For the final month of Dual Destiny, Tier Five Raids will feature Dialga, Enamorus, Yveltal, and Xerneas, with Shadow Raids featuring Regirock on the weekends Meanwhile, Mega Raids see the return of Mega Tyranitar and Mega Garchomp Today's raid guide for Pokémon GO players will help you assemble a team to take down Xerenas, who[...]
xerneas Archives
Tier Five Raids will feature Moltres, Incarnate Thundurus, and Xerneas, with Shadow Raids featuring Suicune on the weekends… except for Shadow Raid Weekend, where Shadow Lugia takes over Meanwhile, Mega Raids see the return of Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Kanghakhan, and Mega Salamence Today's raid guide for Pokémon GO players will help you assemble a team[...]
Tonight is Xerneas Raid Hour in Pokémon GO This Fairy-type Pokémon is finally getting the Fairy-type Fast Attack it deserves, making it worth hunting more than ever During tonight's 6 PM – 7 PM Xerneas Raid Hour, most Gyms in the game will feature Tier Five Raids featuring this Fairy-type Legendary from the region of Kalos[...]
Right now, Mega Salamence takes over Mega Raids while Xerneas and Yveltal return to Tier Five raids Today's raid guide for Pokémon GO players will help you assemble a team to take down Xerneas in Tier Five raids Let's get into it.
Xerneas in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic
Top Xerneas Counters
Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of[...]
Tonight, Wednesday, October 19th, is the second and final Xerneas Raid Hour in Pokémon GO for the month of October From 6 PM–7 PM, most Gyms in the game will pop Tier Five raids featuring this newly Shiny-capable Fairy-type Legendary Pokémon from Kalos Soon after this Raid Hour, Xerneas will be replaced in Tier Five[...]
Tonight, Wednesday, October 12th, is Xerneas Raid Hour in Pokémon GO From 6 PM–7 PM, most Gyms in the game will pop Tier Five raids featuring this majestic Fairy-type Legendary Pokémon from Kalos This is the first time that Xerneas will be available to encounter in its Shiny form during Raid Hour in Pokémon GO,[...]
Now, another Kalos Legendary has arrived to claim its rightful sparkles: Xerneas With this Raid Guide, you can prepare a team to take on and defeat Xerneas, perfect your catching strategy, and understand Xerneas's 100% IVs and Shiny rate.
Xerneas in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic
Top Xerneas Counters
Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves,[...]
Let's get into the details.
Xerneas in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic
The big news of the month is that Xerneas will be available to encounter in its Shiny form in Tier Five raids starting October 8th Here are the Legendary Pokémon that will appear in Tier Five raids in Pokémon GO this October 2022:
September 27th – October[...]
Notable news includes the release of Shiny Xerneas in raids and Shiny Shedinja as the Research Breakthrough Let's get into the details.
Xerneas in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic
The Research Breakthrough of the month for October 2022 is Shedinja Shedinja can be encountered in its Shiny form for the first time ever Savvy trainers who plan to[...]
It had an array of focuses including Ultra Necrozma as well as the Kalos Legendaries of Zygarde, Yvelta, and Xerneas This set also continued the inclusion of Prism Star cards which could be pulled by lucky collectors in the reverse holo slot Today, let's continue at a card type in this set that has since[...]
The Fairy-type Xerneas and the Dark/Flying-type Yveltal were released in May 2021 as part of a major event, and since then, we have heard nothing more regarding the release of the remaining Generation Six Legendary, the Dragon/Ground-type Zygarde Even though we have yet to see Zygarde and haven't gotten Shiny releases for Xerneas or Yveltal,[...]
In honor of the end of the Luminous Legends X event in Pokémon GO, let's take a look back at some more of the most iconic Xerneas cards from the Pokémon TCG Don't miss Part One! We'd love to hear from you, so chime in with your top Xerneas picks in the comments below.
BREAKthrough Xerneas[...]
Xerneas has been released in Pokémon GO, but its Shiny form isn't out yet However, Shiny Xerneas is available to see due to Niantic's coding for the game Let's take a look below at Shiny Xerneas as it will appear in Pokémon GO.
Xerneas in Pokémon GO[...]
This may come from a change during the second half of the Luminous Legends X event, which has seen some new additions to the features.
Xerneas in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic
Here is a breakdown of what is currently available in the Luminous Legends X event in Pokémon GO:
New addition: Shiny Galarian Ponyta[...]
Tonight is the second May 2021 Raid Hour in Pokémon GO, which will feature the Fairy-type Legendary Pokémon Xerneas From 6 PM – 7 PM, most gyms in the game will be taken over by Tier Five Xerneas raids Here are tips for playing Xerenas Raid Hour in Pokémon GO.
Xerneas in Pokémon GO[...]
In honor of the landmark Luminous Legends X event in Pokémon GO, let's take a look back at some of the most iconic Xerneas cards from the Pokémon TCG This includes both vintage and modern We'd love to hear from you, so chime in with your top Xerneas picks in the comments below.
XY Promo Xerneas[...]
In honor of tonight's Xerneas Raid Hour, let's take a deep dive into this Legendary Pokémon's lore.
Xerneas in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic
Dex entry number 716, Xerneas is a pure Fairy-type species from the Kalos Region, introduced into the world of Pokémon with Generation Six This Legendary Pokémon, like most, has no gender[...]
The first Raid Hour of Xerneas's (chilling?) reign happens tonight in Pokémon GO. From 6 PM – 7 PM, most of the gyms in the game will be taken over with Tier Five Raids featuring this Fairy-type Legendary Pokémon Here are our tips to optimize your gameplay during the first-ever Xerneas Raid Hour in Pokémon GO.
Xerneas in Pokémon[...]
Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 4th at 10 AM local time, Xerneas will enter raids as the first Legendary from the region of Kalos to arrive in the game Let's take a look at the top counters to help trainers take down Xerneas, a pure Fairy-type species.
Xerneas in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic
Top Xerneas Counters
Pokebattler, which calculates all[...]
Xerneas and Yveltal have both been confirmed for a May 2021 release in Pokémon GO Niantic announced the details behind the release of these highly anticipated Legendary Pokémon from the Kalos region today Let's get into it.
Xerneas & Yveltal in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic
Over on the official Pokémon GO blog, Niantic announced the following Legendary Raid schedule[...]
Theories are currently popping up on social media regarding the Legendary Pokémon Xerneas's Pokémon GO debut The wording of the latest blog post has made some trainers wonder if Xerneas will arrive this May However, there are more clues that spell out the future of Pokémon GO's raid rotations a little more plainly[...]
The artwork features some familiar favorites including Buneary, Kricketune, Petilil, and Whirlipede along with new species from the Kalos region, including a prominent shot of the unreleased Legendary Pokémon Xerneas What is sure to get the most amount of interest piqued, though, is a silhouette that you have to almost squint to see[...]
The Kalos Legendary Pokémon Xerneas and Yveltal have arrived in DeNA Co., Ltd.'s Pokémon Masters EX They are now available to add to your teams, with Xerneas forming a sync pair with Processor Sycamore and Yveltal pairing with the boss of Team Flare, Lysandre Let's dive into the details of this Legendary arrival.
Pokémon Masters EX[...]