It's tough to be Power Girl in a Supergirl Special After all, once upon a time, Power Girl was Supergirl, or at least a version of her on Earth Two Then all of Supergirl's stories became hers after the Crisis Of Infinite Earths Then Supergirl came back Then Earth Two came back Now they all[...]
power girl Archives
So what about the politics? Well, today's Power Girl #2 has the Blue Earth movement ready to take any chink in Kryptonian armour.
All part of their Earth first, Earth for Earthers, anti-Kryptonian influence in Metropolis Of course, it's never that simple And their leader, Norah Stone, looks like she is in communion with… something or[...]
Step right up, ladies and gents, for a ringside seat with Power Girl #2 this Tuesday the 24th Get comfy kids, we're off on a Kryptonian road trip, and there's no shortage of intergalactic pit stops Might want to bring some sanitizer, though, as we've got a Kryptonian virus in tow.
Here's the official blurb straight[...]
Power Girl's continuity issues topped the Bleeding Cool charts yesterday… because no matter what the world throws at you, at Bleeding Cool, you can still read all about comics, merch, TV shows, games, movies, and more The Daily Lying In The Gutters remains a long-running run around the day before and the day ahead[...]
But it gave us a Power Girl as part of the DC Universe before any of them.
The New Golden Age #1
Which doesn't tally with the Power Girl seen in the current DC Comics series, who jumped from Earth Two to Earth One a lot later, when Superman was already there.
Power Girl #1 (2023)
Power Girl has[...]
It's not just a new secret identity name that Power Girl is sporting in an attempt to not be labelled a Super Karen She's also been getting new super powers to add to the list, courtesy of the Lazarus Juices that fell during the Lazarus Planet event Initially psychic in nature…
… she loses her psychic[...]
This week sees the publication of a new Power Girl comic book series from DC Comics, by Leah Williams, Eduardo Pansica and Julio Ferreira It returns with a couple of new things.
Power Girl #1 (2023)
First, it has a recap page/panel, the thing that DC Comics eschewed because Marvel Comics did it, and what Brian Bendis[...]
On Tuesday, September 26th, we're saddled with Power Girl #1, delivered lovingly by DC for our reading 'pleasure'.
PRETTY, PUNCHY, AND POWERFUL! After the events of Knight Terrors, a long-dormant Kryptonian threat has returned to take down Superman and his family Who could possibly stop it? Well, according to the Man of Steel, it's Power Girl![...]
Sounds promising, right? Why not? It features Power Girl searching for answers in her so-called perfect nightmare world that's showing more cracks than a poorly maintained sidewalk All she wants is a good old-fashioned villain to sock in the kisser Don't we all, kiddo?
Seriously, her perfect nightmare world is falling apart? Talk about first world[...]
In recent Infinite Frontier, Lazarus Planet and Dark Crisis, we have seen Power Girl make a return to DC Comics and to Metropolis The relationship between her and Supergirl is… complex Multiple continuities are involved.
Power Girl, also known as Kara Zor-L and Karen Starr, made her first appearance in All-Star Comics #58 in 1976 as the cousin[...]
Tomorrow sees the Power Girl Special published by DC Comics, created by Leah Williams, Marguerite Sauvage and others, following on from the events in Lazarus Planet, which saw Power Girl powered up and facing her future as a member of Superman's family once more You know, as much as any reject from another dimension, where[...]
Well, folks, it's time to discuss the upcoming Power Girl Special #1, hitting the shelves on Tuesday, May 30th This comic promises an introspective journey into the minds of the DC Universe's greatest superheroes, like something straight from a reality TV show What could be more exciting than potentially exposing everyone's dirty laundry? But, wait[...]
DC Comics will be launching a new Power Girl Special #1 by Leah Williams and Marguerite Sauvage in May, which will also launch a new Power Girl series by Williams and Eduardo Pansica for DC Comics' Dawn of DC publishing initiative in September 2023 And yes, yes, she comes complete with "boob window" You can[...]
So, thanks to the events of Lazarus Planet, both Power Girl and Supergirl have turned up the notches on their psychic abilities Although for Kara Danvers, this seems to have had quite the unfortunate side effect on the Kryptonian language patterns in her brain, in today's Action Comics #1052.
Power Girl in Action Comcis #1052
Which is[...]
Such as Power Girl, whose name suggests she should have plenty…
But as well as having a version of Supergirl's powers, which were a version of Superman's power, in this week's Lazarus Planet: Assault On Krypton, out from DC Comics on Tuesday, she gets to level up a bit.
