red sonja Archives

Vampirella And Red Sonja Both Get Valentine Specials In February
In February 2022, Vampirella and Red Sonja are both getting their own Valentine's Day-related one-shots from Dynamite Entertainment, Vampirella Valentine's Special 2022 and Red Sonja Valentine's Special 2022, including work from cover artist Sozomaika, who Dynamite is pushing as the next big thing, and whose work is similar to that of Pepe Larraz. Vampirella & Red[...]
Cover image for HELL SONJA #1 CVR D LINSNER
Pantha #1 gets the front cover of next week's Diamond Previews comic, relaunched by Dynamite Entertainment, alongside the new series Hell Sonja with Red Sonja reigning you know where… all part of Dynamite's January 2022 solicitations. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 7%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in[...]
Dynamkte Launch Pantha #1 and Hell Sonja #1 In January
With a supernatural version of Red Sonja as the Queen Of Damnation in hell, bringing together other lost souls, and roaming the multiverse looking for the worst of the worst "to fill Hell's belly". Bigfoot #1 from the Diamond Retailer Summit Also in 2022, Dynamite will be publishing Bigfoot, their sixth original Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, graphic[...]
Celebrate 45 Years of Blood and Beauty with Dynamite Comics Red Sonja
Red Sonja is a powerful, beautiful, and deadly warrior whose tragic past created a massive fanbase and incredible comic book series Originally created by Marvel Comics in 1973, Red Sonja started off her career in the hit franchise Conan the Barbarian, and with her popularity, she even got her own mini-series Marvel Feature Presents Red[...]
Time to check the small print… as well as the usual Jennifer Blood, Dejah Thoris, Red Sonja, Nyx, and more… #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 6%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ VAMPIRELLA DRACULA UNHOLY #1 CVR A PARRILLO DYNAMITE OCT210427 OCT210428 – VAMPIRELLA DRACULA UNHOLY #1 CVR B BESCH[...]
PrintWatch: We have second printings for Red Sonja #1, Dark Ages #1, Trial Of Magneto #1, and Darkhawk #1, third printings for Moon Knight #1 and a new printing for Unbound. PrintWatch: Red Sonja, Moon Knight, Darkhawk, Dark Ages, Magneto PrintWatch: Red Sonja #1 by Mirka Andolfo second printing will be published on October 6th, the same[...]
Red Sonja #1 Sells Out Of 32,000 Print Run
The new Red Sonja ongoing series written by Mirka Andolfo has sold out of its 32,190 print run of Red Sonja #1 from Dynamite Entertainment ahead of its publication in comic stores this week This was based on initial orders from comic book retailers of 15,703 and increased FOC numbers of 27,633 Reorders between FOC[...]
Gail Simone Talks About Writing Red Sonja Ahead Of Her Return
Gail Simone and Walter Geovani are returning to Red Sonja for Red Sonja: Black, White, And Red #3 with Dynamite Entertainment running an IndieGogo campaign fundraiser at some point with a special promotion you sign up for here But Gail also took to Twitter to talk about Red Sonja, Nick Barrucci, Dynamite, Walter Geovani and[...]
Cover image for RED SONJA (2021) #1 CVR A ANDOLFO
And in September she will be front and centre working on a new relaunch of Red Sonja from Dynamite It leads Dynamite's September 2021 solicitations along with Killadelphia and Runaways writer Rodney Barnes relaunching Army Of Darkness, now set in 1979 With another launch for Vampiverse from Tom Sniegoski, Jeannine Acheson, Daniel Maine giving Vampirella[...]
Dynamite Get Double FOC Sales Jumps For Red Sonja and Bettie Page
Well,  I understand that the launch issue of their new series Bettie Page and the Curse of the Banshee #1 by Steve Mooney and Jethro Morales jumped from 9,895 initial orders to 21,460 at FOC, a most unusual over 100%. While the second issue of Invincible Red Sonja #2 by Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner and Moritat seems[...]
Hannah John-Kamen Will Star as Red Sonja
The big-screen adaptation of Red Sonja has found their leading lady, and they got someone really interesting Red Sonja, which is published by Dynamite Entertainment, who rightfully came under heavy scrutiny last summer for their connections to Comicsgate, has been in development hell since 2010 and seems to be one of those projects that keeps[...]
Sarah A. Hoyt Writes Barbarella #1 For Dynamite July 2021 Solicits
It joins other launch titles from them for Red Sonja: Black, White and Red, and Dejah Thoris Vs John Carter, along with their own titles in Dynamite Entertainment July 2021 solicitations, a full year after comicsgategate. BARBARELLA #1 CVR A PARRILLO DYNAMITE #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left:[...]
Dynamite Jumps On The Black, White And Red Bandwagon With Red Sonja
DC Comics moved on to Superman: Red & Blue, but Dynamite Entertainment seems to prefer the original idea for Red Sonja Well, she does have Red in her name. Which is why, in July, Dynamite is launching what they call "the most prestigious Red Sonja comic book ever" intended to "showcase today's top talents and longtime[...]
Invincible Red Sonja #1 Doubles Its Orders On FOC
And sometimes it works, though doesn't work as much as some publishers might wish it would. However, for Dynamite Entertainment, it appears they have done rather well from a recent FOC, with their new Invincible Red Sonja launch from Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Moritat almost doubles orders of Invincible Red Sonja #1 Turns out pirates,[...]
Tasha Huo, Showrunner for the Tomb Raider Anime, Will Write Red Sonja
Red Sonja, which is published by Dynamite Entertainment, who rightfully came under heavy scrutiny last summer for their connections to Comicsgate, has been in development hell since 2010 and seems to be one of those projects that keeps getting kicked while it's down Then again, maybe they shouldn't have hired Bryan Singer of all people[...]
