2000ad Archives

It will be published in February 2025, along with the other Rebellion/2000AD and Judge Dredd titles below, including the Free Comic Book Day Best Of 2000AD. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ ROXY ROMANCE REBORN GN REBELLION / 2000AD DEC241828 (W) Mags Visaggio, Alex[...]
Cover image for 2000 AD NOV 2024 PROGS (JAN 2024 SHIPPING) PROGS 2414-2417 (
Oscar Wilde joins 2000AD in Fiends of the Western Front: Wilde West by Ian Edginton and Tiernen Trevallion in 2000AD for 2025, as well as Judge Dredd, Batkle Action, Monster Fun and more in Rebellion January 2025 solicits and solicitations, though reaching the USA in February and March. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width:[...]
Rebellion/2000AD publishes a 40th anniversary of the horror comic book Scream!, as published by IPC Comics, in the eighties, with Alex Paknadel, VV Glass, Anna Readman, Torunn Gronbekk, Alejandro Aragon and Emily Schnall, as part of their November 2024 solicit and solicitations, though only making their way to the US in December As well as[...]
Elon Musk Said Judge Dredd Would Drive A Cybertruck, Comics Folk React
It's a bit like thinking Patrick Bateman is someone to look up to or that Alf Garnet is a bit of a laugh. But others thought that maybe the Cybertruck wasn't up to the rigours necessary for Mega-City One, or indeed for the Judge. Ned Hartley: No because sometimes Dredd has to drive in the rain HappyToast: Judge[...]
Cover image for 2000 AD PROGS 2402 - 2406 (MR)
No big launches in Rebellion/2000AD's October 2024 solicits and solicitations, but more classic characters from Dan Abnett, Garth Ennis, Kek-W, Rob Williams, Patrick Goddard, John Burns, David Roach, Jake Lynch, Jake Wyatt, I.N.J Culbard, Henry Flint, Mark Harrison, Ales Kot, T.C Eglington, Ken Niemand, Kevin West, Dan Cornwell, Phil Winslade, P J[...]
 2000 AD Annual
The 2000AD 2025 Annual will be up for pre-order this Wednesday and available for comic stores to order at the end of summer And it's being joined by another Treasury of British Comics Annual, after last year's edition sold out. The book will feature a mix of brand new and older stories from John Wagner (A[...]
Rebellion/2000AD Presentation At MCM London Comic Con 2024
Steve Morris of Rebellion Publishing, of 2000AD and Judge Dredd fame, took to the stage this weekend at the Diamond Retailer Day event at MCM London Comic Con 2024 to talk through the publisher's upcoming plans Including a still-secret crossover between 2000AD and Judge Dredd Megazine in September. With the Rogue Trooper movie starring Aneurin Barnard[...]
Doctor Who: Dot and Bubble Returns to Old School SciFi Satire
It's the most like the British SciFi anthology comic 2000AD of the current season since the comic always deals in nasty dark comedy in SciFi clothing with relish, and there are real satirical, political teeth in "Dot and Bubble." Image: BBC/Disney+ Disney sensibly asks reviews not to spill major spoilers in any reviews that run before Doctor[...]
Reitha Pattison Quits Judge Dredd Comics For Yale University Press
She left Rebellion Publishing, publishers of Judge Dredd and 2000AD, to take up that position At Rebellion in Oxford, she set up the company's first rights department, licensing its portfolio of comics, graphic novels, speculative fiction and board games. Screencap Previous to that, she began working in rights at Polity Press in Cambridge, establishing the press's first[...]
Cover image for 2000 AD SCI-FI SPECIAL 2024
Rebellion is to publish a 2000AD Sci-Fi Special in their July 2024 solicits and solicitations, telling 2000AD stories from a parallel dimension Such as one in which Judge Dredd has been replaced by Judge Alpha… as well as the return of Misty with its own special from Gail Simone and friends. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top:[...]
The animated movie adaptation by Duncan Jones of 2000AD's Rogue Trooper has finished principal photography at 2000AD's own Rebellion Film Studios in Oxford before release next year Based on the 2000AD comic created by Dave Gibbons and Gerry Finley-Day in 2000AD Prog 228 in 1981 Gibbons has seen his comic book work taken to the screen[...]
Cover image for 2000 AD PROG PACK (MARCH 2024 SHIPPING) (MR)
Rebellion's arch 2024 solicits and solicitations, see new 2000AD by Alex De Campi, T.C Eglington, Cavan Scott, Kek-W, Ken Niemand (or is it Gordon Rennie?), Eduardo Ocana, Dave Kendall, Lee Carter, Henry Flint, Nick Percival and Simon Davis, including Full Tilt Boogie, Indigo Prime, Thistlebone, Deadworld and Judge Dredd: Iron Teeth All part of Rebellion's[...]
Cover image for 2000 AD PROG PACK (FEBRUARY 2024 SHIPPING) (MR)
Rebellion's February 2024 solicits and solicitations, see new 2000AD by Alex De Campi, T.C Eglington, Cavan Scott, Kek-W, Rob Williams, Arthur Wyatt, Eduardo Ocana, Luke Horsman, Lee Carter, Henry Flint, including the return of Full Tilt Boogie and Indigo Prime, as Judge Dredd hosts a social experiment in A Better World You can feel the[...]
Cover image for 2000 AD PROG PACK (JANUARY 2024 SHIPPING) (MR)
Ken Niemand is Gordon Rennie, right? Right? Anyway, Rebellion's 2000AD solicits and solicitations for January 2024, though often getting to the US in March 2024, sees a new Judge Dredd story from Niemand and Nick Percival. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in[...]
