I'm not sure it succeeds in doing so, but Gerry Duggan does go further in his recontextualizing of the Guardians of the Galaxy as more space pirates whom occasionally save the universe as opposed to straight-up heroes.
Also… I think we get the explanation of the "Infinity Warps" here, and it's a bit more macabre than[...]
Gerry Duggan Archives
and Frank Martin
Meanwhile, Loki and Flowa seek the Quarry of Creation and meet an unexpected yet familiar face there.
Infinity Wars #1 continues the uphill trend of Gerry Duggans' new Infinity stories Countdown got better with its final issue, Infinity Wars Prime was also quite solid, and this one impressed me too.
There is a sense of[...]
The interplay between Strange and Warlock sets the stage for a story where even the heroes don't know if they can trust one another.
That air of animosity between Marvel's heroes has become tiresome as of late, but, if Gerry Duggan can make it as compelling as this throughout Infinity Wars, then I can make an[...]
Infinity Countdown reaches zero as the Guardians of the Galaxy fracture and the wielders of the Infinity Stones near one another. Is it a good read?
Gerry Duggan writes a decent Natasha Romanoff She has a macabre sense of humor and no pity for those who exploit children.
That said, the last third is a lengthy conversation between she and said Arthurian character that goes pretty much nowhere Unfortunately, a smattering of personality and decent one-liners can't save a dull story.
Infinity Countdown:[...]
Mike Spicer's color art is very well balanced and contrasted, with each scene using those colors to highlight specific details and important figures.
Analog #3 is another good issue of Gerry Duggan's fledgling series With tight pacing, compelling leads, and great artwork, this comic continues to impress with every installment This one earns a recommendation Give[...]
It's a bit late, but the Top and Bottom 5 Comics of the past week is here (that's June 6th). If you want to know the comics score for last week, read here.
Infinity Countdown continues to run as the Guardians and Nova return to Knowhere while Silver Surfer asks Galactus to fight Ultron. Is it a good read?
In the wake of news that Gerry Duggan and David O'Sullivan's Analog has been picked up by Lionsgate for a movie adaptation with John Wick director Chad Stahelski and Colony creator Ryan Condal attached, Image Comics is offering unsold C2E2 variants of the comic's first issue Presumably, the variants would otherwise have been shipped overseas to people[...]
In fact, a big part of how it works is by recognizing how much of a loser Turk is, and even an Infinity Stone barely changes that fact.
Plus, Gerry Duggan writes a solid Daredevil He understands the Man Without Fear fairly well, and he is good at focusing upon what people like about the character[...]
Another week of comics has gone by, and Bleeding Cool is here to let you know the wins and losses. Deadpool! Adamantium Agenda! No Justice! We'll let you know which was which. Read here to view the score.
Jack is a solid protagonist, and Gerry Duggan and David O'Sullivan have a very promising series on their hands This one earns a recommendation Give it a read.
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Jack and his dad come under attack from men with guns in the house of Jack's father After surviving a brief onslaught, the one[...]
This is Deadpool #300 though, so I thought I would give the book another try here at the end of Gerry Duggan's run.
This is me covering my ass before tearing into this book Wade's not my cup of tea, and his humor grates on my nerves Also, I'm going to be spoiling a lot because[...]
I've missed out on this one myself, but Gage is a good writer and the Micronauts are frigging cool.
Analog #2 cover by David O'Sullivan and Jordie Bellaire
Analog #2
Gerry Duggan, David O'Sullivan, and Jordie Bellaire made a hell of a start with Analog #1, which delivered a world where information is forced back into paper form due to privacy on[...]
This battle isn't looking good for the Guardians and Nova, and the Corps decides to pull out of the conflict.
Infinity Countdown #3 cover by Nick Bradshaw and Morry Hollowell
Gerry Duggan is widely known as a comedy writer thanks to, most recently, Deadpool He brought some of these comedic instincts to his Guardians of the Galaxy,[...]
Infinity Countdown continues onwards as the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Nova Corps make a final stand at the Power Stone. Is it a good read?
This one is rising to be one of AfterShock's best, and I'm hooked.
Loss: No Valiant Issues this Week
This isn't technically a failure, but I wasn't able to give Valiant Entertainment their weekly praise for having a tight yet consistenly good stable of books, so I'm going to complain about it.
