Last week, DC Comics announced that they were cancelling the John Constantine: Hellblazer series written by Si Spurrier with its twelfth issue The series, which was a major critical hit, was part of the Sandman Presents line, and was yet to see its first collection published.
Si Spurrier wrote a blog about the experience of having[...]
si spurrier Archives
But not only that, it seems that the Warners beancounters are only counting the sales of the initial single publications of the comic book when it comes to making such decisions
Si Spurrier in his blog post about the cancellation of Hellblazer at DC Comics gave a slight insight into the decision process this time around.
In the reported-but-possibly-apocryphal words of Jack Kirby, as reported by Dylan Horrocks…
By Dylan Horrocks.
From Hellblazer and Justice League writer Si Spurrier's blog, posted today, on the news that John Constantine: Hellblazer #12, out in November, will be the final issue of the series Here are a gfew extracts from a much longer peiec, including one[...]
Earlier versions of the awards usually focused on the most mainstream portrayals, and often only credited writers, but this has changed of late.
The winner of this year's award, just announced, and accepted by Si Spurrier was Star Wars: Doctor Aphra by Simon Spurrier, Emilio Laiso, Andrea Broccardo, Wilton Santos, Caspar Wijngaard, Marc Deering, Don Ho, Walden[...]
But Si Spurrier has been writing a very political comic book with his current run on John Constantine: Hellblazer It began with a naked Boris Johnson running around the bowels of the Houses of Parliament, saw an entire issue looking at the legacy of the NHS, as well as looking at sexual abuse, slavery, and manipulation[...]
Of course, the following issue will be written by Si Spurrier, so you might get a little more British speak and potentially accurate football teams He has pub speak (and Nigel Farage) down a little more pat.
Although he's not actually called Nigel Farage and isn't a member of the Brexit Party Looks and sounds the[...]
But it also gets a lot more relevant due to being published this week.
It has been mentioned that writer Si Spurrier has found a level that reflects both Jamie Delano and Garth Ennis Hellblazer in one But Aaron Campbell also does a damn fine job of reflecting the likes of Dave McKean, Arthur Ranson and[...]
From the new DC Comics June 2020 solicitations, former Bleeding Cool contributor Si Spurrier, will take over the writing of the Justice League ongoing series beginning June's #48 and #49 for three-part story, The Rule of War He will continue to write the ongoing Constantine series for DC – and Alienated for Boom I'm just holding[...]
Who could've predicted that Si Spurrier and Christian Wildgoose's new Boom launch would be a hit and continue Boom's trend of hot new launches which all keep going back, back, back and back to press? Well, I guess I did it here and here, if you were keeping score But you are not.
However, if I was,[...]
This is a shining example of what comics can be, and what they hardly ever are.
John Constantine: Hellblazer 1-3 by Si Spurrier, Aaron Campbell, Jordie Bellaire, and Aditya Bidikar: The much heralded return of proper Hellblazer, which includes copious British slang, a pub, a tan trench coat, smoking, and a loose political connection with the[...] And here is a transcript... I expect you think you know this story. Child finds alien, Small-town America
So for many artists, especially, this can be an added draw.
And now Boom is kicking off 2020 with Alienated by Si Spurrier and Chris Wildgoose, two creators you know from their success at DC in the Neil Gaiman-backed Sandman Universe and the book market hit graphic novel Batman: Nightwalker, respectively The series was announced at[...]
Explosive publisher BOOM! Studios has released a first look preview of Alienated #1, the new series from writer Si Spurrier and artist Chris Wildgoose launching this February The comic has essentially the same plot of the 1987 film Three Men and a Baby, except that instead of Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg, and Ted Danson, it's[...]
But in between them all is one of comic books' dirty little secrets – as secret as something that has been adapted into a movie starring Keanu Reeves, a TV series on the CW with a character who has been popping up in their other TV shows as well and who is meant to look[...]
Next week's Diamond Previews catalogue, will have Si Spurrier and Chris Wildgoose's sci-fi new comic about teenage alienation on the cover, Alienation from Boom Studios, with the Star Wars: The Mandalorian Legends in 3D Half-Scale Bust from Diamond Toys on the back While the order form highlights Clover Press nabbing the Will Eisner's The Spirit[...]
