Could the Radiant Charizard from Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO be the strangest illustration of the Sword & Shield era?
Pokémon TCG Archives
Pokémon TCG Japan collectors who purchase booster packs of Paradigm Trigger will have a chance at pulling a special alternate Lugia STAR.
Pokémon TCG announces the Best Buy-exclusive Mew V Box, featuring yet another way to get the Sword & Shield - Darkness Ablaze Mew V.
Bleeding Cool's spotlight on Pokémon TCG's special Pokémon GO expansion continues with Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard.
Pokémon TCG Japan: Paradigm Trigger features Lugia VSTAR as the set mascot, featuring iconic artwork by PLANETA Mochizuki.
Pokémon TCG: Arceus Ultra-Premium Collection has been revealed to be GameStop exclusive. It will come with two Arceus metal cards.
Dragon Ball Super Card Game's Dawn of the Z-Legends features Ultimate Piccolo on a Leader card, showing off the character's new form.
Heritage Auctions has put a rare, graded copy of Shining Tyranitar from the Neo Destiny expansion of the Pokémon TCG up for auction!
Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO features cards depicting species relevant to the game inlcuding Gym Defender Slaking, raid beast Conkeldurr, & more.
Heritage Auctions has put a rare, graded copy of Zapdos from the Fossil expansion of the Pokémon TCG up for auction!
Pokémon TCG Japan has revealed the pack art from Paradigm Trigger, the final main series set of the Sword & Shield era.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Darkness Ablaze in September 2022 shows virtually no movement in this easy-to-complete, Charizard-themed set.
Radiant Venusaur appears for lucky collectors in the reverse slot of Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO packs, depiciting the Pokémon in its Shiny form.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Celebrations in September 2022 shows a drop in the Shining Magikarp reprint from the Classic Collection subset.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Battle Styles in September 2022 notes a major change in the trend of this set with the Empoleon Alt Art surging.
Today, we kick off our spotlight series on the art of Pokémon TCG's Pokémon GO special expansion which pays homage to elements of the game.
Complete Set Review: Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Astral Radiance. Let's see how this Pokémon Legends: Arceus-inspired set measures up.
Top Five Cards of Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Astral Radiance! Here are our picks. Which will make the cut? Chime in with your choices.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Rebel Clash in September 2022 notes an increase in the value of the Boss's Orders Full Art Trainer Supporter.
Our spotlight series on the cards of Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Astral Radiance concludes with two special Black & Gold VMAX cards.
Pokémon TCG's May 2022 set Astral Radiance includes a Trainer Gallery subset with Character Rares as well as these Full Art Trainers.
Garchomp V Character Super Rare is the second most valuable card of the Pokémon TCG: Astral Radiance Trainer Gallery, and here's why.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Vivid Voltage in September 2022 notes little to no movement for what was once the biggest set of the SWSH era.
Sword & Shield mascots Zacian & Zamazenta get their Character Super Rares in the May 2022 Pokémon TCG set, Astral Radiance.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Champion’s Path in September 2022 notes the two Charizard cards rising in value while all other hits remain cheap.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Shining Fates in September 2022 notes the chase card, Shiny Charizard VMAX, hit an all-time low this month.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Fusion Strike in September 2022 shows the Gengar and Espeon Alternate Arts gain significant value this month.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Brilliant Stars in September 2022 notes the Charizard VSTAR Rainbow Rare fall under $100 for the first time.
The Galarian Legendary Birds get a terrific feature in the Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Astral Radiance Trainer Gallery.
Pokémon TCG Pull Rate Quest: Lost Origin Booster Box Opening #7 shows us another high-quality box despite difficult Alt Art pull rates.