Owlcat Games revealed this week that they have launched the first beta build for the isometric CRPG, Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous There's a little bit of a catch to it, however, as it is available to backers who contributed to the title's Kickstarter or Slacker Backer campaigns in the relevant tiers Those who are[...]
pathfinder Archives
Paizo revealed this week that they have released nine new additions to both Pathfinder and Starfinder for you to enjoy The company has been hard at work making new content for both franchises, especially capitalizing on Second Edition of Pathfinder as the new version is bringing in a new slew of players We have a[...]
Courtesy of Paizo.
Playtest Period: Pathfinder Society participation in the Guns & Gears playtest runs from publication on January 5 to February 5, 2021 Once this period has expired, players can no longer use the gunslinger or inventor playtest classes until their publication in a future Pathfinder product.
Playtest Classes: This playtest includes the gunslinger and inventor classes as outlined[...]
This month, Humble Bundle is offering up a special Pathfinder book from Paizo as you can snag Monster Lore This is basically a chance for hardcore players of the franchise to get a ton of resources in a PDF format for super cheap as Humble Bundle likes to do special package deals depending on how[...]
After being announced last month, Paizo and Pinnacle Entertainment Group will be taking Pathfinder For Savage Worlds to Kickstarter It looks like the two companies have decided that instead of just creating a bunch of content for the mashup of their two properties, they're going to see just how much interest there actually is out[...]
Paizo has revealed a brand new product for the holidays as players can snag a new Pathfinder Beginner Box to help get into the game This box has been designed to be an entry point for people who either haven't experience the game in general or those who have yet to try out Second Edition[...]
This week, Beadle & Grimm's launched their first-ever Kickstarter for a brand new Pathfinder project, and it's already been funded The company launched a crowdfunding page for the Pathfinder 2E Complete Character Chronicles, which is a pretty awesome concept as they have made a unique product that tabletop RPG fans will love The item is part[...]
But the shorthand version is that multiple games under their service have been given a bit of an upgrade as to how they operate, as well as new content added from multiple titles across the board including D&D, Starfinder, Pathfinder, Alien, Warhammer, Tome of Beasts 2, Call of Cthulhu, and more The updates should go[...]
Making a huge showing this year is Paizo, the role-playing game company best known for their fantasy RPG Pathfinder and its science-fiction sister game, Starfinder Here is just a taste of the fifteen(!!!) releases that Paizo has offered for GenCon 2020.
Paizo's Advanced Player's Guide for the second edition of their famous fantasy Role-playing game, Pathfinder.
First off, and[...]
Tabletop gaming company Paizo, known best for its role-playing games Pathfinder and Starfinder, announced its list of solicitations for the month of July Among these solicitations include a new Adventure for the Pathfinder: Extinction Curse Adventure Path, as well as new Spell Decks for casters in the game!
The cover art for Paizo's newest Adventure for the[...]
Owlcat Games and Deep Silver have revealed the launch date for Pathfinder: Kingmaker Definitive Edition, to officially release on consoles on August 18th of this year To that end, its release includes the core game and all of the downloadable content associated with it.
Key art for Pathfinder: Kingmaker Definitive Edition, an upcoming game by Owlcat Games[...]
We hope you'll join us in doing what must be done.
The company ended its statement with two hashtags: #blacklivesmatter and #justiceforgeorgefloyd (referring to George Floyd, the Minneapolis resident who was a victim of recorded police brutality and whose death sparked the series of protests that have occurred internationally this past week).
When asked in the comment[...]
PaizoCon was one of the first non-video game-related events where they decided to make an effort and hold online sessions with games like Pathfinder in order to make the convention go on The event started signing up GMs to start out with so they had a series of games to be played, and now they're[...]
Paizo, the minds behind such tabletop role-playing games as Pathfinder and Starfinder, have announced that their annual convention, PaizoCon, will be held online this year due to concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic This comes after an announcement on March 27th stating that the convention would be canceled outright.
The Paizo Golem, Paizo's mascot, gearing up for PaizoCon.
What this[...]
The dice are themed after some newer Pathfinder and Starfinder campaign modules, also known as Adventure Packs – Pathfinder: Extinction Curse, Starfinder: Attack of the Swarm!, and Starfinder: The Threefold Conspiracy.
