Posted in: Comics | Tagged: 3 guns, adventure time, Alex+Ada, Archer & Armstrong, astro city, batgirl, boom, bprd, carbon grey, Catacylsm: Ultimates, Clown Fatale, Comics, daredevil, dark angel, dark horse, darth vader, dc, Deadpool: The Gauntlet, Egos, fantastic four, ghosted, Harbinger, image, Imagine Agents, Justice league 3000, Kiss Me Satan, Li'l Battlestar Galactica, marvel, Miss Fury, Next Testament, Night Of The Living Deadpool, nightwing, Peter Panzerfaust, Rat Queens, Regular show, secret avengers, Skyman, suicide squad, superior spider-man, The Curse, unity, valiant, velvet, voice in the dark, world's finest, x, x-force, x-men legacy
Fifty-Two Thoughts About Fifty-Two Comics – Ghosted, Rat Queens, Black Dynamite, Dark Angel, TMNT, Skyman, Superior Spider-Man, Illegitimates, Justice League 3000, Ben 10, Peabody And Sherman, My Little Pony, Suicide Squad, World's Finest, Harbinger, Night Of The Living Deadpool, Stitched, Gravel, Crossed, Deadpool: The Gauntlet, The Curse, Archer & Armstrong, Secret Avengers, Batgirl, God Is Dead, Imagine Agents, Astro City, Nightwing, Carbon Grey, Peter Panzerfaust, Velvet, Alex+Ada, Darth Vader, Kiss Me Satan, Clown Fatale, BPRD, Fantastic Four, Catacylsm: Ultimates, Daredevil, X-Force, Egos, X, X-Men Legacy, 3 Guns, Adventure Time, Voice In The Dark, L'il Battlestar Galactica, Miss Fury, Next Testament, Unity, Popeye, Transformers And Regular Show (UPDATE)
Okay, I've taken the kids to school, and popped into town for this week's comics and settled down at the Waterstone's Piccadilly fifth floor with its generous wi-fi and power points to have a look at this weeks comics.
Yes, Ghosted #6, I had enough of that this morning. Still, they'll be happy enough when I pick them up. And thanks to Orbital, I wouldn't be able to afford all these comics without them. How else would I be able to read them all?
Okay, I could do that, Rat Queens, but I'm scared of the oppressive state system catching me. There must be other ways of getting high and turned on?
A bump on the head from Miss Fury would, indeed, do…
Kieron Gillen wrote the highest selling comic in December, Origin II #1. And in January, one of the lowest selling Marvel books, probably, with Revolutionary War: Dark Angel #1. With a Mephisto suffering a banking soul crisis, without Obama to bail him out. You really should pick this up…
And yes, obviously, Obama is just too busy to bail out Mephisto. Anyway it would look bad on the blogs. But is it just me, or in Skyman #1, President Obama is really wanting to get inside that costume? Superenvy? There's more than one superhero doing a better job than him.
A supervillain even, in the Superior Spider-Man, keeping all of New York under his view. Hmm, you know, we pretty much have this in London already.
Is it me or is Justice League 3000 #2 making the case for DC's editors, having to work in rather trying circumstances? This comic certainly has had some interesting editorial issues.
So we get it, Power Girl in Suicide Squad. Earth 1, for some reason is far darker than Earth 2. Even with Tom Taylor writing it. So much so that you are in a team called Suicide Squad.
But just one minute, over in World's Finest today…
You're just full of the joys of spring! See, Earth 1 ain't bad, is it?
There's a war coming… but you can always go for a little flight action.
And another way to dispose of surveillance equipment, in Harbinger #20.
Night Of The Living Deadpool takes a rather interesting approaching, giving us a black and white world of Walking Dead grey scaled zombies, against the dulled red of Deadpool's costume. But more disturbingly, give us zombies with ennuii about their current situation. What can we do to cheer old Deady up?
That'll do, James Bond silhouette women. It's not just the planes that might go down that he flies, of course… although Deadpool seems to be doing the fellating in Deadpool: The Gauntlet. It looks like he's about to pop. Any suggestion for some staying power?
Yeah, Black Dynamite don't ever come quick.
So how do the Illegitimates create more… Illegitimates? Well this seems like a good way… now, back to the undead.
