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HeroesCon – The Bits Most People Missed
There's been lots of coverage about HeroesCon and WizardWorld Philadelphia this weekend. But here are a few observations about the former that seem not to have been picked up upon that much…
George Perez – he is mulling over upcoming two projects, but will probably only accept one. For now his long awaited "Teen Titans: Games" graphic novel will finally see publication as part of a New Teen Titans thirtieth anniversary promotion.
Ed Brubaker – Criminal will return under an arc called The Sinners. A movie based on his Sleeper series for Wildstorm is still in in development with Tom Cruise attached to star. The upcoming Marvel Project by Brubaker and Epting is an eight-issue arc, encapsulating an opus history of the Marvel Universe, from the Torch/ Submariner years onward, and is the centerpiece of Marvel's 70th Anniv. He also has a few new indie/creator-owned projects in mind.
Jimmy Cheung – he has drawn an updated 80's style cover frame based on how Marvel books looked in November 1986 Marvel titles, which will be on all books for one week later this year, to help commemorate Marvel's 70th anniversary. Expect similar frames for different decades for different weeks.
Sean Chen – drawing an upcoming Mighty Avengers arc written by Dan Slott
Mark Bagley – on JLA with James Robinson just as soon as his Batman run concludes, which is being inked by Rob Hunter. But it looks like there will be more than one JLA title to contend with.
Eric Canete – taking a self-imposed exile from comics after this year. Rest, relaxation, recouperation – and maybe a little advertising work.
Steve Niles – working further with Bernie Wrightson, odds are on a zombie project. The Cal McDonald movie is still in development. Niles is opposing a proposed PG-13 rated script, insisting on a R.
Paul Azaceta – look for him on Amazing Spider-Man soon.
Phil Noto – continuing with cover assignments as well as an Iceman one-shot for Marvel, and a yet-unnamed project for DC.
Mark Texeira – wants more projects outside of Ghost Rider and Punisher. With the recently released Wolverine one-shot, he's hoping for more variety of projects and characters.. but isn't getting them yet.
Jeff Smith – Rasl will continue until it reaches some 400 pages (12-15 issues), after which, he'll start another project, as well as the intended sequel to his recent Shazam mini-series for DC.
Brain Bendis – he's compiling a Fortune And Glory-style series based on his Marvel experiences. His movies are still in development and he has been busy as part of the Marvel Movie Committee (formerly known as the Brain Trust) which is consulting on numerous upcoming Marvel Studios releases.
Chris Claremont – he's considering working on an alternate history project looking at a Chinese invasion of the Americas.
Brandon Peterson – he's working on his first writing project for Marvel, an espionage-based Black Widow/Wolverine limited series, co-written with Jimmy Palmiotti, with Peterson drawing the book as well. He's also working on Nova covers and an X-Force one shot in the near-future.
Roy Thomas – he's looking to write a non-Conan Robert E. Howard adaptation for Dark Horse, although there aren't many left that haven't been published – and he's adapted most of them!
So… any stories from WizardWorld?