Disney + won't be launching in the UK until the Spring, due to conflicting rights issues over Disney content with Sky TV. As a result, the US are going
Of contflapsinuity as we should all now call it.
As Si Spurrier Marcio Takara and Cris Peter kickstart the new wave of Sandman Universe titles And set up a place for that to all take place within, Such as a multiverse of parallel realities, alternate words and that, which can't possibly exist in a John Constantine world.
So the Occam's[...]
Although, Garth Ennis did once point out that DC was happy to publish a series called The Kents, which in a certain accent is indistinguishable.
It is also worth pointing out that in British/Irish vernacular, that while one of the most-offensive words used, it's not a gendered form of insult as it is in the USA,[...]
At New York Comic Con today, explosive publisher BOOM! Studios announced a new series by writer Simon Spurrier and artist Chris Wildgoose called
Cry Havoc, the Image Comics series from Si Spurrier, Ryan Kelly, Matt Wilson, Lee Loughridge, Nick Filardi, Simon Bowland and Emma Price, released in 2016 to immense critical acclaim Alan Moore described it as "An electrifying account of black ops, black dogs and weaponized folklore that is unlike anything you've ever seen Best in show."[...]
The Dreaming is still ruptured, and Lucien and Matthew struggle to repair it or contact the Sandman. Dora takes advantage. Is it a good read?
Coda #3 by the creative team of Simon Spurrier and Matías Bergara is set to hit stores in a few weeks, but you can put your eyeballs on five pages early!
BOOM! Studios is on a "first look" kick this week, releasing previews of upcoming comics like there's no tomorrow (which, given the current climate, is a
Matt Lopes colored all of the pages but is not listed on the creative teams by DC in the press release, for whatever reason.
THE DREAMING—written by Si Spurrier with art by Bilquis Evely
HOUSE OF WHISPERS—written by Nalo Hopkinson with art by Dominike "Domo" Stanton:
LUCIFER—written by Dan Watters with art by Max Fiumara and Sebastian Fiumara
Magna Tolvan has been incarcerated by the Empire, and Doctor Aphra is at the mercy of her former ally Triple-Zero. Aphra is being forced to work with unstable mercenaries. Can she survive this? Is it a good read?
Dynamite has sent us a writer's commentary from Dan Watters on The Shadow #4 that he co-wrote with Si Spurrier Cover by Lee Weeks with interiors by Ricardo Jaime.
Page 1:
This issue we're joined by Ricardo Jaime on art Daniel will be back next issue, but it's immediately evident that we're in very good hands[...]
Si Spurrier (Cry Havoc, Angelic ), Justin Jordan (Luther Strode), Meredith Finch (Rose), Sebastian Girner (Scales & Scoundrels, Shirtless Bear-Fighter), Caspar Wijngaard (Limbo, Angelic), and W Maxwell Prince (One Week In The Library) discussed their various Image fantasy series at NYCC's "Image Comics – The Future of Fantasy" -panel on Saturday.
Spurrier discussed Angelic his "sci–fi[...]
Amongst the announcements were two new vertigo series, Motherland by Si Spurrier and Rachael Stott, and Deathbed by Joshua Williamson and Riley Rossmo.
DC also revealed that they have access to time travel technology by talking about the things the panel's guests said at the panel that hasn't taken place yet.
The Vertigo/DC's Young Animal panel at[...]
This one features Dan Watters talking about The Shadow #2 that he's co-writing with Si Spurrier. Cover by Tyler Kirkham and interiors by Daniel HDR.
As Si mentioned in the commentary for issue 1, I actually came on board with this issue, so this page was the first I ever wrote for the title So I[...]
The auspicious lineup features Riley Rossmo, Tim Seeley, Si Spurrier, Magdalene Visaggio, Joshua Williamson and others!"
Now, what is of particular interest are the creators named on this panel: Riley Rossmo, Joshua Williamson, Si Spurrier, Tim Seeley, and Magdalene Visaggio.
The panel is a mix of Vertigo and Young Animal, as the two lines seem to be edging[...]