witchblade Archives

Witchblade: Top Cow Promotes Title to Ongoing Series Status
Top Cow Productions announced that the reimagined Witchblade series has been upgraded to ongoing status The journey continues with Witchblade Issue #7, launching the same week as the release of Witchblade Vol 1 Trade Paperback, which collects the first six issues of the relaunched series The comic series originally ran from November 1995 to October[...]
Marc Silvestri & Garth Ennis' The Darkness Returns Next Week In Witchblade #7
The Darkness is returning to Image Comics and Top Cow in next week's Witchblade #7 by Marguerite Bennett, Giuseppe Cafaro and Arif Prianto The Darkness, Jackie Estacado, was created by Marc Silvestri, Garth Ennis, and David Wohl in 1996 for Top Cow and first appeared in Witchblade #10 as a New York mafioso who, after[...]
Witchblade Complete Collection Kickstarter Offers Stjepan Šejić Cover
Top Cow Productions continues their Kickstarter campaign to collect the classic comics Witchblade in print As part of the ongoing Kickstarter campaign for The Witchblade Complete Collection Volume 4, Top Cow will release an exclusive Special Edition Witchblade Slab Card featuring stunning new cover art by fan-favorite artist Stjepan Šejić This collectible will be available[...]
Top Cow Holiday Special
As part of Image Comics's December 2o24 solicits and solicitations, Top Cow Studios, behind The Darkness, Witchblade, Cyberforce, Aphrodite IX and more are doing a Top Cow Holiday Special for Christmas, published for the 4th of December And we have a black and white preview… TOP COW HOLIDAY SPECIAL ALL THROUGH HOUSE (ONE-SHOT) IMAGE COMICS OCT240423 (W) Marguerite Bennett,[...]
Marc Silvestri Recreates That Wolverine Deadpool Image for Witchblade
Marguerite Bennett, Giuseppe Cafaro, and Arif Prianto's new relaunch of Witchblade from Top Cow – as well as a bunch of retailer exclusive covers – helped Witchblade #1 be Image Comics' most ordered comic of July – even if it wasn't its bestselling one Witchblade #1 got over 80,000 orders the highest Top Cow launch[...]
Marc Silvestri Recreates That Wolverine Deadpool Image for Witchblade
Spoilers ahead of course. After working at Marvel, Marc Silvestri was a co-founder of Image Comics and founder of Top Cow, publishing his comics Witchblade, The Darkness, Cyberforce and more And now Image Comics is revealing a Witchblade 1:25 copy incentive homage variant by Marc Silvestri that plays off the original image, with Witchblade crucified on[...]
Wichblade #1 Gets A Slice Of The Action With 80,000 Orders
A source at Image Comics tells me that the new Witchblade #1 series launching in July has got over 80,000 orders from comic book retailers for its first issue, an impressive number for what is not one of the biggest names in comic books – despite having a couple of TV series under her rather[...]
Witchblade #1 Touts Campbell and Sienkewicz Limited Variant Covers
Scott Campbell (1/50) and Bill Sienkiewicz (1/100) incentive variant covers for Witchblade (2024) #1 by NYT Best-Selling writer Marguerite Bennett (Animosity, Batwoman, DC Bombshells) and artist Giuseppe Cafaro (Suicide Squad, Power Rangers, Red Sonja) Campbell's and Sienkiewicz's signature style will join the ranks of other cover artists like Giuseppe Cafaro, DANI, and Brad Simpson, and[...]
Witchblade: Top Cow to Relaunch Series Reboot in July 2024
Top Cow is reimagining the hit supernatural thriller series Witchblade The new series, coming July 2024, will be written by NYT Best-Selling Marguerite Bennett and artist Giuseppe Cafaro. The creative duo is working with original co-creator Marc Silvestri, now CEO of Top Cow Productions Inc and one of the founders of Image Comics. "Witchblade #1" Cover A by[...]
Marc Silvrstri Redesigns Witcblade For 2024 Relaunch From Image Comics
As part of the Kickstarter for The Complete Witchblade Vol 3, Marc Silvestri will be releasing the Witchblade #1 Preview edition ahead of the series relaunch in 2024 He has released the black-and-white cover of the new design for Witchblade, but in order to see the colour version, and the rest of the comic, you[...]
Cyblade/Shi: The Battle for Independents Preview
The comic book Witchblade created by Top Cow founder and owner Marc Silvestri, editor David Wohl, writers Brian Haberlin and Christina Z, and artist Michael Turner was published by Top Cow/Image Comics from 1995 to 2015, and along the way was adapted into a television series in 2001, as well as an anime, a manga and[...]
Hexagon July 2021
color – US$19.95. Chicago's superheroine, the fearless leather-clad, bike-riding Phenix, and the mysterious Italian enchantress Sibilla, once fought together alongside Top Cow's Witchblade against the infamous mass murderer, Gilles de Rais in Blood Oath (2003) But the story of their first encounter has never been told — until now! In these pages you'll discover how Phenix[...]
