The entire crew has been assembled for For All Mankind spinoff Star City, which tells the events of the revisionist AppleTV+ sci-fi dystopian series from the Soviet perspective Rounding out the cast are Adam Nagaitis (Chernobyl), Josef Davies (Andor), and Ruby Ashbourne Serkis (Shardlake), who join stars Rhys Ifans, Anna Maxwell Martin, Solly McLeod, Agnes[...]
Star City Archives
Anna Maxwell Martin will join Rhys Ifans to lead the Apple TV+ For All Mankind spinoff series Star City from original series creators Ben Nedivi, Matt Wolpert, and Ronald D Moore The series will focus on the same historical revisionist events of the U.S.-Russia space race from the Soviet Union's perspective The series is described[...]
Rhys Ifans is no stranger to science fiction, epics, or playing Russians, but never not all three at once until AppleTV+ tapped the House of the Dragon star to lead the For All Mankind spinoff series Star City. Announced in April 2024 alongside the renewal of the Ronald D Moore, Ben Nedivi, and Matt Wolpert-created series for a fifth season, Star City[...]
In the following preview for The Flash, Abra Kadabra returns to Central City with a vengeance. Will he make Team Flash disappear permanently?
The CW announced In September 2019 that it was moving forward with another Emerald Archer spinoff (remember The Flash?) – this one focusing on Katherine McNamara's Mia Smoak, and Canaries Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) and Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy) – Green Arrow and the Canaries.
Now the network has released the official synopsis for the episode[...]
We're really excited about that because obviously he's one of our favorite villains."
EP Marc Guggenheim stuck with that theme when teasing the version of Donnell's Tommy fans will meet: "not coming back as the Tommy we know."
● Considering the note on which last season ended, the news that Katherine McNamara (Mia Smoak) has been promoted[...]
Joseph-David Jones' Connor Hawke has been promoted to series regular for the 10-episode wrap up to Arrow's eight-season run, which ties directly into this fall's major "Arrowverse"-plus(?) crossover event "Crisis on Infinite Earths." In 2016, Connor was first introduced in a two-episode arc on DC's Legends Of Tomorrow; going on to join Arrow three years[...]
All Rights Reserved.All of that doesn't even touch on the future timeline, which is chock full of twists, turns, returns, and a Star City that is unrecognizable from the present day storyline.
It's been a long, strange trip, but at least we can rest assured that there's no way the season could get any weirder in[...]
Gordon Verheul directed the episode written by Oscar Balderrama & Sarah Tarkoff.
In addition to Emiko being the worst half-sister-in-law ever by setting up Felicity to take the fall for Team Arrow's murder cover up, it looks like the leader of the 9th Circle is going to war against Diggle, Roy, Dinah, and Rene as they[...]
Even in the same universe, I appreciate that Star City and Central City are very different places with different types of problems There's a flavor for everyone to find what they want.
Joey: This season's crossover made reference to previous DC Comics television worlds Earth-90 with John Wesley Shipp's version of Barry Allen "Somebody Save Me", the[...]
We still have this season – one of the best in years – to get through before we start the Oliver Queen death watch.
So with that in mind and this week's episode "Training Day" watched, let's get to it… shall we?
Arrow s07e15 "Training Day": TEAM ARROW ATTEMPTS TO WORK WITH SCPD — Team Arrow attempts[...]
Welcome back to Bleeding Cool's season-long review of the CW's Arrow, as we take a look at the 13th episode of the seventh season, "Star City Slayer."
For the first time in a long time, the writers have done a great job in setting up the mystery of the Star City Slayer over the past few episodes[...]
Felicity reminds Oliver that he returned to Star City to redeem his family's name after all of the horrible things they have done This is just another of those things Oliver doesn't have to continue his family's mistakes Felicity suggests that Oliver reach out to Emiko.
Justice or Revenge?
Photo by: Dean Buscher/The CW.
Emiko goes to Rene[...]
Intercut with the interview footage are shots of Oliver Queen–both in and out of the Green Arrow persona–resuming his vigilantism and acting outside of the law…unless assault, breaking and entering, property damage, and swiping crime scene evidence is legal now in Star City (and if that's the case, then that might be the first place[...]
The CW has been holding out on us - but now we're getting the real title for Arrow's seventh-season midseason return as the series moves to a new timeslot.
Questions of how Oliver's choices do and will affect his son William in particular and Star City in general become a focus for the season's B-side story.
The mid-season finale has Oliver not only out of prison but working as a contract consultant with the SCPD Some feel that seeing Oliver in this role will give[...]
Green Arrow and Green Lantern are reunited as Arrow comes closer to taking down the Ninth Circle. Was this reunion worth the wait?
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Green Arrow and the Flash's investigation into the Ninth Circle, the criminal cabal who have taken over Seattle, branded it as Star City, and made Oliver Queen a fugitive, has led them to the nation's capital itself, Washington D.C.
The two find a mass murder at a pro-peace lobbying organization Flash goes to analyze the[...]
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With the discovery that the Ninth Circle is attempting to spread its operations across the nation and around the globe after the establishment of Star City, Green Arrow has decided to go on a road trip across the nation to stop their schemes wherever he finds them.
Meanwhile, Black Canary, Emiko (the Red Arrow), and[...]
I can't say that this book has the grace or subtly of say Black Panther and the Crew or much of Sam Wilson: Captain America, but the fact that it has something to say should not be counted as a negative.
Regardless, this book has been quite well-written since Percy's arrival, and it definitely has more[...]
For four seasons, the finale of Arrow has placed Starling City / Star City in danger Malcolm Merlyn tried to shake things up, Slade Wilson ran his own personal purge, Ra's al Ghul cast a shadow across the city and of course Damien Darhk tried to nuke the place I think everyone in the city[...]
This article talks about a certain character coming to Star City on Arrow, and may be considered spoiler-ish…
Since she appeared in the flashbacks, two major questions have popped up concerning Talia al Ghul (Lexa Doig) First of course is when and if we'll see her in the modern day It's been rumored that Talia will[...]
In four seasons we've had four villains that have wanted to destroy Star City for various reasons This year's baddie not only needs to be different but his plan needs to have a different focus And bring in new villains like Onomatopoeia or bring back Bronze Tiger and Clock King And not just for single[...]
**** Spoilers for the new season of Arrow **** . . . This season of Arrow is taking care of a lot of the fan complaints since the beginning of the series.
Besides Oliver Queen taking on the moniker of Green Arrow in season 4, the Ray Palmer proposed name change of Starling City to Star City seems to be taking effect as well Here in a photo tweeted by Paul Blackthorne of Quentin Lance holding out his badge with John Diggle (David Ramsey) behind him… we[...]