Posted in: BC Toy Spotting, Collectibles | Tagged: BC Toy Spotting, boy meets world, Donkey Kong, Far from home, funko funko pops, ghostbusters, Ghostbusters 35th anniversary, godzilla, han solo, han stormtrooper, hasbro, hot wheels, hulk, jurassic world, King of the Monsters, Luigi, macho man randy savage, macho man slim jim container, Mario, mario kart hot wheels, Marvel Legends, Marvel Studios, mcu, mysterio, nano gauntlet, NECA, nono gauntlet, princess peach, red rooster, slim jim, spider-man, star wars, Star Wars vintage collection, Super Mario Kart, target exclusive, terry taylor, vintage collection, wwe elite, wwe elite red rooster, yoshi
BC Toy Spotting: Marvel Legends, Funko, WWE, Hot Wheels, and More!
Welcome to the latest edition of BC Toy Spotting! We are in and out of stores pretty much every day, and we figure (ha!) why not show all of our fellow collectors what we are coming across on pegs and shelves. As collectors, we know that staying on top of what is in stores can be almost a full time job, so we are here to help you with your toy hunts and outings. This week we found even more new Marvel Legends, new Funko, WWE surprises, Hot Wheels, and more! Let's dive in shall we?
Oh so many Funko Pops again this week. There is just no stopping the tidal wave.This week, the new Men in Black, Gossip Girl, Persona 5, and Spongebob Squarepants Pop waves began to hit stores. The Molten Man and new Spidey suit from Far From Home are out, as is the Diamond Edition Rafiki from The Lion King. The new Ghostbusters 35th anniversary products are hitting in droves, Boy Meets World Pops, and My Hero Academia 5 Star figures are also hitting. The third season Stranger Things Pops street date is the 25th, and some stores couldn't wait and put them out this week, and new Harry Potter Pops are also everywhere.
While not Marvel Legends, Hasbro still has some cool basic items hitting in support of Endgame and Far From Home, including a Target exclusive Hulk with the Nano Gauntlet. That will fit on other figures as well, so it is a cool piece to have. The basic Nano Gauntlet is also hitting stores again.
The new Super Mario Kart Hot Wheels are hitting Walmarts, and we found six of them. Luigi eluded us, but all of them look amazing.
Jurassic World fans can now pick up the Chomp N Roar Blue mask.
Star Wars Vintage Collection fans can find a new Stormtrooper Han at Target.
Also at Target is the new WWE Elite Target exclusive Red Rooster figure. I am sure Terry Taylor approves.
NECA's new Godzilla: King of the Monsters Godzilla is hitting Targets and Gamestops.
Marvel Legends fans can find the new Spider-Man: Homecoming two pack featuring Peter in his yellow coat and MJ at Target. The street date is May 31st, so good luck buying it if you come across it.
Finally this week, Murphy's USA gas stations have this really awesome Macho Man Randy Savage Silm Jim container by the registers. I have been told these will be auctioned off after the promotion, but I know someone who got his local station to give it too him if he bought all the Slim Jims inside. So good luck! Man, is that cool.
What are YOU finding in stores right now? Let us know in the comments, or on Twitter using the #BC_ToySpotting