A "shocker of an ending" and "a revolutionary new status quo" are promised in War of the Bounty Hunters #5. Check out a preview here.
Preview Archives
Ending Bleeding Cool's Friday night previews for this week, here's one of Wonder Woman The Adventures Of Young Diana Special #1.
Nightmare is completely perving out in this preview of X-Men #4, spying on the X-Men in bed at night. Check out a preview right here.
Wonder Woman #780 is in stores from DC Comics on Tuesday as Wonder Woman is reunited with the Justice League in this preview.
Mutant sexuality is free is Krakoa, so it's no surprise that Black Tom Cassidy and Colossus are inside The Beast in X-Force #24. But the reason why is not what you think (or hope).
See the Titans get their butts kicked by Kite Man in this preview of Titans United #2, in stores from DC Comics on Tuesday.
In this preview of Symbiote Spider-Man Crossroads #4, Spider-Man is so tired of Eternals movie tie-ins that he's willing to team up with the Deviants!
Superman and the Authority concludes on Tuesday with Superman and the Authority #4. Check out a preview here.
Shang-Chi has gotten his hands on a stolen suit of Iron Man armor, which is pretty cool. But in this preview of Shang-Chi #5, Tony Stark wants it back.
In this preview of Pennyworth #3, the titular Alfred Pennyworth relives one of his biggest regrets... failing to get busy in a locker when he had the chance!
Miles Morales is just trying to enjoy his date with Starling in this preview of Miles Morales Spider-Man #31, but Taskmaster wants him to swing, and not on webs!
Batman fails to beat Darkseid in a fight in this preview of Justice League Last Ride #6, in stores on Tuesday from DC Comics.
Something is killing the Savage Land, and in Ka-Zar Lord of the Savage Land #2, the titular Ka-Zar will do anything to find out what, even becoming Aquaman!
Joker #8 is in stores from DC Comics on Tuesday, and the solicit suggests that the Joker may be... innocent?! Check out a preview here.
Kang the Conqueror #3 is in stores from Marvel Comics on Wednesday, begging the question: does Kang ever think about anything but conquering?
Hardware Season One #2 is in stores from DC Comics on Tuesday, and Curtis Metcalf has a plan to clear his name.
Iron Man #13 is in stores from Marvel Comics on Wednesday, continuing the saga of Tony Stark: morphine addict. Check out a preview here.
Peacekeeper Red and Next Batman have a plan to stop Warmonger, but in this preview of Future State Gotham #6, they first have to get past the entire Gotham police force!
Marvel hopes to get its money's worth with the ten-dollar Immortal Hulk #50, concluding the series on Wednesday.
Booster Gold finds himself in deep trouble in this preview of Blue & Gold #3 when he's unable to pay his rent even before moving in!
This preview of Gamma Flight #5 confirms the team has got some daddy issues. Can they work them out in the series finale?
The latest Fear State tie-in is happening in Batman Urban Legends #8, in stores on Tuesday from DC Comics. Check out a preview right here.
Marvel's attempt to cash in on the upcoming Eternals movie as much as possible continues on Wednesday with the release of Eternals Forever #1.
Batman the Imposter #1 is in stores from DC Comics on Tuesday, finally asking the question: is Batman the imposter? Is Batman sus?!
Can Darkhold Iron Man #1 replace the Immortal Hulk? Check out a preview of the issue hitting stores on Wednesday right now.
Batman The Audio Adventures Special #1 is in stores from DC Comics on Tuesday, bringing to life the comic based on the podcast based on the comic.
With his most recent origin getting a little long in the tooth, Black Panther gets a new one in Black Panther Legends #1.
Batman 89 #3 is in stores on Wednesday, and in this preview from DC Comics, we see Harvey dent heroically save a young life, become governor, and put an end to the need for Batman.
Avengers #49 is in stores on Wednesday, and in typical Marvel fashion, this preview shows another topical tale, as King Namor refuses to give up the throne.
Publisher TKO Studios has announced a collected anthology of their bestselling harrowing comic shorts by a cadre of top creators. TKO Presents: Tales of