The DC Comics sleepytime event Knight Terrors comes to an end this Tuesday with Knight Terrors #4.... except it doesn't. Spoilers...
Crisis Archives
DC Comics deliberately dropped their complete November 2023 solicits and solicitations when I was out seeing Blue Beetle, clearly.
DC Comics' full November 2023 solicits will land later today, including Superman '78 c Batman '89 a new Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing.
This week sees DC Comics publish more second finale tie-ins from Knight Terrors mini-series Catwoman, Superman, Nightwing, Punchline and The Joker.
In previous Knight Terrors Gossip we stated "You know the House Of Mystery and the House Of Secrets? Welcome to the House Of Horror in the Hollow."
The world put to sleep and nightmare versions of Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman running wild, time for some Knight Terrors gossip.
We have run a little Knight Terrors gossip regarding the upcoming DC Comics event that kicks off on Tuesday with Knight Terrors: First Blood.
The return to San Diego Comic-Con for DC Comics at Booth #4645, and then throughout Rooms 4, 6A 6DE and Ballroom 20 for 2023.
Amanda Waller has been tasked with killing every superhuman on the planet. All she had to do was to be asked by The Light. But.. why?
Every issue of Knight Terrors will begin with the following line, "A monstrous and deadly villain named Insomnia has struck!"
What will the response be to a Batman who gives birth? That's what's coming in the Knight Terrors comic book event in July and August,
The first spread from Knight Terrors: First Blood #1 sees Doctor Destiny, approaching the Justice League's abandoned Halls Of Justice.
I wondered if Knight Terrors it was timed by DC for July and August so that collections could be out for Hallowe'en, but it seems not.
Mike Carlin has changed his status on his Facebook page to "Former Creative Director Mike Carlin Retires From DC Comics After 37 Years at DC Entertainment" as well as "Former Editor/Group Editor/Senior Group Editor/VP-Executive Editor at DC". His Facebook page is currently full of people congratulating him on his retirement after 37 years at DC. His retirement message is as follows:
Next week sees Dawn Of DC Primer in comic book stores, that follows the emergence of Amanda Waller as the Big Bad for the DC Universe.
Last week saw Free Comic Book Day hit comic book stores around the world, with around 50 titles up for grabs. But did you read these 16?
Yes, Free Comic Book Day is coming on Saturday. And yes, some of you just can't wait. Here are a few spoiler pieces that you can click on.
Batman #900, or Batman #135 if you prefer, by Chip Zdfarsky, Mike Hawthorne, Jorge Jimenez and Adriano Di Benedetto is published today by DC Comics.
The Dawn of DC Primer 2023 Special Edition will be available for free at comics shops on the 16th of May, with a new story Josh Williamson and Leandro Fernandez,
Welcome to the DC Comics July 2023 solicits and solicitations, not yet released in full, so we have Frankensteined together what is available to us right now.
This is what we know about Knight Terrors by Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter, Guillem March, Chris Bachalo, and more.
DC Comics launches a new Green Arrow and Superboy as part of their Dawn Of DC relaunch... will these stick? Full solicits below.
Changing Of The Guard would have followed Death Metal: Dark Crisis for DC Comics' 5G, with Jon Kent, Yara Flor and Luke Fox taking over.
The 5G Files is Bleeding Cool's attempt to look at the DC reboot/relaunch that wasn't, and how the characters would have been affected. Consider this the big What If that almost was.
Lazarus Planet Alpha hits tomorrow from DC Comics, and it's not just new superheroes that are being created by this thing...
In today's Flash, Wally West has a recent reminiscence about how he used to be written by Scott Lobdell, under the watchful eye of Dan DiDio, leading to
More Dark Crisis spoilery gossip reaches Bleeding Cool towers regarding the state of the DC Comics Universe in 2023 with the new Dawn Of DC initiative.
Yesterday Bleeding Cool asked the question as to why the upcoming Dawn Of DC line-wide revamp was called Dawn Of DC, and suggested it may be a little less
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool ran the Batgossip that in 2023, Nightwing was going to step up in a prominent way to lead a replacement team for the Justice
DC Comics has released their March 2023 solicits and solicitations one week ahead of Marvel Comics doing the dame (though we did get a partial list