Titan Comics will also be publishing the Barry Windsor Smith Conan comic books as originally published by Marvel Comics Then collected and published in an omnibus format by Dark Horse Comics Then again by Marvel Comics And now from Titan, also in June next year Here are the rest of Titan Comics March 2023 solicits[...]
conan Archives
No Doctor Who, no Sherlock, no Rivers Of London, no Cyberpunk… but there is Conan The Barbarian, Runescape, Moriarty, Kamen Rider, Blade Runner, Sea Of Thieves, and more And White Noise's Ryan O'Sullivan taking on Runescape for Free Comic Book Day…
Writer(s): Jim Zub
Artist(s): Roberto De La Torre
Colorist: José[...]
But the "new" creative team for the new comic book being published by Heroic Signatures and Titan Comics will be Jim Zub who has written over a dozen Conan comics for Marvel Roberto De La Torre, who drew a bunch of them and José Villarrubia who coloured a few as well The new series will[...]
Former host Conan O'Brien shared a lengthy tribute to celebrate The Orville, Saturday Night Live, and Dirty Work (1998) star, who passed away on September 14th, 2021 "Norm was the most completely original person I have ever met," O'Brien writes, listing example after example of how Macdonald vibed on a different level from the rest[...]
Bleeding Cool got the scoop that Conan The Barbarian was leaving Marvel Comics when we were at Lake Comic Comic Art Festival a couple of months ago At the time, we were being told that the licence holder, Heroic Signature wanted to publish the books themselves But Titan Comics, the publisher owned by Nick and Vivian Landau, who also own[...]
Conan, Kull, Red Sonja These epics are how many got introduced to comics and, to this day, hold a special place in most readers' hearts While they get relaunched all the time by many different publishers, many would argue that these runs of comics from the '70s will never be topped, and they are right[...]
After a very synergistic stint at Marvel, Conan is moving on to greener pastures: Titan Comics Can he survive this preview of King Conan #6? Check out the preview below.
King Conan #6
by Jason Aaron & Mahmud Asrar, cover by Mahmud Asrar
Bleeding Cool got the scoop that Conan The Barbarian was leaving Marvel Comics when we were at Lake Comic Comic Art Festival over a month ago At the time, we were being told that the licence holder, Heroic Signature wanted to publish the books themselves But now the Hollywood Reporter reports that Titan Comics, the[...]
Will they be defeated so hard it knocks Conan right out of the Marvel Universe? Look, in wrestling, you gotta lose your last match before you leave the company And how exactly are comics different than wrestling? Exactly Not at all Check out the preview below.
Savage Avengers #2
by David Pepose & Carlos Magno, cover by[...]
Read this preview of King Conan #5 before the titular Barbarian is DCMA takedowned out of the Marvel Universe That's right Conan's treated enemy isn't an evil sorcerer… it's international copyright law! Crom! Check out the preview below.
King Conan #5
by Jason Aaron & Mahmud Asrar, cover by Mahmud Asrar
All Rights Reserved.
While Favreau drew from the Francis Ford Coppola films, Rodriguez was inspired by Conan the Barbarian "We would talk to Robert about Conan," Favreau says "Conan starts off as a young warrior and then ages up through the books until he's Conan the King So how is Boba the crime lord going to[...]
The Savage Sword of Conan Omnibus #1 Direct Market Cover
The Savage Sword of Conan Omnibus #1 Direct Market Cover
The next book on the list is the most recent book released, published in 2019, and is another licensed book for Marvel Despite the fact that Conan was one of, if not THE major character, at Marvel[...]
Last week, Bleeding Cool scooped the news from Lake Como Comic Art Festival that Marvel was to lose the licence to Conan The Barbarian in the US, reverting to the license owners Cabinet Entertainment for the next few years until Conan is as public domain in the USA as he is in Europe Marvel Comics[...]
Over the weekend, coming out of Lake Comic Comic Art Festival in Italy, Bleeding Cool broke the news breaking out of Lake Como Comic Art Festival, that Marvel Comics would no longer have the Conan The Barbarian license for new comics As the license was reverting back to its original owners, Cabinet Entertainment, who plan to[...]
Over the weekend, coming out of Lake Comic Comic Art Festival in Italy, Bleeding Cool broke the news breaking out of Lake Como Comic Art Festival, that Marvel Comics would no longer have the Conan The Barbarian license for comics As the license was reverting back to its original owners, Cabinet Entertainment, who plan to publish[...]
