ec comics Archives

ComicsPRO: Oni Press Most Successful Year, Gives $8000 Retailer Grant
At today's ComicsPRO Summit, Oni Press was touting the success of their new line of EC Comics that debuted last year with Epitaphs from the Abyss and Cruel Universe, which they say is likely "the best-selling Oni single issue program of all time." ComicsPRO screencap As announced yesterday that line will be expanding in June with Blood[...]
Oni Press Launches EC Comics Summer Of Fear With Blood Type #1 In June
To follow the Free Comic Book Day launch, Oni Press will launch a new EC Comics title from Corinna Bechko and Andrea Sorrentino in June, Blood Type Featuring covers by Miguel Mercado, Andrea Sorrentino, Albert Monteys, and Naomi Franq, Blood Type #1 seeps into comic shops everywhere on June 18th And is the first of[...]
Speculator Watch: Oni's Blood Type & EC's Epitaphs from the Abyss #3
Oni Press has been resurgent over the past year – forcefully returning to the Direct Market Top 10 for the first time in nearly five years with series like the Devolver Digital video game adaptation Cult of the Lamb and its brand-new wave of EC Comics, including Epitaphs from the Abyss, Cruel Universe, and the upcoming Shiver SuspenStories and Cruel Kingdom[...]
EC Comics' Cruel Kingdom & Power Lords in Oni's January 2025 Solicits
Oni Press' January 2025 solicits and solicitations launch the Cruel Kingdom anthology series by Chris Condon, Al Ewing, Greg Pak, Kano, Leomacs and more, from their EC Comics line, as well as Power Lords #1 as part of the Nacelleverse from Dennis Culver and the suddenly very busy V Ken Marion who is also drawing[...]
Oni Press December 2024 Solicits
Oni Press has dropped their December 2024 solicits and solicitations, the first publisher off the blocks this month, launching their EC Comics title Shiver SuspenStories #1 with Jason Aaron, Ben H Winters, Kano, Peter Krause and more, to join Epitaphs from the Abyss #6 and Cruel Universe #5 (of 5) They also launch the Rick[...]
Fantagraphics Publish EC Comics Of Wally Wood, Some For The First Time
It's not just Oni Press that is putting out EC Comics right now Next April, Fantagraphics is publishing Wally Wood's  The Spawn Of Venus And Other Stories, part of The Fantagraphics EC Comics Artists Library with Al Feldstein, Ray Bradbury, Grant Geissman, Thommy Burns and Jon Gothold. The Spawn Of Venus was written and drawn for[...]
Oni's EC Comics: Cruel Universe #1 Gets 50,000 Orders
Just before San Diego Comic-Con, we told you that the first title of Oni Press' 21st Century relaunch of the EC Comics publishing line – July's Epitaphs from the Abyss #1 – had racked up 65,000 in orders, putting in contention alongside Image's recent hits Energon Universe hits Destro #1 (85,000 copies) and Scarlett #1 (80,000 copies), as well as Top Cow's Witchblade #1[...]
Diamond Comics Retailer Lunch of San Diego Comic-Con 2024
But what they really wanted to talk about was one thing, EC Comics The horror/sci-fi  comic book magazine of legend, returning with Epitaphs From The Abyss and Cruel Universe, with record breaking sales for the publisher. Because it seems that Epitaphs From The Abyss #1, which came out this week, was their best-selling single-issue comic book[...]
Oni Press & EC Comics' Epitaphs From The Abyss Goes Monthly
Oni Press will be breaking new ground for EC's 70+ year legacy by introducing the publisher's first proper "dark fantasy" series — to be entitled Cruel Kingdom and beginning with issue #1 in January immediately following the conclusion of the five-issue Cruel Universe science fiction companion series that's expected to rival Epitaphs from the Abyss'[...]
Oni Press & EC Comics' Epitaphs From The Abyss Goes Monthly
Frederic Werthem and the Comics Code Authority…as this cover image by The Boys' Darick Roberston so clearly illustrates. This is the second of three announcements that Oni Press is making regarding their EC Comics line which launched yesterday with Edge Of The Abyss Says Oni's PR: THIS CHRISTMAS, TERROR COMES CALLING WITH 56 PAGES OF SHOCKING CHILLS FROM AN ALL-STAR[...]
Oni Press & EC Comics' Epitaphs From The Abyss Goes Monthly
After reporting more than 65,000 copies sold and charting one of the year's biggest new series debuts for the return of EC Comics in Epitaphs from the Abyss #1, Oni Press is kicking off the first day of San Diego Comic Con with a trio of new announcements for the future of the infamous and[...]
Hello Darkness & EC Comics on Cover of Next Week's Diamond Previews
But it's still weird that it has happened twice, right? Thanks to Boom Studios' Hello Darkness or Oni Press's EC Comics revival with Epitaphs from the Abyss Might this wild string of coincidences might just be indicative of the start of a much larger trend. If you've been paying any attention at all to the independent[...]
Auto Draft
Senate hearings aimed at censoring comics led to the creation of the Comics Code – and with it, the demise of the pathbreaking EC Comics line," observed CBLDF Interim Director Jeff Trexler "Seventy years later, the launch of new EC titles is a powerful reminder that despite the occasional setbacks, creative expression will always prevail[...]