2000AD/Judge Dredd Owner Jason Kingsley OBE Goes To War Over Eels
Jason Kingsley OBE is the owner of Rebellion Publishing, 2000AD and Judge Dredd He is also a keen medieval jouster Recently, as part of his Modern History TV Channel on YouTube, with three-quarters of a million subscribers, he looked into the medieval history of the eel, under the title "what medieval food killed a king?" A[...]
Cover image for 2000 AD PROG #2362 CHRISTMAS MEGA SPECIAL 2023
These are Rebellion/2000AD's December 2023 solicits and solicitations, but available in the USA from January 2024 Including their Christmas Specials for 2000AD, Judge Dredd Megazine and Monster Fun As well as a paperback version of the Definitive Nemesis volume, and collections of Helltrekkers, Fiends Of The Eastern Front, and the final issue of Smash. #gallery-1 { margin:[...]
2000AD is publishing another of its Regened 2000AD comics, intended to be suitable for younger ages Maybe to counter the issue that Kev F Sutherland raised just the other day? While Judge Dredd goes back to its past with Mega-City 2099 Karl Stock's Comic Book Punks looks at the influence on British culture from comic[...]
Kev F Sutherland Asks British Kids What Comics They Read
It's a rare child, always a geek, who has any interest in this particular franchise. 2000AD – Heat death of the universe No child has ever mentioned 2000AD. To be fair, in 1980, I was the only kid in my class in primary school who read it… Kev F Sutherland is one of my favourite people in[...]
Rob Williams & Pye Parr Petrol Head
Rob Williams is best known in the UK as the author of 2000AD/Judge Dredd strips such as The Ten-Seconders, Asylum, Breathing Space, Meet Darren Dead, Family, Hershey, Ichabod Azrael, Low Life, and Ordinary While artist Pye Parr, or Simon Parr is best known at 2000AD for Intestinauts and Realm of The Damned And now they[...]
Shelfdust's Steve Morris Joins 2000AD/Rebellion as Marketing Manager
But maybe that will change now that he has been appointed Marketing Manager at 2000AD/Rebellion's publishing division Best known as a comics reporter and critic for the Comcis Beat and his Shelfdust Patreon site, he will take over the press and marketing role previously held by Michael Molcher, as Molcher expands his role as brand[...]
Cover image for SMASH #1 (OF 3)
It's in Rebellion/2000AD's October 2023 solicits and solicitations, but will come to the USA at the end of November The return of the UK comic from the sixties, Smash!, which originally ran as a weekly comic anthology for kids in the UK from 1966 to 1971 and was the first place the UK could find[...]
Cover image for JUDGE DREDD MEGAZINE #460
We have a look at Rebellion Publishing's 2000AD Judge Dredd and related solicits and solicitations for September 2023, though most of them only making it to the States from October What will be making it to the USA first is art posters by graphic artist Matt Ferguson, that will be sold at San Diego Comic-Con,[...]
When Frank Miller Drew Judge Dredd And 2000AD Rejected It
From former 2000AD editor Dave Bishop's Vicious Imagery blog back in 2010 under the headline "Hmph He saw you coming!" The Judge Dredd Megazine celebrated its tenth anniversary in the year 2000 To mark the occasion, then editor Andy Diggle saved up his editorial pennies and commissioned US comics legend Frank Miller to do the birthday[...]
Cover image for 2000 AD MARCH PROG PACK (JULY 2023 SHIPPING) (MR)
Every now and then, I wonder if Rebellion and 2000AD could do a better job about repurposing their comics away from the traditional model and towards that more targeted at teenage and young adult audiences, who are buying comic books in their millions And every now and then, 2000AD and Rebellion has a go, such[...]
Doctor Who: Tennant Said Beep the Meep Comic Creators Visited the Set
Pat Mills and John Wagner are the creators of Judge Dredd for 2000AD, and Dave Gibbons not only drew Rogue Trooper for 2000AD but went on to co-create and draw Watchmen Beep the Meep is their Doctor Who connection The Americans have Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, the British have Two Degrees to Doctor Who[...]
Cover image for 2000 AD ART OF KEVIN O`NEILL APEX ED HC
Warriors, and previously unseen versions of his Nemesis the Warlock: The Final Conflict series.Here are Rebellions's full June 2023 solicits and solicitations, though most are for July and August. 2000 AD ART OF KEVIN O`NEILL APEX ED HC REBELLION / 2000AD APR231777 (A / CA) Kevin O'Neill An incredible insight into the art of one of comics' most unique talents,[...]
The Future Of Teenage Boys Reading Comics In America?
And it's 2000AD and Judge Dredd I mean, there have indeed been romantic moments over the years, but it is not the central concern of most 2000AD characters. Might it be possible for Rebellion to attempt to repackage their comics in that format and aim it at a YA audience? Given that bookstores have had entire[...]
Rebellion and 2000AD's May 2023 solicits including a collection of Dice Man by John Wagner, Pat Mills, Kevin O'Neill, Bryan Talbot, David Lloyd, Steve Dillon, Mike Collins & Hunt Emerson How many other projects have that level of talent? #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /*[...]
Rebellion Relaunch Battle Action With Garth Ennis
Following the 2022 Battle Action special published by Rebellion/2000AD, writer Garth Ennis will be returning to the Battle Picture Weekly and Action! brands from IPC to reintroduce a new series, alongside creators John Wagner, Dan Abnett, Torunn Grønbekk, Rob Williams, John Higgins and Chris Burnham.  Launching on the 31st of May in 2000 AD-size magazine format,[...]