si spurrier Archives

London Film And Comic Con 2024
Once upon a time, comic book creators Si Spurrier and Frazer Irving published a comic book through Image Comics called Gutsville The story of a religious 18th-century world within the belly of an unknown beast The Book of Jonah, filled with Luddites but a community that survives. The first issue of the six-issue series was published[...]
Si Spurrier on Saying Goodbye to the X-Men
All three co-wrote the final issue of X-Men #35, but there are a few others with some poignant moments to share. Si Spurrier, who wrote the Nightcrawler-related Krakoan books Legion Of X, Way Of X, Sins Of Sinister and Uncanny Spider-Man, stated, "Haven't chimed in on the Krakoan Eulogies Truth is I still don't quite know[...]
Separated At Birth: Inspector Pilgrim And River Song
But did anyone have their money on River Song? Today's Flash #9 by Si Spurrier and Ramon Perez reveals the identity of Inspector Pilgrim and it is one, to be fair, that many folks had worked out, at least in part But it is revealed in a familiar way. Inspector Pilgrim knows that Wade West will be safe with[...]
John Constantine, Rewriting Sandman, Hellblazer & TS Eliot (Spoilers)
This week, Clarice Sackville gets to frame it back again, courtesy of Si Spurrier and Aaron Campbell. JOHN CONSTANTINE HELLBLAZER DEAD IN AMERICA #2 (OF 8) CVR A AARON CAMPBELL (MR) (W) Si Spurrier (A/CA) Aaron Campbell With the specter of mortality breathing down his neck, John heads to the Big Easy, where he enlists the skills of[...]
Auto Draft
New powers for old, new powers for old! Bleeding Cool already compared the new Flash series by Si Spurrier and Mike Deodato to both Immortal Hulk and Saga Of The Swamp Thing in terms of trying to redefine a character In the new issue out tomorrow, it is time to pass that lesson on, as[...]
Sandman & Swamp Thing & John Constantine Hellblazer Crossover
If DC Comics were to revive the Vertigo Comics imprint, wouldn't this be a fun way to start? Si Spurrier posts to TwitterX, "He's back HELLBLAZER: DEAD IN AMERICA drops in January Final orders are due this Sunday If you haven't told your retailer you need one of these by then – and, mate, you[...]
Si Spurrier Does With Nightcrawler What Chris Claremont Wasn't Allowed
With this week's X-Men Origins: Blue, part of the Fall Of X storyline, and spinning out of Uncanny Spider-Man which has seen Nightcrawler in a Spider-Man suit trying to handle his mother in New York, driven insane by losing her wife one more time (even though she is in the White Hot Room with most[...]
DC Comics
This week sees The Flash #2 from Si Spurrier, Mike Deodato and Trish Mulvihill, published by DC Comics, continuing a rather experimental use of the form, with a grid that is both order and chaos simultaneously, a fractured reality of storytelling. It's possible I may be the only one reminded of the Soul Trapper from Spawn[...]
“D&D On ‘Shrooms” Patton Oswalt Plugs Spurrier & Bergara’s Coda
It's Coda time! As Bleeding Cool previously reported, Si Spurrier is having an incredibly busy September with three new launches releasing over three weeks and seemed quite chuffed when I saw him at his Damn Them All signing with co-creator Charlie Adlard at Gosh Comics over the weekend. @thatrichjohnston  #bleedingcool #london #comics #forbiddenplanet ♬ original sound[...]
Things To Do In Septmber 2023 If You Like Comics
Which is what makes it so perfect for two big comic book signings in Central London, with Damn Them All #1 getting a signing with Si Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Jim Campbell and Tom Muller at Gosh Comics in Soho from 1 pm to 2 pm And then The Devil's Cut #1 signing with[...]
Si Spurrier is writing the new Flash relaunch from DC Comics, drawn by Mike Deodato and pitched as a cosmic horror And yes, that is a very, very different tone to the Flash that Jeremy Adams was writing … but it doesn't ignore it Flash #796 ended the One Minute War with Max Mercury whizzing off into the sunset to… see what's[...]
The Flash #1 – It's Like Immortal Hulk & Saga Of The Swamp Thing
Si Spurrier is writing the new Flash relaunch from DC Comics, drawn by Mike Deodato and pitched as a cosmic horror And yes, that is a very, very different tone to the Flash that Jeremy Adams was writing, and the recent movie This weekend is Final Order Cut-Off for The Flash #1 so Spurrier wanted[...]
Cover image for CODA #1 (OF 5) CVR A BERGARA
Once upon a time, Si Spurrier used to be a regular writer for Bleeding Cool And he has remained a favourite here at Bleeding Cool He seems a favourite elsewhere as well because next month, he's relaunching three new series from three different publishers. First, Si Spurrier is part of the two biggest current initiatives at[...]
Si Spurrier Returns To Coda With Matias Bergara From Boom Studios
Earlier today, Si Spurrier tweeted "I think today we drop an announcement for what is quite simply my dream project, with my dream collaborator Hoping it'll quench all thirsts." as well as previously posting "Hmmm" with the following image Or coda…   Because, yes, it's Coda, by Si Spurrier and Matías Bergara, who recently reunited on the[...]
