The Lakes & Thought Bubble Comic Cons In 2022
Willow Wilson, Christian Ward, Magdalene Visaggio, Rafael Albuquerque and David Aja. Weekend £29 Cosplay weekend £27 Saturday Only £18 Cosplay Saturday Only £16 Sunday Only£18 Cosplay Sunday Only £15 Under 12s and Over 65s, free MCM Birmingham, NEC Birmingham, 12th to the 13th of November, Multi-media comic con run by Reed POP Clashes with Thought Bubble, no competition. [...]
Scott Snyder Launches New Creator-Owned Line Through ComiXology
But the concept has legs and IGN have just run the news that Snyder and his Best Jackett Press is making his comiXology Originals debut, with eight new comics drawn by Rafael Albuquerque, Greg Capullo, Francesco Francavilla, Jamal Igle, Jock, Tula Lotay, Francis Manapul, and Dan Panosian. And rather than Image Comics, the books launching in[...]
Thought Bubble Festival Announces Details Of November's Digital Show
Links to Thought Bubble's fundraising efforts will be shared closer to the time.   Guests and events announced today include an 'In Conversation' event featuring influential cartoonist and journalist Joe Sacco who will be interviewed by journalist Ian Dunt, as well as appearances from the likes of Kelly Sue DeConnick, Scott Snyder, Becky Cloonan, Michael Conrad, Joëlle[...]
Funny Creek #3 Review:
Credit: ComiXology Originals The story by Rafael Scavone and Rafael Albuquerque, scripted by Scavone, weaves the two narratives together with calm, patient pacing and emotional, mounting tension It's clear from this issue, as it was from last, where both stories are going, as Lilly's real-life seems to be headed toward an accidental death by gunfire[...]
Funny Creek #1 Review: Stout Club Delivers A Story of Innocence Lost
Funny Creek is the latest release from ComiXology Originals in collaboration with Stout Club, which is a collective of creatives including writers Rafael Scavone and Rafael Albuquerque, artist Eduardo Medeiros, colorist Priscila Tramontano, and letterer Bernardo Brice It follows a young girl who has experienced some unknown (as of yet) tragedy who, following an accident, wakes up in the[...]
New Rafael Albuquerque Comic Funny Creek Announced By ComiXology
ComiXology Originals previously announced a collaboration with Stout Club Entertainment, and it will now kick off this August with the release of Funny Creek, a new all-ages comic written by the co-creator of American Vampire, Rafael Albuquerque The five-issue, all-ages series is about what happens when a child's obsession with a fictional character goes too[...]
American Vampire Comes to an End With 1976
The news about American Vampire returning for its final chapter is all about creators Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque – and it's set in 1976 Man, all those Americans being eaten who will never get to see Star Wars… American Vampire Comes to an End With 1976. America is broken Trust between the government and the American[...]
DC Comics lobby display
We even got to read part of a Namor pitch that was basically Frank Miller's Daredevil: Born Again meets The Little Mermaid, and a wild Hearts of Darkness sequel pitch that would have seen the invention of Cosmic Ghost Rider, Doctor Strange in a polyamorous relationship with Clea and Brother Voodoo, and vampire Wolverine and[...]
The Daily LITG, 4th December 2019 – Happy Birthday Rafael Albuquerque
38 Comics & Storytelling + Figure Proportions & Actions 101, London, 6.30-8pm. Christmas Comics Exchange at Black Cat Comics and Games, Ontario – for $10 pick out a comic that you enjoy and would recommend to another person to try out, or one that you've been interested in reading and let us know you want to[...]
Prodigy #1 Review: Mark Millar Lives Up to his Own Hype
SUMMARY: Writer: Mark Millar, Artist: Rafael Albuquerque, Colorist: Marcelo Maiolo, Letterer: Peter Doherty, Production: Melina Mikulic, Cover Artists: Frank Quitely, Rafael Albuquerque, Editor: Rachael Fulton, Publisher: Image Comics, Release Date: 5th December 2018, Price: $3.99. Mark Millar's confidence is, of course, very annoying He unashamedly boasts about every new project and its imminent cross- media success[...]
Prodigy: Mark Millar and Rafael Albuquerque Team Up for New Netflix Comic
Scottish comic book mogul and Russian TV star Mark Millar will team up with superstar artist Rafael Albuquerque for the next Millarworld comic book project under Netflix Called Prodigy, the first issue will also feature a variant cover by Özgür Yildirim Here's how the new comic is described in the press release: In Prodigy, the world's smartest[...]
Rafael Albuquerque talks Eddie Berganza
High-profile DC Comics creator Rafael Albuquerque has issued a heartfelt statement on Twitter in the wake of Buzzfeed's report on the sexual harassment allegations against longtime DC Comics editor Eddie Berganza Albuquerque wrote: I love DC Comics characters since I can remember First watching them on TV then with Batman movies and those definitely brought me[...]
Rafael Albuquerque Illustrate Neil Gaiman 'A Study In Emerald' Dark Horse
Dark Horse has a new comic book coming out from Neil Gaiman and Rafael Albuquerque Well, sort of Albuquerque will be adapting Gaiman's 2003 short story A Study In Emerald as a comic, according to a report from Paste Magazine. A Study In Emerald was originally released as part of the Shadows Over Baker Street anthology, which was[...]
All Star Batman
But in this second part of the latest All Star Batman arc, we actually get to see some of this history of Bruce Wayne's oldest ally, friend and, let's face it, father-figure – and it also adds some interesting new ideas. Cover by Rafael Albuquerque This story in an interesting way also feels like a nice dry[...]
"Burnside Is The Past" Thoughts On Batgirl Rebirth #1
Today brings the release of Hope Larson and Rafael Albuquerque's new Batgirl run After the success of last weeks Batgirl and the Birds of Prey, I was filled with positive feelings The tougher Barbara Gordon that I knew and loved from Gail Simone's run seemed like she had finally returned[...]
A Good Deed A Day In Huck From Millar And Albuquerque This November
New York Times bestselling writer Mark Millar (Kingsman: The Secret Service, Kick-Ass, Jupiter's Legacy) teams up with Eisner Award-winning artist Rafael Albuquerque (American Vampire) for an all-new series full of heart and drama The series is entitled Huck, and is set in a quiet American town, where Huck uses his special gifts to do a[...]