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool ran the news breaking out of Lake Como Comic Art Festival, that Marvel Comics would no longer have the Conan The Barbarian license for comics, as the license was reverting back to its original owners, Cabinet Entertainment, who plan to publish their own Conan titles I reported;
Marvel published Conan comic books in[...]
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LITG: Conan moves on, in the ten most-read stories, yesterday
LITG: King Conan #4
Conan License To Move On From Marvel Comics
Don't Ask The Undertaker to Sign Your 1991 Trading Cards at MegaCon
D&D Beyond To Retire Two 5th Edition Books This Month
The Rookie S04 Finale Preview: Firefly[...]
It was a note to a fan page on Facebook that did it, with a well-connected fan pointing to an upcoming Conan cover by Esad Ribic as his last, as Marvel no longer own the rights to the character So, at Lake Como Comic Art Festival, I did a little digging.
Conan License To Move On[...]
Conan crosses swords with his own son in this preview of King Conan #4, creating Daddy Issues for the next generation But this isn't just your normal preview This is a preview with… AN EXTRA EX-X-XCLUSIVE PAGE?! Courtesy of Bleeding Cool Rumourmonger-in-Chief Rich Johnston, who dressed up as a potted plant to sneak into the[...]
Andy Diggle and Shawn Martinbrough are launching a prequel to Christophe Bec's graphic novel series, Promethee, with Promethee 13:13, from Ablaze in their
Earlier today, Bleeding Cool reported social media upset over the recent publication of King Conan #3 from Marvel Comics by writer Jason Aaron, artist Mahmud Asrar, colourist Matthew Wilson, and letterer Travis Lanham. The story featured Princess Matoaka, an American native daughter of a mystical chief, who falls in love with a Western coloniser, before[...]
In the Marvel comic book title King Conan #3 released two weeks ago, writer Jason Aaron, artist Mahmud Asrar, colourist Matthew Wilson, and letterer Travis Lanham told a Conan story set in a further age than has previously been explored, as the aged Conan finds a woman marooned on an island of the undead –[...]
Howard's Conan is brought to life UNCENSORED! Discover the true Conan, unrestrained, violent, and sexual Read the story as he intended!
Conan is loose and on the hunt for revenge! But he won't be able to do it alone He will need to seek help from another mystic and try to return to his people if[...]
Only Conan the Barbarian could find in-between battling zombies and apes to try to get laid in this preview of King Conan #3 Conan is a barbarian that knows what his priorities are and sticks to them You gotta respect that Check out the preview below.
King Conan #3
by Jason Aaron & Mahmud Asrar, cover by[...]
Mezco Toyz has just revealed their new Conan The Conqueror One:12 Collective figure, but the fun does not end there Continuing their unique trend, Mezco has also revealed a special expansion pack for the figure labeled Slugfest's Barbarian Booster Kit This expansion pack will only enhance the new and previous Conan The Barbarian figure with[...]
Jack Kirby is not known for drawing Conan The Barbarian But he did draw Conan once for publication, the cover to Giant-Size Conan #5 back in 1975, the comic currently being revived at Marvel Comics And the original artwork for that cover is currently at auction from Heritage Auctions as part of their Premium collection[...]
Conan and his greatest enemy must fight side-by-side in King Conan #2, in stores Wednesday from Marvel Comics Check out the preview below.
King Conan #2
by Jason Aaron & Mahmud Asrar, cover by Mahmud Asrar
THE BARBARIAN KING OF AQUILONIA VS THE UNKNOWN! CONAN must make an unholy alliance if he is to continue his journey on[...]
First up, huge thanks to the folks over at Team Coco for dropping this clip from Conan O'Brien's TBS talk show Conan because we hadn't watched it since it first aired and we forgot just how great The Gang was with Conan If you don't know what I'm talking about, back in February 2015 Rob McElhenney,[...]
Ablaze has its March 2022 solicitations ahead of this Friday's Diamond Day, including a new trademark-dodging Conan comic book, The Cimmerian: Hour Of The Dragon.
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THE CIMMERIAN: HOUR OF THE DRAGON #1 by Julien Blondel[...]
Conan is beginning to rething giving up his throne in this preview of King Conan #1 Well, it was pretty poor timing, given the title of the comic Check out the preview below.
King Conan #1
OCT210829 – KING CONAN #1 (OF 6) SAUVAGE VAR – $4.99
OCT210831 – KING CONAN #1 (OF 6) SAKAI VAR –[...]