I am now done complaining about[...]
Marvel dropped some news on its plans for canceling and quickly rebooting Deadpool at the Marvel Next Big Thing panel at C2E2. It seems Marvel is developing frightening new weaponized variant technology following yesterday's kerfluffle over incentive variants at the Retailer Summit.
Jordie Bellaire matches this with darker and dirtier shades which complete the aesthetic.
Analog #1 gives a highly promising start to the series, with Gerry Duggan showing once more his chops when it comes to sci-fi and comedy O'Sullivan and Bellaire are no slouches either, making the comic look as good as it reads This one[...]
Marvel has finally revealed exactly what Infinity Countdown is counting down to: Infinity Wars, a new super-mega-crossover event from the creative team of Gerry Duggan, Mike Deodato Jr., and Frank Martin.
From Marvel.com:
In INFINITY WARS: PRIME #1, the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe reap what they sow as their frantic search for the Infinity[...]
This was a coherent and energetic issue.
That being said, if you've only been reading the Infinity Countdown-branded issues prior to this without following the latter issues of Gerry Duggan's Guardians of the Galaxy, you are going to be absolutely frigging lost It's been revealed that this miniseries is actually the final five issues of his[...]
It's time for our final Deadpool comic…
Despicable Deadpool #295
Writer: Gerry Duggan
Artist: Scott Koblish
Colorist: Ruth Redmond
Letterer: Joe Sabino
Cover: Mike Hawthorne and Nathan Fairbairn
Worth noting that Matteo Lolli is advertised as the artist on the cover, but the interior credits say it's Scott Koblish?
The Bucket List storyline continues in Despicable Deadpool, which sees Deadpool killing people on[...]
Maybe an Avenger here and there."
"Infinity Countdown #1 has Aaron Kuder, and he's just doing the work of his career," said Gerry Duggan, explaining that everything Kuder has ever accomplished pales in comparison to this "One of our new Young Guns He will be joined by Mike Hawthorne You're gonna see things that you haven't[...]
Wolverine has an Infinity Stone, and Loki wants it to help stave off disaster. Logan is rightfully suspicious of the Trickster God. Where are the other Stones? Who will gather them next? Is it a good read?
We make no promises about the use of your time, however.
On stands this week are Weapon X #14, X-Men Blue #21, Despicable Deadpool #294, Cable #154, and Old Man Logan #35.
Despicable Deadpool #294
Writer: Gerry Duggan
Artist: Scott Koblish
Colorist: Ruth Redmond
Letterer: Joe Sabino
Cover: Mike Hawthorne and Nathan Fairbairn
Here's what you need to know about Despicable Deadpool[...]
It's frustratingly vague like the Dark Days opening salvos of Metal, though this comic is undoubtedly better than The Forge and The Casting.
Gerry Duggan shows a good understanding of Adam's character, and that, as well as Kang, are what make this comic gel Adam is suspicious by nature, mostly a pacifist, a bit aloof, and[...]
We make no promises about the use of your time, however.
This week we've got Phoenix Resurrection #5, All-New Wolverine #30, Despicable Deadpool #293, Old Man Logan #34, and Jean Grey #11. Now let's see what's going on Despicable Deadpool #293.
The Despicable Deadpool #293
Writer: Gerry Duggan
Penciller: Matteo Lolli
Inker: Christian Dalla Vecchia
Colorist: Ruth Redmond
Letterer: Joe Sabino
Here's what you need to know about Despicable[...]
First up:
Despicable Deadpool #292
Writer: Gerry Duggan
Artist: Matteo Lolli
Colorist: Ruth Redmond
Letterer: Joe Sabino
Damage: $3.99
You're in luck today if you haven't been following The Despicable Deadpool, because it looks like we're starting off with the first part of a new storyline called The Bucket List The recap page gets us up to speed, telling us that Deadpool[...]
The Guardians of the Galaxy and the Nova Corps make their final stand against the Shi'ar Talons and their spies within the corps. Plus, Adam Warlock makes a return. Is it a good ending?
While Gerry Duggan's stint on the book hasn't exactly been the space-hopping epic one would expect given this title's history, it has been fun, and the interactions between the Guardians are often engaging (even if much of the book has been the team hating Star-Lord) I recommend this issue, and I look forward to what[...]