heavy metal Archives

Heavy Metal Magazine Joins Lunar Distributioin Through Massive Indies
The Heavy Metal Magazine relaunch is to be included in the first wave of the Massive Indies distribution partnership with Lunar Distribution Earlier this month, Massive Publishing, announced a distribution program called Massive Indies, in which Massive will act as a sub-distributor between smaller publishers and Lunar Distribution, the exclusive distributor of DC Comics and[...]
Rare Iron Maiden Variants Escape Onto Market
In 2019, Heavy Metal Magazine had a conflict with printed regarding the production of a number of special and numbered editions of the Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast comic book's first issue The printer retained the remaining inventory copies of a number of exclusive titles originally intended to be sold and distributed at San[...]
Heavy Metal
Heavy Metal Magazine is relaunching for April 2025 Yes, again, and they are hoping that this time it actually gets to print, and that everyone involved has been paid Well, they have raised $776,050 from 10,779 backers on Kickstarter, so that does suggest that this time it will happen. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align:[...]
Heavy Metal #1
Heavy Metal Magazine #1 officially relaunched today as the Kickstarter goes live, from the new editorial team of Frank Forte, Dave Kelly and Chris Thompson The publisher is named as a new entity, Heavy Metal International, but the previous publisher, Heavy Metal Entertainment, did not go bankrupt, and the previously promised version from WhatNot/Massive, which[...]
Heavy Metal Relaunches With Frank Forte, Chris Thompson & Dave Kelly
During San Diego Comic-Con, I reported that former Content Editor for Heavy Metal Magazine, Frank Forte, who had been telling folk that he was the new editor-in-chief of Heavy Metal, was joined at the show by Chris Thompson, formerly of Orbital Comics in London, Eaglemoss, Opus Publishing[...]
Heavy Metal Magazine Relaunching
The Heavy Metal Magazine website seems to have had a bit of an update In that, it says that there is an update coming, the site is currently under construction, and that Heavy Metal magazine is about to be relaunched Again Previously it had just been a blank black website for some time Now it[...]
Frank Forte is the New EIC of a New Heavy Metal Magazine? Maybe...
And last night, it was all about Heavy Metal Magazine and its future. I previously reported back in May that Frank Forte had been saying that he was the new Editor in Chief of Heavy Metal, and that seems to have been confirmed by multiple conversations held from the Hyatt lobby to the Hilton Bayfront. But Bleeding[...]
Frank Forte is the New EIC of a New Heavy Metal Magazine? Maybe...
Heavy Metal Magazine is coming back And Frank Forte is its new Editor-In-Chief That's what Bleeding Cool has been hearing for the last few days We reached out to Frank, who went silent until three hours ago He didn't confirm, the story but asked that Bleeding Cool hold it for three to four hours, so[...]
I Just Watched The Rebel Moon Trailer While Sat Next To Zack Snyder
Heavy Metal Magazine began as a translated license from the French science-fantasy magazine Métal Hurlant and included work by the likes of Enki Bilal, Philippe Caza, Guido Crepax, Philippe Druillet, Jean-Claude Forest, Moebius, Chantal Montellier, and Milo Manara. It would then publish original American-originated work in the same vein[...]
I Just Watched The Rebel Moon Trailer While Sat Next To Zack Snyder
Last week, when Zack Snyder promoted Rebel Moon in London (with not a peep from the WGA), he talked about how the big influence on his work, and Rebel Moon in particular, was the comic book Heavy Metal Magazine To the extent that the Rebel Moon logo is based on Heavy Metal Heavy Metal was[...]
Rick Veitch & Steve Sissette's Stolen Heavy Meta
In 1979, the original cover artwork for the Heavy Metal graphic novel adaptation of the movie 1941 by Rick Veitch and Steve Bissette was reported as stolen from the publisher's offices In 2021, artwork collector Jimmy Willis posted it on Comic Art Fans And today, Rick Veitch noticed, posting on Facebook, "Stolen from the offices[...]
Kris Longo Steps Away From Heavy Metal Magazine As Publisher
In January this year, Marshall Lees CEO of Heavy Metal Entertainment, wrote "Kris Longo remains as our Chief Sales Officer and now serves as interim Publisher" as the company suffered ructions and the publication of the magazine handed to Whatnot/Massive – something they have now stepped away from. Interim Publisher no more, it seems[...]
WhatNot/Massive Cancels Heavy Metal, Will Not Publish Volume Two
In October 2022, Bleeding Cool reported that relatively new comic book publisher Whatnot Publishing, now more widely known as Massive Publishing, was to take over the publication of the legendary long-running sci-fi-fantasy comic book anthology Heavy Metal Magazine from Heavy Metal Entertainment And would be starting over with a Volume #1 issue 1 at the[...]
Cover image for GRYFFEN #3 (OF 3) CVR A UNDERWOOD (MR)
Whatnot Publishing is giving Ninja Funk a one-shot as it continues Astro Bots, The Exiled, Gryffen, North Valley Grimoire and Liquid Kill into their June 2023 solicits and solicitations as well as Ramgod from the Heavy Metal side Talking of which, still no sign of a solicitation for Heavy Metal Magazine Vol 2 #4 Looks like[...]
Joe Illidge Quits Heavy Metal Magazine, Talks To Bleeding Cool
Over Christmas, as Bleeding Cool reported on Heavy Metal Magazine undergoing a series of problems First, difficulty paying the bills, then CEO Matt Medney quitting or being pushed, new CEO and Myth founder Marshall Lees being appointed, and claims of creators having their work stolen from under them At the time, I was told that[...]