Scoop: Batman/Catwoman Crossover For Dawn Of DC
Or rather, Betrayal! is the name of Si Spurrier and Mike Deodato's upcoming run on The Flash, launching later this year from DC Comics as part of Dawn Of DC. DC Comics previously described the upcoming run as a cosmic horror, saying "Wally West has never been quicker, more fulfilled, more heroic His loving family is[...]
Si Spurrier & Mike Deodato Relaunch The Flash #1 For Dawn Of DC
X-Men, Hellblazer, Coda, Crossed, Disenchanted, Star Wars, Dreaming, Judge Dredd, X-Force, Doctor Who, The Spire, Six Gun Gorilla, Cry Havoc, Angelic and Gutsville writer, Si Spurrier, has a new thing A new The Flash #1 from DC Comics in September as part of Dawn Of DC He tweets out the news "On THE FLASH So[...]
Damn Them All Looks To Be Si Spurrier’s Biggest Creator-Owned Launch
Then Boom Studios Sales Manager, Rosalind Morehead, revealed that Damn Them All is also getting upgraded to an ongoing series. As Bleeding Cool previously reported, not only is Damn Them All the first original series from Robert Kirkman's artistic partner on The Walking Dead, Charlie Adlard, since the megahit concluded, but its writer Si Spurrier's biggest[...]
Marvel May 2023 Solicits For Fall Of X
And Steve Orlando joining the Sins Of Sinister writing team of Al Ewing, Si Spurrier and Kieron Gillen. X-MEN: BEFORE THE FALL – SONS OF X #1 Written by SI SPURRIER Art and Cover by PHIL NOTO On Sale 5/3 Witness a battle between two titans of the X-Universe. A man of innumerable personalities and powers vs[...]
Sins Of Sinister
But it did give me the opportunity to get a little of the X-Men panel in front of your eyes tonight. Kieron Gillen, Si Spurrier and Al Ewing led the Professing X: An X-Men Panel, the writers of Immortal X-Men, Legion Of X, and X-Men Red, hosted by Elizabeth Sandifer at Thought Bubble In which they[...]
Constantine Sequel News? Damn Them All Instead
And not just because former John Constantine, Hellblazer writer Si Spurrier has teamed up with The Walking Dead artist Charlie Adlard for Damn Them All. After all, as Bleeding Cool reported last month, Ellie "Bloody El" Hawthorne bears more than a passing resemblance to the Constantines Like the film version of Constantine, Bloody El is an[...]
Damn Them All Looks To Be Si Spurrier’s Biggest Creator-Owned Launch
After all, this is Adlard's first creator-owned series since The Walking Dead made him a household name. Bleeding Cool was the first to speculate Adlard would be paired with Step By Bloody Step writer and former Bleeding Cool columnist Si Spurrier and, naturally, when Damn Them All was announced ahead of Comic-Con, we were proven right[...]
Damn Them All
DC PR guy Clark Bull was recommending the recent Sandman Presents: Hellvlazer: Constantine series by Si Spurrier and Aaron Campbell – the one that DC Comics cancelled. So with fans buzzing about the gender-swapped Johanna Constantine in the streaming megahit, we thought it wise to point out that they might be able to get their fix[...]
Days Of Dark Knight/Arkham Asylum/Miracleman in Suicide Squad: Blaze
But by the end, it is exhilarating, like picking up Bill Sienkiewicz's New Mutants for the first time when you are eight years old, like a roller coaster ride that makes your stomach heave to begin with but, by the end, you are screaming for high heaven. And while Si Spurrier needs only to have dropped[...]
Ram V, Rafael Albuquerque, Dave Stewart On A Dark Knight Comic
Ram's story not only matches my vision of this beloved character but also twists it, elevating it to another level, making me want to be part of this special new take, that I think is going to be as special to the fans as it's been for me." Each issue of Detective Comics will also feature a back-up[...]
Legion Of X From Si Spurrier & Jan Bazaldua in April 2022
Marvel Comics has confirmed details on Legion Of X, the new Destiny Of X Krakoan X-Men comic book as written by Si Spurrier and drawn by Jan Bazaldua Spurrier wrote the recent Way Of X series and the Onslaught special that concluded it, with Bob Quinn Well, now it's continuing with Krakoan X-Force artist Jan…[...]
Destiny Of Magneto, Mister Sinister & Destiny In X-Men's Destiny Of X
What will that mean for the books? Great question. While Si Spurrier, irregular X-Men writer, and writer on the recent Way Of X series, tweeted earlier; Oh, hey, btw, I think there might be an internet-breaking announcement later. Might this be something including him and the previously sneaked-out Kieron Gillen on the Xbooks going forward? Might it include[...]
Hellblazer's Si Spurrer & Aaron Campbell Create Suicide Squad: Blaze
Si Spurrier and Aaron Campbell worked on the cancelled-before-its-time John Constantine: Hellblazer comic book series a couple of years ago Now DC Comics has given Den of Geek the news of a new Suicide Squad series from the pair, that recreates some of the horror of that run Though maybe with slightly less William Blake[...]