She's psychic now To be fair, hasn't everyone[...]
Prime 1 Studio has revealed its newest DC Comics statue for its Museum Masterline Series with the one and only Power Girl Coming in at a whopping 29.5" tall, Kara Zor-El is back, and this time from a new dimension Power Girl debuted back in 1976 with DC Comics All Star Comics #58, and Prime[...]
On the eve of the company's sale for parts, the main offices are burned down, and all fingers point towards a disgruntled recently fired employee, the alt-universe Kryptonian turned corporate shill called Power Girl The story takes several turns and twists as the question is answered, and — this is no spoiler — the true[...]
Here are a few of his most recent ones.
Frank Cho's Power Girl, Supergirl, Krypto & Majik Sketch Covers
Hanging out in Vegas, trying to come up with a joke for a Magik sketch cover before the Super Bowl game This Krypto idea popped in my head instead It's weird how my brain works sometimes[...]
Credit: DC Comics
A company called Heroz4U offers a service — a smartphone app where everyday people can call for the help of superheroes, and it's the only one (there are apparently seven competitors not making any money) that has the endorsement of the Hall of Justice — possibly due to the inclusion of Red Tornado[...]
Robot, Minute Man, and more … basically, this is a group that Justice League Detroit or the Great Lake Avengers would call "losers." It's not that they don't have power on deck — Don Hall is back from the dead as Hawk & Dove do some security work at a pharmaceutical convention, and there's even[...]
And it also includes the return of Power Girl and of Power Girl's boob window as previously teased…
Mark Russell & Steve Lieber's One-Star Squadron From DC Comics
Superman-Level Service at Bizarro Prices! ONE-STAR SQUADRON is DC's Super Hero team, where heroism meets capitalism This ragtag group of heroes led by Red Tornado is here to provide[...]
Here, with Harley's arrival and pose, Power Girl's reaction, and the various content going on behind the two characters tells quite a story You can now head over to Heritage Comics and bid for the original artwork to this hilarious Harley Quinn #15 cover by Frank Cho.
Frank Cho Harley Quinn #15 Variant Cover Original Art[...]
And, of course, it focuses on Power Girl.
Power Girl, also known as Kara Zor-L and Karen Starr, made her first appearance in All-Star Comics #58 in 1976 as the cousin of Superman from Earth-Two, stranded in the main DC Comics universe Crisis on Infinite Earths in 1985 eliminated Earth-Two, causing her to be retconned as[...]
Showcase #97, titled Showcase presents… Power Girl may not be the first appearance of iconic hero Power Girl, AKA Kara Zor-L, but it's certainly the next best thing: it's the alternate universe Kryptonian's first solo story. Power Girl has been quite the interesting character in DC Comics as an alternate universe version of Supergirl that has come[...]
Power Girl is more mature, powerful, and kickass than her cousin Superman or her Earth-Prime doppelgänger Supergirl Sideshow Collectibles shows off Power Girl with their newest Premium Format statue showing her might and beauty Standing 25" tall, this hero is sculpted to perfection with her Krypton styled costume as she posed flying with a cloud[...]
But why hasn't he written for DC Comics? Last night on Twitter, he talked about his big break at DC – that wasn't.
Every time I see somebody post about Tanya Spears "Power Girl" it reminds me that I once got recruited to write a series for Tanya, was then asked to write a story in[...]
New statues of The Hulk, Mystique, and Power Girl are now up for preorder All three are slated to ship in late 2019 All are in the 1/10th scale as well, with Power Girl featuring a swappable portrait, and Mystique coming with a swappable Sabertooth left arm All three are up for order right now,[...]
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Green Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz, among heroes like Blue Beetle, Firestorm, Power Girl, Supergirl, and the Bulletteer, are helping a city weather and recover from a hurricane.
In the aftermath, the Bulletteer tells Simon that the Night Pilot, another hero whom Simon recently dated, has gone missing Simon and Jessica investigate and, with[...]
The question becomes whether Slade can bring himself to kill the officer.
A few days before, Tanya, aka Power Girl, takes issue with Adeline and Joseph Wilson while Deathstroke gets ready to take down another target with Defiance Only Terra and Jericho show up for the operation, signaling that Defiance is crumbling from within.
Deathstroke Annual #1[...]
DC Legends, the mobile game where players gather a team of up to four heroes and villains from across the DC Universe to face off against Nekron and his Black Lanterns and Manhunters, has confirmed the upcoming characters that will be added to the game in January 2018.
And it's all a bit Superman-themed to begin[...]