Posted in: AfterShock, Comics, Comics for Your Pull Box, Dark Horse Comics, DC Comics, IDW, Image, Marvel Comics, Titan, Valiant | Tagged: adventure time, aftershock, amaerican mythology productions, andy diggle, animosity, Batman, Black Hammer, black panther, boom studios, brian k vaughn, brian michael bendis, cullen bunn, dark horse comics, Dark Souls, dc comics, doctor strange, Donny Cates, falcon, flash wars, francis manapul, greg pak, hunt for wolverine, idw publishing, image comics, invader zim, Invincible Iron Man, iron man, james tynion iv, jeff lemire, Joshua Williamson, justice league, Marguerite Bennett, Marvel Comics, matt kindt, oni press, pink panther, scott snyder, shadowman, star wars, super sons, Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Flash, Titan comics, x-files, x-men, x-o manowar
Comics for Your Pull Box, Week of May 23, 2018: Flash War Begins and the Hunt for Wolverine Goes to Madripoor
Wednesday approaches, and your wallet screams in agony… it's time for Comics for Your Pull Box. What should make the cut? What is new and worth trying. We'll tell you here, and, as always, here is the full Comic List catalogue.
Animosity #14
Marguerite Bennett and Rafael de la Torre's brilliant AfterShock series, Animosity, continues this week with protagonist Jesse being betrayed and kidnapped from one of her trusted friends.
Her Infernal Descent #2
Another AfterShock title, the second issue of Her Infernal Descent by Lonnie Nadler, Zac Tompson, and Kyle Charles continues its unique take on Dante's Inferno and will hopefully follow up on the promise of its stellar premiere issue.
Pellucidar at the Earth's Core
American Mythology brings you this adaptation of an Edgar Rice Burroughs classic written by Mike Wolfer and drawn by Clint Hilinski. Pellucidar is a realm without night at the core of our planet, and it is full of dinosaurs, danger, and mystery. It focuses on the hero Dian as she attempts to overthrow the vicious telepaths, the Mahars.
Pink Panther 55th Anniversary Special #1
The Pink Panther celebrates his 55th Anniversary this week, and Todd Livingston, Anne Toole, and Bill Galvan bring you a tale to mark the occassion through American Mythology.
Executive Assistant Iris Vol. 5 #1
Aspen brings back Executive Assistant Iris this week with the creative team of Blake Northcott, Donny Tran, and Luis Guerrero. The master assassin Iris must now decide whether to continue as a freelance or join a powerful firm that have accumulated almost all of her peers in the business.
Adventure Time: Beginning of the End #1
Ted Anderson and Marina Julia bring you this time-jumping Adventure Time tale that forces Finn to face other shades of himself while Jake tries to get all their friends to pull Finn back to the present.
Lumberjanes #50
The beloved Boom! Box title reaches a milestone 50th issue this week, and it brings a journey of discovery below and a game of world domination above, plus an additional story with art by Brooklyn Allen.
Black Hammer: Age of Doom #2
While I had my issues with the opening installment of this new Black Hammer series, I can't deny that it was intriguing, and I have the feeling that Jeff Lemire and Dean Ormston have more issues ahead of them. This issue finds Lucy Weber going up against a god while the crew back on the farm dig further into how and why they're trapped.
Incognegro: Renaissance #4
Things heat up in this Mat Johnson and Warren Pleece Incognegro sequel as Zane and his new lady love are chased across Harlem to survive and solve the mystery of Xavier's murder.
Witchfinder: The Gates of Heaven #1
Mike Mignola's universe expands with Sir Edward Grey, the Witchfinder, digs into a supernatural mystery which brings him to Buckingham. Mignola himself as well as Chris Roberson and D'Isreali bring you this tale.
Batman: Detective Comics #981
"Batmen Eternal" and James Tynion IV's legendary run on Batman: Detective Comics comes to their finale with the Gotham Knights uniting once more to stop the plans of Ulysses and his Omac army which has already taken over Red Robin. Eddy Barrows returns to pen the art of this finale.
Flash #47
Joshua Williamson's next big Flash story begins at last in this issue; Flash War kicks kicks off bringing Barry Allen and Wally West coming to blows with Hunter Zolomon manipulating everything from the background. Howard Porter comes back for the art in this book.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #45
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #45 unites the GL Corps with former enemies, such as Arkillo and a contingency of the Sinestro Corps, General Zod and his family, and Hector Hammond, to fight against the growing army of Darkstars.
Justice League: No Justice #3
The Justice League epic uniting the creative team of Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Joshua Williamson, Francis Manapul, and Marcus To continues with the four strange teams created by Brainiac try to save Colu while Amanda Waller and Green Arrow try to defend the Earth.
Super Sons #16
Super Sons #16 reaches its ending, and Peter J. Tomasi, Carlo Barberi, and Brent Peeples bring the tale of Superboy and Robin fighting Kid Amazo and deciding the future of Amazo.