Dynamite May 2021 Solicitations
Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti and Moritat launch a new Invincible Red Sonja comic book from Dynamite Entertainment in their May 2021 solicitations, alongside Vampirella, James Bond: Agent Of Spectre and a J Scott Campbell statue of Dejah Thoris Looks like Dynamite are staging a bit of a recovery… INVINCIBLE RED SONJA #1 CVR A CONNER DYNAMITE MAR210726 (W) Jimmy[...]
Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, Moritat Launch Invincible Red Sonja
Next week's Diamond Previews covers feature the new Invincible Red Sonja #1 by Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti and Moritat from Dynamite Entertainment, as well as the return of Donny Cates and Garry Brown's Babyteeth from AfterShock Comics With Babyteeth promising there are four more issues until the series finally concludes. While the covers also tease Mike[...]
Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti Launch Invincible Red Sonja
Launching in May from Dynamite Entertainment is a new Red Sonja series, The Invincible Red Sonja from Power Girl/Harley Quinn/The Pro written by wife-and-husband team Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti and drawn by Moritat, best known for his work on comics such as The Spirit, Elephantmen, All Star Western and Hellblazer – and they both collaborated together on a[...]
Frank Thorne Red Sonja #2 Story Page 7 Original Art (Marvel, 1977)
Arguably the most iconic sword and sorcery character in American comic books, Red Sonja has been an enduring fan favorite since her debut in Marvel's Conan the Barbarian #23 (cover-dated February 1973).  Created by Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith based on material by Conan creator and pulp writer Robert E Howard, the character's early formative[...]
Will DIE-Namite Publish With Or Without Green Hornet?
The solicitation for the first issue talked about Green Hornet and Kato getting involved with Red Sonja – but all the covers featured Red Sonja – and Vampirella Even with creators reportedly dropping off that series in light of recent issues with Dynamite's choice of publishing partners, this seemed a strange disconnect. Since then, Bleeding Cool[...]
Absolute Fourth World By Jack Kirby Volume 1 Cover
Also, the first all-new material issue for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Urban Legends #24 has Cover B also gone. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Star Trek Year Five #12 Main Cover Ghostbusters Year One #4 Cover B Teenage Mutant Ninja Turbles Urban[...]
Erik Burnham's Writer’s Commentary on Red Sonja: Age Of Chaos #4
Erik Burnham has a Writer's Commentary on Red Sonja: Age Of Chaos #4, out now from Dynamite Entertainment He writes; Hey, everybody — Erik Burnham here It's been a few months since I've done one of these (and not a decade or so, like it feels.) Anyhow, let's talk Red Sonja: Age of Chaos #4. Jonathan Lau did[...]
Jae Lee IndieGoGo-ing Red Sonja #13 Variant Cover
And looking at the HTML code of the page, it reveals "Hellshock artist Jae Lee delivers a stark Red Sonja #13 collectible cover for the new arc!" So basically it's a cover for Red Sonja #13 from Dynamite Entertainment, provided direct through IndieGoGo, with a premium on the price Oh, and we get a better[...]
Dynamite Schedules 5 Comics For Marvel and DC Skip Week, July 1st
July 1st will see Dynamite release all five titles for the month, The Boys: Dear Becky #2, Vampirella #10, Vengeance of Vampirella #8, Red Sonja #16 and Killing Red Sonja #2. It might help that DC Comics is skipping a week as they deal with the new distribution issues and Marvel will be on a skip[...]
Mark Russell Writer's Commentary on Red Sonja #15 and Grocery Clerks
Mark Russell has a Writer's Commentary on this week's Red Sonja Volume 5 #15, on sale now from Dynamite Entertainment. Mark Russell's Writer's Commentary on Red Sonja #15 Art from Dynamite. Page 1: I love establishing shots They not only keep the location of the story straight in the reader's mind, it gives the artist a chance to[...]
Mars Attacks Red Sonja Launches in Dynamite August 2020 Solicitations
This morning, we know what that is, Mars Attacks Red Sonja from Dynamite, out in August. Mars Attacks Red Sonja Launches in Dynamite August 2020 Solicitations Image from Twitter. Drawn by Fran Strukan, Mars Attacks Red Sonja will see Mars attack Earth, but these are ancient Martians of the Hyborian Age attacking Hyboria… MARS ATTACKS RED SONJA #1 Mars[...]
Amy Chu has an isolation Writer's Commentary on Red Sonja & Vampirella Meet Betty & Veronica #10, from Dynamite Entertainment before the shutdown came down She writes, Soooo…how's everyone doing? Masking up, social distancing, and hanging in there, I hope! I know these are crazy times for the comics industry and especially for the stores and[...]
Erik Burnham offers a Writer's Commentary on Red Sonja: Age of Chaos #3 The comic was published by Dynamite Entertainment last month, back when that was the norm, not the exception If you picked up a copy, then it's time to read along, Erik writes, Hi, Erik Burnham here Welcome to the first (of hopefully very[...]
Killing Red Sonja #1 is in stores tomorrow Well, it was supposed to be in stores tomorrow It might already be in stores today Or your store may be closed It's chaos thanks to the industry shutdown and nobody knows what will happen But while this doesn't look good for anyone in the comics industry,[...]
And here are the FOC covers from Dynamite, still in the game… as well as the tiered quakifications for each. KILLING RED SONJA #2 CASTRO FOC BONUS VAR KILLING RED SONJA #2 7 COPY CASTRO B&W FOC INCV KILLING RED SONJA #2 11 COPY CASTRO VIRGIN FOC INCV KILLING RED SONJA #2 15 COPY CASTRO B&W VIRGIN FOC INCV KILLING[...]