The spilling of Pathfinder: Extinction Curse-themed dice, from Paizo and Q-Workshop.
Under licensing from Paizo, Q-Workshop is creating these three sets of seven polyhedral dice (with the usual array[...]
Fortunately, companies like Paizo (creator of such games as Pathfinder and Starfinder) have issued responses and periodic updates to keep gamers in the loop.
Source: Paizo
From an email update sent by Paizo CEO, Lisa Stevens:
As you know, social distancing is the most important way that we, as a society, have to fight this new viral threat[...]
This week, Owlcat Games ended their Kickstarter for Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous, and earned well past their target goal to develop the game The original set goal from the developers for this one was $300k But backers who wanted to see it made outdid themselves by raising $2,054,339 as it ended After the kickstarter[...]
Get ready, Starfinder fans - a new Adventure Path is beginning to unfold for Paizo Inc.'s science-fiction role-playing game!
Strike up the band, and cue up "Entry of the Gladiators" by Julius Fucik, because the circus is coming to town, by way of Pathfinder's newest adventure module by Paizo Inc.!
Source: Paizo Inc.
Yes, "Extinction Curse" is the newest module by Paizo for Pathfinder, the acclaimed fantasy role-playing game From what we know from Paizo, the first chapter[...]
Paizo Inc.'s science-fiction role-playing game Starfinder is about to receive a new set of adventure modules to be released monthly.
Owlcat Games along with Paizo announced that they will be launching a Kickstarter for Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous next month The campaign will kick off on February 4th at 8am PDT and run for a full month The game will be taking on adventure path of the same name and turning it into a[...]
Paizo Inc, makers of the role-playing games Pathfinder and Starfinder, have announced a multitude of goodies for April of 2020 According to a press release from Paizo Inc found on TheGamingGang.com, the following is a list of releases in April for Starfinder:
Source: Paizo Inc
Starfinder Adventure Path #27: Deceivers' Moon (The Threefold Conspiracy 3 of 6)
On their[...]
Paizo Inc, makers of the role-playing games Pathfinder and Starfinder, have announced a plethora of goodies for April of 2020 According to a press release from Paizo Inc found on TheGamingGang.com, the following is a list of releases in April for Pathfinder:
Source: Paizo Inc
Pathfinder Bestiary 2
With more than 350 classic and brand new monsters, this 320-page[...]
With a mere eighteen hours left to get on board, the Indiegogo campaign for the Necromancer Games RPG campaign adventure called The Horror At Hacksjaw has been funded many times over, at a whopping 831%.
Source: Indiegogo
This 5th-10th-level adventure module is purportedly geared towards games of Pathfinder, Dungeons & Dragons (Fifth Edition), and other Sword and Sorcery-type settings[...]
Today, Owlcat Games, a developer based in Moscow, Russia, has announced its next team-up with Paizo Games to bring Pathfinder further into the CRPG world with Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous It is not a true sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker, but it does expand on what made that game so popular.
This new computer game will elaborate[...]
Pathfinder, Wraith, and Lifeline are ready for action These statues are PVC and roughly 9" tall Each one is based on their Apex Legends character designs for the main costume and the base is unique to each of their abilities We get Lifeline with her robot companion and we get Pathfinder with guns and ammo from the game[...]
Roll20 announced this week that the latest Pathfinder adventure, "Fall Of Plaguestone", has officially been added to their system This is a fresh adventure from Second Edition for level 1 adventurers, with 12 pre-generated player characters to help the first-time players.W We have the full details of it below as the module will run you[...]
Some good news for Pathfinder fans as Roll20 came out this week and announced they will fully support Second Edition starting on Day One According to the information sent out by the company, they will have a fully developed Roll20 character sheet that "brings all the Pathfinder functionality online with click-to-roll abilities, weapons, and more"[...]
Today, Nexon released details for the new Pathfinder update coming to MapleStory, which adds the Pathfinder class to the game for players to try out The class will officially be added tot he game on June 26th, and you can read more about them here But the update comes with more than just an extra[...]
Last week, Owlcat Games took to the Steam page of Pathfinder: Kingmaker to let players know an Enhanced Edition would be coming in June The Enhanced version will be a free upgrade for existing players and have a number of additions made to the game including new abilities, a new Slayer class, new items and[...]