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Venom Teaser Has Tom Hardy's Eddie Brock Feeling the Burn
Following up on Sony Pictures release of the the movie's first official poster, and now the studio seems ready to introduce film fans to Tom Hardy's Eddie Brock, as the first official teaser for Venom was released Thursday morning.
Barry: Bill Hader Talks HBO's Hitman Comedy Series
Saturday Night Live‘s Bill Hader finds himself facing that dilemma, as his Barry struggles to balance his hitman day job with his newly ignited passion for acting. That's just one of the aspects of HBO's upcoming comedy series that gets covered in a new behind-the-scenes featurette.
Thankfully, Nothing Sucks About Netflix's 'Everything Sucks!' Trailer
Think Stranger Things, then replace the Upside-Down with flannel and demogorgons with the Goo Goo Dolls. Taking another nostalgic — yet safer this time — trip down pop culture memory lane, Netflix has released the official trailer and synopsis for their new '90s-set dramedy series Everything Sucks!
The Walking Dead Season 8, Episode 10: A Hilltop Final Stand?
With less than three weeks to go before The Walking Dead's mid-season 8 premiere, AMC has released the title and a brief synopsis for the season's tenth episode. If there's one takeaway that can be pulled from it, it's that it's pretty clear this "All Out War" is coming to a head sooner rather than later.
Gaming Historian Releases New Documentary on the History of Tetris
If you haven't had a chance to check out some of the content on the YouTube channel for the Gaming Historian, we highly recommend you take some time to see some of the features he's made over the past few years. And there's no better place to start than with his latest addition to the channel with a look at Tetris.
Important Stranger Things 3 Storyline "Spoiled" by Saturday Night Live
In what can only be seen as a huge breach of security on the parts of Netflix and series co-creators Matt and Ross Duffer (The Duffer Brothers), NBC's long-running sketch comedy series Saturday Night Live were apparently able to get their hands on some early script pages from Stranger Things 3.
The Walking Dead Season 8 Trailer Highlights Carl's Goodbye
With less than a month to go before The Walking Dead's mid-season premiere, AMC's marketing machine has shifted into overdrive by releasing yet another trailer for the second-half of Season 8: one that doesn't hesitate to remind us of the tragedy awaiting us: the death of Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs).
The Weekly Static: Extras! An iZombie Fan's Season 4 Thoughts
We're turning over this edition of The Weekly Static: Extras! to our good friend Margo Staten, who found herself binge-crushing the first three seasons of The CW's iZombie; and she really wants to tell you about why you should be watching it, too!
The Weekly Static is our righteously desperate-yet-endearing look at the past week in the land of the networks, cable, streaming, smoke signals, cloud formations, and shadow puppets from an interesting, unique and entertaining perspective. At least that’s how it reads on paper, so let’s see how this goes…
Happy! Season 1, Episode 7 Recap: "Get It Out of Me"
Welcome back to Bleeding Cool’s weekly rundown and pipin' hot “reminder recap” slice of  Syfy‘s  Happy! as we take a look back at the season's penultimate seventh episode, ‘Destroyer of Worlds’.
Portal's Alternate Ending According To Did You Know Gaming
We love the crew at Did You Know Gaming! They don't get enough credit in the public eye for being one of the coolest and most informative gaming channels on YouTube, and they should be much bigger than what they are. So we like to sing their praises whenever we can.
La La Land's Damien Chazelle Lands New Series at Apple
Looks like La La Land’s Damien Chazelle will be stepping out on the town with someone other than Netflix, with the award-winning director/screenwriter/producer receiving a direct-to-series order by Apple for a new dramatic series.