Heavy Metal Cancels Comics From Bart Sears, Christopher Priest & More
Matthew Medney either jumped or was pushed as CEO of Heavy Metal Magazine and it seems that Heavy Metal is wiping out all traces of the man In December 2019, Heavy Metal Magazine published Adventures Of Adrienne James #0 by Matthew Medney, Bruce Edwards and Geraldo Borges However subsequent solicited issues(listed below) have been cancelled[...]
Cover image for GRYFFEN #1 (OF 6) CVR B DAYGLO
WhatNot Publishing launches a brand new series Gryffen #1 by Ben Kahn and Bruno Hidalgo, as well as a Heavy Metal series Ramgod #1 by Morgan Rosenblum, Owen Rosenblum, Canaan White, Ren Spiller and Ismail Nihad in their April 2023 solicits and solicitations Take a look below. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-1[...]
Cover image for HEAVY METAL #319 CVR C JUNG GI (MR)
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool reported on the resignation of Matthew Medney, CEO of Heavy Metal Magazine since 2019, and his replacement by Myth founder Marshall Lees Bleeding Cool has been covering some of the publisher's woes of late, even as publication of the magazine has been handed to Whatnot Publishing Two days these woes included Claudio Alvarez and Geraldo Borges complaining that[...]
Miek Medney Quits HEavy MEtal Magazine
Matthew Medney, CEO of Heavy Metal Magazine since his 2019 investment in the company, has given Variety the PR that he has quit the company in its entirety, to be replaced by Myth founder Marshall Lees Jamie Penrose will stay on as chief operating officer Joe Illidge remains as editor-in-chief of Heavy Metal since 2021 and we know[...]
Heavy Metal
He writes on Facebook; The Detective from Heavy Metal Italy "Being an "international author" has a lot of goodies But there's also the darker side of dealing with unscrupulous and chatty editors, a world that many of the creators who offer their content from Latin America know – unfortunately – all too well. "I remember how happy we[...]
Cover image for ASTROBOTS #1 (OF 5) CVR A KNOTT
Simon Furman is known as the finest writer of Transformers comic books to man, as well as co-creator of Death's Head, Dragon's Claws and more, working in comics and animation, and now launching a brand new title from Whatnot Publishing, Astrobots, written with and drawn by Heavy Metal artist Hector Trunnec and based on a[...]
Heavy Metal Having Difficulty Paying The Bills As Joe Illidge Leaves?
Recently, the publisher Heavy Metal outsourced the publication rights of the longstanding Heavy Metal Magazine to Whatnot Publishing, including, for the first time in the magazine's history, relaunching with a volume 2 and a new number one But what else is going on at the publisher that might have led to such a move? Joseph S[...]
Whatnot Launches Heavy Metal Vol 2 & Liquid Kill In Feb 2023 Solicits
and Starburns Industries Press, who earlier this year bought Heavy Metal Magazine and related titles Heavy Metal Magazine has been through a number of owners and controllers of recent years, with stories of internal coups, challenging comings and goings, non-delivery to customers, callousness and challenges from creators, former employees, their widows and estates[...]
Whatnot To Be The New Publisher Of Heavy Metal Magazine Vol 2 #1
And now they have signed a deal to be the new publisher of Heavy Metal Magazine and related titles, starting next year and includes distribution to the direct market of comic book store, and bookstore distribution too And that means a relaunch of Heavy Metal Magazine for the very first time. Heavy Metal Magazine has been[...]
Tripwire 30th Anniversary Volume Offers Cheap Frank Miller Signature
Heavy Metal is to publish the 30th Anniversary of Tripwire Magazine collection a month late on the 25th of October – but still within its thirtieth year Being distributed by Simon & Schuster and Diamond Comic Distributors, it is intended to be a 200-page paperback "snapshot" for $40 of what Tripwire has covered in the[...]
Auto Draft
Entropy #1 asks the question, what if the Silver Surfer served an evil god? You'd get something like Entropy, the new limited series from Heavy Metal In the comic, family man Henry Hanks is chosen and then killed by Kako, the living embodiment of chaos and misery, as the solicit puts it, to become Kano's[...]
Cole Drumb & Jen Luk Adapt PostHuman For Heavy Metal Magazine
Post Human, is a new comic book series about psychic assassins, super hackers, and eugenics conglomerates starting in Heavy Metal Magazine in September 2022, from writers Cole Drumb and Jennifer Luk based on the 6-minute animated film they released ten years ago. Here are Heavy Metal Magazine's solicits and solicitations for all of September 2022. #gallery-1 { margin:[...]
Cover image for ENTROPY #1 (MR)
Christopher Priest launches a brand new comic book series from Heavy Metal, Entropy, with artist Montos, telling the story of Heavy Metal's biggest, badest, supervillain, described as "Breaking Bad meets Green Lantern"…  here's a look at everything from Heavy Metal in their July 2022 solicits and solicitations. ENTROPY #1 (MR) HEAVY METAL MAGAZINE MAY221499 (W) Christopher Priest (A) Montos Heavy[...]
Heavy Metal Comes To 4K Blu-ray On April 19th
Heavy Metal, the classic and groundbreaking adult animated film, finally comes to 4K Blu-ray on April 19th A long-requested title in 4K, it will come housed in a fantastic-looking Steelbook package; the release will also include Heavy Metal 2000, the sequel making its debut on Blu-ray as well Presented in 4K and under the supervision[...]