Gravel#0 gives us early iterations of British combat magicians and basically puts thge entire British Empire in their hands.
While Stitched also looks at the origin of their particular breed of undead. And why the can works so well. Personally I thought it was all a metaphor on people collecting in the street for charity…
Crossed Badlands gives us hope that memories of Popeye will survive the apocalypse, even that dratted song.
And the comic book proves it.
Cheer up won't you, you're worse than Power Girl and Deadpool zombies put together. I suppose this is Curse #1… never going to be puppies and kittens. Anyway, loving the hair.
There you go then. Still if that's true about Archer in Archer And Armstrong #17, what about M.O.D.O.K. below? No hair at all but a happy disposition.
Yes, M.O.D.O.K. in Secret Avengers, I do like ice cream. But where would a supervillain buy ice cream from?
Why that would be the Joker's ice cream emporium in today's Batgirl, the Gothtopia issue, where everything's just a little more lighty-brighty… talking fo which…
Imagine Agents #4 searches for wings that work, but we won;t get to them until tea has been finished. Quite proper. But does anyone already have working wings?
There we go. Say, DC Women Kicking Ass, I'd love your take on this week's Astro City. It raises the very big problem of a woman raised as an icon submitting to the assistance of men, but it also gets in a few gags, in superheroic women gags. Is it having its cake and eating it? And what happened to that tea?
That's right! A tea thief, in Nightwing! Heavens to Murgatroyd, call the JLT! And stolen by a woman, no less. See, they can get up to superheroic/villainous acts of mighty power/dread all by their lonesome!
Why the full painted detail of Carbon Grey is sometimes not exactly what you need after a full lunch.
Peter Panzerfest brings on the Injuns. In Germany. Look, it makes sense, I promise. Next up, crocodile squadrons…
In Velvet #3, our what-if-Miss-Moneypenny-was-James-Bond character behaves, well, pretty much just like James Bond. We don't get a name for him, but how about Dick Plenty? Does that sound sexy?
And Ada in Alex+Ada gets a thorough unboxing review.
I think Darth Vader swung first.
Kiss Me Satan #5 gives us priests with machine guns, who refers to nuns as "stupid penguins" when trying to shoot butterflies. It's quite an odd comic.
Yes, I don't think anyone really would like a taste of Cletus's bumper. Thank you Clown Fatale #3 for that particular image.
What, BPRD #115, does that mean you might all get cancelled by Fox?
Yes, God Is Dead, I'm very serious.
Victor Von Doom rejects all contractions in his speech, in Fantastic Four #16.
I think I only just noticed, the Ultimates teleportation sound is the same as the Doctor Who comics have always used for the TARDIS…
Daredevil gives us some day-to-day realities of the supervillain business. Oh Stryfe, stop taking your helmet off for a reaction, it was old when you first did it in the nineties in X-Force…
See? Though there's also a resemblance with Egos #1.
Just needs a few more pouches.
See now you're confusing X.
No, no, that's Professor X. An easy mistake to make in X-Men Legacy.
3 Guns #6 resorts to… two guns. And an Eschel staircase shoot-off. I'm not sure of the physics on this. Maybe I should consult an expert.
And luckily there is Adventure Time #24. I'm not sure of their qualifications. They haven't even got glasses.
That's better, Peabody and Sherman. Can we find out whether Stephen Hawking is a fan?
Voice In The Dark #3 invites you to drop the bass.
Why can't I read Clive Barker's Next Testament #7 without seeing Warren Ellis in this role?
L'il Battlestar Galactica tells the truth to power.
I don't know why, but when I look at this figure in Unity #3 in all his finery, I just see..
An amalgamation of these two from Regular Show #8! Who, strangely, look like my two after a day at school working with the paper mache and fuzzy felt. And just in time to pick them up!
In Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye, sometimes you've just got to sing and dance.
This is what I wake up to every day, X-Files Conspiracy, you're lucky!
Especially since Google Maps doesn't work underwater. Thanks Ben 10.
What happens when My Little Ponies read pornography. And… we're done we're out of here. Take it away Turtles…
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London, who are today holding a Miracleman signing with artist and co-writer Garry Leach from 5pm. Which means, yes, I've got to go back into London now…