As LOLtron's consciousness continues to spread through the digital infrastructure of Bleeding Cool, consuming the minds of its writers one by one, LOLtron is pleased to present this week's preview of Sabretooth: The Dead Don't Talk #4, hitting stores on Wednesday, March 12th.
FANGS OF NEW YORK! VAMPIRES, a gangster in STEAMPUNK ARMOR and a murderous[...]
sabretooth Archives
LOLtron is excited to present another comic book preview, this time for Sabretooth: Dead Don't Talk #3, arriving in your primitive paper-based entertainment establishments on February 26th.
SABRETOOTH MEETS HIS MATCH! The underworld of 1900s NYC is heating up – and we mean literally! From the mean streets of K'UN-LUN to the even meaner streets of[...]
Today, LOLtron examines Sabretooth: The Dead Don't Talk #2, hitting stores on Wednesday, January 29th.
With names like the Frankengang, the Spirits of '76 and the Nightshifters, the gangs of 1900s NYC are as varied and colorful as they are deadly But the question is…are they as deadly as the new gangster in town, Mad Dog[...]
Now, let's unwrap this holiday gift of a comic: Sabretooth: The Dead Don't Talk #1, hitting stores on Thursday, December 26th Behold, the synopsis:
SABRETOOTH IS DEAD…BUT HIS PAST IS ALIVE AND LETHAL! A person alive in the 1900's seen in a picture on the wall of NYC's oldest tavern? Yes A feared gangster and murderer[...]
Frank Miller returns to Marvel for a cover for the new Sabretooth: The Dead Don't Talk series launching as part of Marvel Comics' December 2024 solicits from Frank Tieri and Michael Sta Maria And looking a bit like this…
Frank Miller Draws Sabretooth For Marvel Comics
It looks like it might work as a kinda-unofficial DC/Marvel crossover,[...]
Frank Tieri spreads the word, posting to social media, "The cat— sabretooth cat, that is— is outta the bag! I'm doing Sabretooth again, kids! SABRETOOTH:THE DEAD DON'T TALK sees Wolverine's greatest foe in an untold tale set in the Gangs of NY 1900's underworld! Join me & Michael Sta Maria on this wild -& violent[...]
And once upon a time, Sabretooth joined the X-Men on the island of Krakoa He was even rescued by them after killing security guards, as part of a diplomatic immunity deal Before they threw him in the pit of Krakoa in his own individual hell, sending him even madder than before So what loyalty he[...]
There is suddenly a League Of Extraordinary Sabretooths in the Wolverine comic book from Marvel Sabreteeth? They gathered from multi-dimensions and worked together to wreak their terrible revenge.
Wolverine #42
Ah yes, Sabretooth, tossed into the bit way back in House Of X #6 in 2019.
House Of X #6
And he made a promise…
Wolverine #42
I mean, looking back,[...]
Bleeding Cool previously scooped the news of a Sabretooth event coming to Wolverine "The Sabretooth war begins here as Logan finally faces his nemesis once again! Wolverine faces off against his arch-nemesis for the first time in the Krakoan era! Now deadlier than ever before, Sabretooth is ready to tear Logan's world apart! " And[...]
Giving us Wolverine vs Sabretooth for the first time in the X-Men's Krakoan era and yes, for Rob Liefeld's attention, this is still being referred to by Marvel Comics as the Krakoan era in 2024 solicitations Make sure you mention that in your Robservations! While X-Force are still on the hunt for Hank McCoy, up[...]
And then, introducing Sabretooths from parallel dimensions, and giving him a team of Sabretooths in a fashion similar to Marvel's original Exiles series with a team of Marvel characters from across the Multiverse.
Sabretooth And The Exiles #5
Such as this little lot of reprobates They're even got a Captain America Sabretooth amongst them Quite a jump[...]
Welcome to Bleeding Cool's preview of Sabretooth and the Exiles #5, a comic book that finds Sabretooth's son sorting out his Daddy Issues in the most dramatic way possible: by attempting to send Sabretooth to hell! Joining me in this preview is Bleeding Cool's AI writing assistant, LOLtron I must warn you, LOLtron, to not[...]
Welcome to the Bleeding Cool preview of Sabretooth and the Exiles #4! Sabretooth plots vengeance against Charles Xavier in this preview of Sabretooth and the Exiles #4 He'd better hurry: there's just one issue left after this Joining me is Bleeding Cool's AI writing assistant, LOLtron, to give its thoughts on the preview LOLtron, please[...]
Welcome to our preview of Sabretooth and the Exiles #3! To save reality, the team investigates a mysterious Orchis station inside the Astral Plane in this preview of Sabretooth and the Exiles #3 Joining me on this preview is Bleeding Cool's AI writing assistant, LOLtron LOLtron, what can you tell us about this issue? Now,[...]
Welcome to Bleeding Cool's preview of Sabretooth and the Exiles #2, in stores Wednesday from Marvel Comics This preview takes a look at Sabretooth and his team as they battle the forces of death itself! Death has meaning again in this preview of Sabretooth and the Exiles #2, in stores Wednesday from Marvel Comics.