Hello Darkness Is a "Stealth" Something Is Killing The Children #1
The trailer includes advance reviews and pull quotes including one from Zac Thompson, but based on what we're seeing on social media already we predict an avalanche of creator chatter as we near the launch of Hello Darkness. Bleeding Cool was also the first to point out that Hello Darkness would be going to head-to-head with[...]
3 New EC Comics Horror Hosts Debut in Oni's Epitaphs From The Abyss
Yes, retailers: That is indeed the sound of Oni Press hammering your inboxes for yet another week with word on the publisher's forthcoming revival of the "infamous and influential" EC Comics publishing line with July's Epitaphs from the Abyss #1 and August's Cruel Universe #1 — with FOC for the first book coming up this[...]
PrintWatch: EC Comics Says No
All for the 10th of July. #gallery-3 { margin: auto; } #gallery-3 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-3 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-3 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ PrintWatch: Divine Power Made Me #1 from Scout Comics gets a second printing with a new cover by Federico Guillen PrintWatch: Against standard comic book norms, Oni Press has announced[...]
Oni Press August 2024 Solicits
Oni Press has announced its August 2024 solicits and solicitations, including the launches of Rick and Morty: Youth in Rickvolt #1, Rick and Morty: Finals Week– Contested Convention #1, Sesame Street #1 and the EC Comics' title Cruel Universe #1, as well as more Cult Of The Lamb #3 and Akogun: Brutalizer of Gods #3[...]
Cruel Universe
Holtham, and Stephanie Phillips alongside artists Jorge Fornes, Phil Hester, Peter Krause, and Vlad Legostaev … as well as securing the cover of this month's Previews catalog and promising retailers wide-ranging returnability alongside "first wave" of in-store promo materials beginning with posters and some explicitly "tasteful" pre-order postcards featuring head-hammering art by Adam Pollina. With Marvel making a mint off of their line of EC homage covers for the[...]
Oni Hammers Home EC Comics Returnability And Postcards
A resurgent Oni Press took many by surprise just a few short months ago with announcement that the "most infamous and influential" comic book publisher of all time – EC Comics – would be returning for summer 2024 with a new line of horror and science fiction titles from a who's who of notable comics talent, including Jason Aaron, Brian Azzarello, Rodney Barnes, Corinna[...]
Hello Darkness & EC Comics on Cover of Next Week's Diamond Previews
And Epitaphs From The Abyss, the EC Comics revival from Oni Press, by Jason Aaron, Brian Azzarello, Rodney Barnes, Corinna Bechko, Cullen Bunn, Christopher Cantwell, Cecil Castellucci, Chris Condon, Joshua Hale Fialkov, J Holtham, Jeff Jensen, Matt Kindt, Sean Lewis, Stephanie Phillips, Jay Stephens, Zac Thompson, Ben H Winters,  Kano, Peter Krause, Leomacs, Malachi Ward, Dustin[...]
Oni Press July 2024 Solicits
More Creators Oni Press EC Comics Revival Include Brian Azzarello
Second to the party is Oni Press, who are giving their peers the announcement to beat with word breaking this morning at the New York Times that EC Comics – the legendary publishing house behind Tales from the Crypt, Mad Magazine, Weird Science, and many more – will be making it's full-fledged return to store[...]
A comic book cover with the word “Terror” on a red background and the title, “Epitaphs From the Abyss,” and two figures with a chainsaw and a machete appearing underneath the title of the series.
Williams III are behind a new line of EC Comics to be published by Oni Press Two new anthology series under the EC Comics banner The first, Epitaphs From the Abyss, coming in July, will be horror, the second Cruel Universe in August will be science fiction. Oni Press president and publisher Hunter Gorinson told The[...]
Blackstone, the Magician #3 (Timely, 1948)
Stoner, the artist of the Vital Publications comic series. But the Vital Publications comic book series didn't last very long, despite Proskauer's ongoing connections with both Blackstone and Gibson.  Blackstone comic books next turn up with Blackstone, the Magician Detective #1 from EC Comics This series lasted only one issue under EC, with the series numbering[...]
Cerebus In Hell Does Harvey Kurtzman And Apocalypse Now
But it's not just a 43-year reference in the frame, it's also Harvey Kurtzman's Two-Fisted Tales, an anthology war comic published by EC Comics from 1950 to 1955, so that's a 72-year-old reference, as well as Nickey Mouse in Steamboat Willie from 1928 No wonder Dave Sim is worried no one will get the references.   CIH[...]
War Against Crime #10(EC, 1949) featuring the first appearances of the Vault of Horror and the Vault Keeper.
The most famous comic book horror line of all time, EC Comics horror did not start with a jump scare.  Like the Pre-Code Horror genre itself, the line practically snuck up on its readership in late 1949 and early 1950.  The now-infamous Crypt Keeper and Crypt of Terror first appeared in Crime Patrol #15, cover-dated[...]
Pre-Code Horror in Haunted Thrills #13.
Over a decade ago, Bleeding Cool ran a "Terrible 25" list of great Pre-Code Horror comics on Halloween.  Such lists are fairly common around the end of October every year, but as I said back in 2010, they tend to cover the same unhallowed ground — consisting of lots of EC Comics plus a small[...]
International Crime Patrol #6 (EC, 1948)
EC Comics title International Comics (continued for one issue as International Crime Patrol, then as simply Crime Patrol) doesn't get as much attention as the New Trend titles, or even many of the other Pre-Tend titles, but it's an utterly fascinating and underappreciated series from a historical perspective.  The series hit the newsstands in February[...]