Sunblink Archives

Hello Kitty Island Adventure
Sunblink dropped a new update for Hello Kitty Island Adventure this week, as they bring about the Cabins & Castles update for mobile players This is basically a springtime upgrade that adds more content to the game, along with a couple of events, some upgrades to places, new content for the Merry Meador, and more[...]
Hello Kitty Island Adventure Receives Merry Meadow Update
Mobile developer and publisher Sunblink released a new massive update for Hello Kitty Island Adventure, as Merry Meadow is now live Technically called Update 1.5, players will be able to try out brand new characters in an all-new springtime area, where you can create your own custom garden however you see fit to go along[...]
Hello Kitty Island Adventure Releases New Update 1.4
Sunblink dropped a new update for Hello Kitty Island Adventure this week, as Update 1.4 gives players a number of new additions The update is a mix of everything as you're getting a new chapter added to the main story for some new content, you're getting several quality-of-life updates added to maintain the game better,[...]
Hello Kitty Island Adventure Gets New Patch For The New Year
Mobile game developer and publisher Sunblink has released a new update for Hello Kitty Island Adventure with new content for the next few weeks The patch brings a new event that will run all the way until January 10, as it will be up to you to gather special lights from past celebrations and bring[...]
Hello Kitty Island Adventure Adds New Holiday Update
Sunblink and Sanrio revealed an all-new update for Hello Kitty Island Adventure that is now live, bringing in a holiday theme to the game for a bit The update will give players a ton of new things to do, new items to collect, a new event to play through, and more We have the details for[...]
Hello Kitty Island Adventure
Mobile developer and publisher Sunblink has revealed new details for the Halloween update coming to Hello Kitty Island Adventure Starting today, players will be able to get the new 1.2 Update for the game, which will incorporate a lot of Halloween-themed items, settings, and events for you to take part in over the next four[...]
Hello Kitty Island Adventure Releases New Update
Sunblink and Sanrio have released a new update for Hello Kitty Island Adventure this past week, giving the game a few new options Officially being called Update 1.1, the game now has a new storyline going for it, as well as new items, a new event, new characters to meet, and more The update is[...]
Hello Kitty Island Adventure
Mobile game developer and publisher Sunblink revealed they are working with Sanrio to release Hello Kitty Island Adventure for Apple Arcade The game is basically just some light-hearted fun as they have created a narrative-driven life simulation game about "embracing friendship and positivity." You get to design your own character to live in this universe[...]
HEROish Officially Launches On Apple Arcade Today
Sunblink officially announced this morning that they are releasing their latest game HEROish onto Apple Arcade today If you haven't seen the game yet, you will have the chance to play as one of six heroes who help summon troops, create spells, and destroy enemy towers in an epic battle where you are essentially playing[...]