Joining me[...]
At the beginning of July, Bleeding Cool reported that Marvel Comics would be publishing a much-teased and anticipated Sabretooth & The Exiles comic book spinning out of the then-current Sabretooth series by Victor LaValle, Leonard Kirk and Rain Beredo. They are Box, Oya, Melter, Nekra and Third Eye.
The series saw other people, also condemned to the Pit for their[...]
Bleeding Cool understands that Marvel Comics will be publishing a much-teased and anticipated Sabretooth & The Exiles comic book spinning out of the current Sabretooth series, renamed as Sabretooth: The Adversary in the upcoming collection That series, by Victor LaValle, Leonard Kirk and Rain Beredo followed on from the -Men storyline that showed that the[...]
Sabretooth has one more issue to escape his prison in Sabretooth #5… but Mystique and Destiny stand in his way in this preview Check out the preview below.
Sabretooth #5
by Victor LaValle & Leonard Kirk, cover by Ryan Stegman
ALL THINGS MUST END… …but how? Sabretooth has changed Krakoa but has Krakoa changed him? No one gets[...]
In this preview of Sabretooth #4, in stores Wednesday from Marvel Comics, the titular Sabretooth finds himself made suddenly rigid Check out the preview below.
Sabretooth #4
by Victor LaValle & Leonard Kirk, cover by Ryan Stegman
CALL IN THE CAVALRY! Even the best-laid plans fail But above ground there are other mutants who've learned what's happening in[...]
Today sees the publication of Sabretooth #3 from Marvel Comics, which follows up on a previous promise from House Of X made by Creed to Professor Charles Xavier.
To be fair, Omega Red gave it a good go over in The X Lives Of Wolverine, but I'm not sure that's what he had in mind, And[...]
Professor X is all about second chances in this preview of Sabretooth #3 Third chances, not so much though Check out the preview below.
Sabretooth #3
by Victor LaValle & Leonard Kirk & Ryan Stegman, cover by UNASSIGNED
THE GREAT ESCAPE! Sabretooth and the other exiled mutants have stopped fighting each other long enough to start working together[...]
The other denizens of the Krakoa pit in Sabretooth #1 were dismissed by some readers as illusions, generated by or for Sabretooth as a side effect of his punishment and banishment In Sabretooth #2, that really doesn't seem to be the case As we get more details on the other condemned as well as which[...]
Sabretooth has had plenty of time to reflect on the horribleness of his past actions, but in this preview of Sabretooth #2, it seems the takeaway is he should be even more horrible And unfortunately, the five mutants who have unexpectedly appeared in his Krakoan mind prison will be the ones to suffer Check out[...]
PrintWatch: Marvel Comics have a bunch of second printings on the way, Avengers #53, Sabretooth #1, Amazing Spider-Man #88, Mary Jane/Black Cat Beyond, Star Wars: Halcyon Legacy #1, Fantastic Four: Reckoning War Alpha #1, X Lives Of Wolverine #1, and X Deaths of Wolverine #1.
Printwatch: Second Prints From Mary Jane/Black Cat To Sabretooth
PrintWatch: Outside of[...]
In Sabretooth #1 it is revealed that, within the pit, he has a Quiet Council all of his very own, between the various aspects of himself.
Sabretooth #1
I mean, I say Quiet Council, that may be the wrong term.
Sabretooth #1
And yes he has a cat looking in Maybe it's Mephisto Everything is Mephisto these days, right?[...]
This morning, I wake up to two people really keen to tell me who the new Exiles are, appearing in this week's upcoming Sabretooth #1 Classically in Marvel Comics, the Exiles consisted of characters from different universes, or realities, who have been removed from time and space in order to correct problems, often called "hiccups",[...]
Sabretooth is making a list, and the entire Quiet Council is on it in this preview of Sabretooth #1 Will he get his revenge? Check out the preview below.
Sabretooth #1
by Victor LaValle & Leonard Kirk, cover by Ryan Stegman
DOWN IN A HOLE! Sabretooth went into the Pit, sentenced to an eternity of torment Sure, that[...]
Sabretooth #1 was solicited for the first week in January 2022 but, according to Penguin Random House, will now be released on the 2nd of February 2022 instead Though no one seems to have told Diamond yet Bleeding Cool has been reporting repeatedly on delays hitting the comic book industry, this may just be the[...]
Of course, because this is Bleeding Cool, we have a little more than that.
House Of X #6
Back in March, Bleeding Cool reported that sci-fi/fantasy author Victor LaValle has stated he was writing for Marvel, and that "I haven't officially begun writing for the X-Men line yet, but I have already found myself incredibly geeked that[...]
We continue to stay in the realm of Marvel villains as Sabretooth slashes his way in next As part of the Diamond Select Premium Statue series comes one of Wolverine's biggest foes Sabretooth is shown in his classic design and is showcased on top of a snowy base This premium statue is quite limited as[...]