Terrifics #4
The Terrifics go to Phantom Girl's homeworld in the hopes of finding a cure to their forced union. Jeff Lemire has a wonderful FF-inspired title here, and I'm hooked for the long haul.
Pumpkinhead #4
The many demons of Hell have been summoned to kill Pumpkinhead and those who summoned him. While the previous issue was a little weak, I still have faith in Cullen Bunn and Blacky Shepherd to pull this one back on track.
Delta 13 #1
IDW Publishing brings out this new sci-fi-horror title that finds a ship crew discovering something horrible in the Asteroid Belt, and Steve Niles and Nat Jones are behind this project.
X-Files Case Files: Florida Man #2
This strange opener to the new X-Files Case Files line will conclude this week, and Mulder and Scully will finally see what is behind the mysterious Florida Man headlines by Delilah Dawson, Silvia Califano, and Elena Casagrande
Barrier #4
Brian K. Vaughn, Marcos Martin, and Muntsa Vicente bring this continuation to Barrier with Liddy and Oscar trying to learn how to cooperate, communicate, and survive.
Skyward #2
Joe Henderson, Lee Garbett, and Antonio Fabela unveiled this strange yet energetic sci-fi title where Earth's gravity is no longer holding people down. Willa, our package-delivering protagonist, is told by her dad that he can fix the world, but she's too busy interacting with the rich below.
Black Panther #1
Ta-Nehisi Coates and Daniel Acuna continue the tale of the Black Panther with a star-spanning empire based upon Wakanda. Coates has written some incredible Black Panther material, and I hope he keeps up the good work with artist Acuna.
Doctor Strange #390
Donny Cates writes his final issue on this current run of Doctor Strange, and it finds the Sorcerer Supreme trying to repair things with Zelma Stanton while ducking the attention of Spider-Man. Cates is joined by artist Frazer Irving.
Falcon #8
Rodney Barnes and Joshua Cassara's criminally underrated, short-lived, and, as of last issue, sadly decaying Falcon title reaches its finale this week, bringing Sam, the Patriot, Misty Knight, and Blade against Deacon Frost and an army of vampires.
Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor #1
Kitty Pryde, Storm, Psylocke, Domino, Jubilee, and Rogue head to Madripoor to join the Hunt for Wolverine. What they find is a new and dangerous criminal empire. This one comes courtesy of creators Jim Zub and Thony Silas.
Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk #1
Darkhawk has returned, and he joins the Infinity Countdown fray to fight against the Shi'ar's Fraternity of Raptors. Chad Bowers, Chris Sims, and Gang Hyul Lim are the creators on this book, and I won't lie, I'm cautiously hopeful. Darkhawk is one of those now-obscure characters which I find myself intersted in.
Invincible Iron Man #600
This is it: Brian Michael Bendis' final Marvel Comics issue. He is joined by artists Jim Cheung, Mark Bagley, Mike Deodato Jr., Leinil Francis Yu, David Marquez, and more. Tony Stark is back. What does this mean for his friends and family?
Star Wars Annual #4
Cullen Bunn, Ario Anindito, Roland Boschi, and Marc Laming bring podracing to this Star Wars title in this Annual issue. Luke Skywalker will be walking in his father's shoes by taking part in this sport.
Weapon X #18
The last issue of Weapon X was among the best issues of the series, finding Sabretooth leading the team into battle against a crazed Omega Red. With Greg Pak, Fred van Lente, and Yildiray Cinar, hopefully we can see this hot streak continue.
Invader Zim #30
The last issue of this book was entertaining, but bothersomely dumb. That said, I can't deny that I still look forward to the next installment of the Invader Zim, and the team has made genius issues of the series.
Dark Souls: The Age of Fire #1
Ryan O'Sullivan and Anton Kokarev take you back to the legendary Age of Fire, before the fall of Lord Gwyn and his kingdom. Questions will be answered, mysteries revealed, and Josh a happy man.
Prisoner #2
Peter Milligan and Colin Lorimer impressed with the first issue to the comic adaptation of Prisoner, and there is plenty of promise for the rest of the series ahead. Our hero finds himself in the Village now with no memory of how. What now?
Shadowman #3
Shadowman and Alyssa must halt the plans of Baron Samedi in New Orleans, but Jack has been pulled back into the Deadside. Andy Diggle and Stephen Segovia have done great work on the new iteration of the Shadowman series, and I look forward to their further exploits with the Valiant character.
X-O Manowar #15
X-O Manowar jumps back through the centuries to show us the conquest of the Visigoths and what has led to the current state of the people. Matt Kindt continues his tenure on the book and is joined by artist Travis Hairsine, and this all happens in the shadow of Harbinger Wars 2.
And that's another Comics for Your Pull Box concluded. I hope everyone found something worth trying. Expect reviews for many of these this week. See you then!