Witchblade 1/2
Top Cow is crowdfunding for the Complete Witchblade Hardcover Collection, a limited edition reprint of the series created by Marc Silvestri and featuring art by Randy Green, David Finch, Brian Ching, Billy Tan, and the late Michael Turner The hardcover will have an exclusive Kickstarter dust jacket and every copy will be signed by co-creator Marc Silvestri. There[...]
Twenty Five Years Later – Witchblade's Hero Stands the Test of Time
Just three years before Top Cow's debut of Sara Pezzini in the Witchblade franchise, Todd McFarlane, Jim Lee, Rob Liefield, Marc Silvestri, Erik Larsen, and Whilce Portacio separated from the comic industry conglomerates Marvel and DC and formed Image Comics. A cover of Witchblade #1 Credit: Top Cow Although the two newly formed distributors were releasing top[...]
Comics and Complication: Depictions of Women in Western Comics
This week we look at how western comics have depicted women over the years. Internal image from Witchblade #1 Credit: Top Cow Productions Sarah Pezzini, in the scant Witchblade armor, is a striking image in any rendition, fully equipped and covered or with next to nothing left to the imagination First impressions depend on one's unique introduction[...]
Hermes Press has picked up a successfully Kickstartered comic book written and pencilled by Izik Bell and painted and edited by Alexa Lo looks to recreate the nineties/noughties style of comic familiar to readers of Witchblade and The Darkness, with a new superfiction title called Metalshade Which for all intents and purposes looks like the[...]
Medieval Spawn and Witchblade #2 cover by Brian Haberlin
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] The story turns its attention to the previous wielder of the fabled Witchblade and how she fell We meet Sea Hawk, a seeker of artifacts of power He learns of Starling, a young girl of magic blood who could wield the weapon should she find it Sea Hawk decides to take Starling under his[...]
Comic Book Wins and Losses, Week of May 9th, 2018: No Justice for Deadpool
It is wall-to-wall piss and vinegar, and I loved it. Losses Medieval Spawn and Witchblade #1 cover by Brian Haberlin 5. Medieval Spawn and Witchblade #1 Already stretching my definition of a "loss," Medieval Spawn and Witchblade #1 earns a spot on this list for how dull this opening issue is There are few characters that even near interest, and the plot is[...]
Witchblade Continues While Bonehead Gets a Collected Edition: Top Cow May 2018 Solicits
Top Cow's Witchblade series by writer Caitlin Kittredge and artist Roberta Ingranata continues onwards this May of 2018 Plus, Bryan Hill and Rhoald Marcellius's Bonehead series gets a collected edition All of this comes from Top Cow More details below. WITCHBLADE #6 STORY: CAITLIN KITTREDGE ART / COVER: ROBERTA INGRANATA MAY 2 / 32 PAGES / FC / M / $3.99 Alex Underwood as survived dying, demons, and the perils of hosting[...]
Witchblade #1
Witchblade #1, the first issue in a new series with a new Witchblade host from creative team Caitlin Kittredge, Roberta Ingranata, and Bryan Valenza has sold out at Diamond and will see a second printing in stores on the same day Witchblade #2 comes out The book first hit stores on Wednesday, December 6th Though the book[...]
Witchblade In The Works At NBC
Even though their last attempt didn't work, NBC is jumping back into the comic book world… but this time with a property from Marc Silvestri and Top Cow. The plan is to reboot Witchblade, the story of police detective Sara Pezzini who ends up possessing an ancient artifact of supernatural origin called the Witchblade[...]
Top Cow's Groupees Bundle Offers 39 Digital Trades for $15
The first two issues of each of the following series: Postal, Think Tank, The Tithe, Magdalena, Aphrodite IX, Artifacts, The Darkness, Witchblade, Velocity, Madame Mirage, Cyberforce, Angelus and Symmetry. The second tier starting at $5 gets you get trades and lots of them 14 of them The first volumes of the following titles: Postal, Think Tank, The[...]
Shutter #25 To Crossover With Image Founders' Characters For Image 25th Anniversary
Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the founding of Image Comics, the 25th issue of Joe Keatinge and Leila del Luca's Shutter will feature appearances by characters from Todd McFarlane's Spawn, Sir Robert Liefeld's Glory, Marc Silvestri's Witchblade, Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon, Jim Valentino's Shadowhawk, and Robert Kirkman's Invincible, according to a press release sent out by[...]
Matt Hawkins Addresses The State Of Top Cow
And I can tell you, after chatting with Matt for an hour or so the other day, the state of the Top Cow is good. When most readers think of the company started by Marc Silvestri, co-founder of Image Comics, they think of two characters: Witchblade and Darkness And for almost twenty years those two titles[...]
If Witchblade Returns, She Won't Be Sara Pezzini – Talking to Matt Hawkins
By Abdulkareem Baba Aminu With Witchblade #185 done and dusted, Bleeding Cool caught up with Top Cow's President/Chief Operating Officer Matt Hawkins, who wrote the final 16 pages of the landmark issue Herewith, are excerpts: Abdulkareem Baba Aminu: Why do you think Witchblade (Sara Pezzini to be precise) has endured all these years, becoming an icon? Matt Hawkins:We[...]