Posted in: Current News, Editor's Picks TV News, Movies, Recent Updates, Showtime, TV | Tagged: bclive, cable, Dale Cooper, david lynch, Kyle MacLachlan, liveblog, season 3, showtime, Smackdown, television, tv, twin peaks, Twin Peaks The Return, wwe
PwF: 'Twin Peaks' Part 13 – What Story Is That, Charlie? (BC LIVEBLOG)
Welcome to Playing With Fire: Twin Peaks S03E13 – What story is that, Charlie?, Bleeding Cool's liveblog play-by-play of Sunday night's episode on Showtime. I'm going to be sharing with you my thoughts, opinions and random off-topic comments that come my way, so make sure to let me know what you think!
● This page should update…but refresh just to make sure because I've been known to ramble quickly.
● If you're going to social media to talk about what we're talking about, go with: #bclive and #liveblog.
● While you're waiting (or if you a few minutes ), check-out some cool additional Twin Peaks-related stuff including David Lynch's special message from last month to Comic-Con International (SDCC) attendees; a bizarrely entertaining "tribute" to Twin Peaks from WWE Smackdown of all places; and links to past Bleeding Cool coverage.
● So that's it! I'll be on a few minutes before 8:00pm EST to start the show…hope you join me!
Here's what Lynch had to say to attendees lucky enough to make it to the Twin Peaks panel at SDCC:
Here's a really unexpected homage to Twin Peaks from the WWE:
Playing With Fire: 'Twin Peaks' S03E12 – Let's Rock (BC Liveblog)
Twin Peaks Season 3, Episode 11 Recap: "There's No Backup For This"
'Twin Peaks' Part 10: Over Halfway There And We're…Somewhere
'Twin Peaks': Kyle MacLachlan Believes Lynch Honors Late Actors
Twin Peaks Live Blog – Join Us For Parts 3 And 4!
Review: Finally, The Return Of Twin Peaks,With All Of The Wonderful Frustration That Goes With It