Marvel Comics' Venom War event, pitting Eddie Brock against Dylan Brock... and everyone else in the vicinity, from Al Ewing and Iban Coello.
Venom Archives
This August, Marvel 85th Anniversary Special will head to the future of the Marvel Universe with familiar names from the past and present.
Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe by Cullen Bunn and Dalibor Talajic remains one of Marvel's most popular comic collections ever published.
Greg Land, Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing draw forth Venom War: Spider-Man #1, a four-issue series launching in August.
Doom #1 by Jonathan Hickman and Sanford Greene is an odd place for Hickman to revisit the X-Men he revitalised in their Krakoan era.
Transformers Outsells Both Batman (Just) And Amazing Spider-Man In Bleeding Cool's Weekly Bestseller List For The First Time
Amazing Spider-Man #49, Avengers #14, Doctor Strange #15, Dracula Blood Hunt #1, Blood Hunters #1, Venom #33 and Strange Academy Blood Hunt #1
Marvel's summer event Blood Hunt launched last week, and now seven tie-ins including Amazing Spider-Man #49 and Venom #33 are out tomorrow
Dan Buckley, President Of Marvel Entertainment stated that Marvel Comics would be emphasizing the $3.99 comic price point, over $4.99, for most issues.
Venom War begins in August. Next Saturday's Free Comic Book Day has the Spider-Man/Ultimates comic also take a sojourn around its future.
We have a stub of a listing for Venom War #1 by Al Ewing and Ivan Coello from Marvel for the 7th of August 2024, with this cover...
Marvel Comics is currently having a Creative Summit as their July 2023 solicits and solicitations drop, with the first of the From The Ashes.
Marvel Comics has been sharing sneak peeks ahead of its Blood Hunt event to its media partners... and now here they all are in one.
As Marvel Manga titles come to Viz Manga digital service, Viz and Marvel Unlimited give each other's customers a free month.
Donny Cates is planning an Ask Me Anything AMA session tonight, and is realy to spill everything... from his perspective at least.
Marvel has released its June 2024 solicits with Ultimates #1, Venomverse Reborn, Scarlet Witch #1, Uncanny X-Men #700 and Uncle Scrooge.
Venomverse was a big hit for Marvel courtesy of Kid Venom. In June, Marvel will be publishing a return with Venomverse Reborn.
PrintWatch: More printings for Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong, Ultimate Black Panther, Spider-Men, Mad, Avengers, Weapon X & Wolverine.
Marvel Comics are pitting father and son, Eddie Brock and Dylan Brock, against each other in Venom War from Al Ewing and Iban Coello.
Ultimate Spider-Man #2 outsold Batman #144 in comic book stores this week, in the Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List.
Marvel's May 2024 solicits in full, a little earlier than some might have expected. With Blood Hunt, Amazing Spider-Man #50 and Wolverine #50.
Bleeding Cool ran the scoop that Marvel Comics and DC Comics were to reprint all their superhero crossover titles in Omnibus formats.
Spider-Gwen Smash #3 may be bringing some big changes to Spider-Gwen tomorrow by Melissa Flores and Enid Balam from Marvel Comics. Because someone has eyes for Gwen.
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool broke the story that Marvel and DC were to reprint all their crossover titles, now confirmed as two Omnibuses.
"Marvel and DC are collaborating on reprinting many of the Amalgam titles... and the crossover events" says Barry Kitson.
David Michelinie, co-creator of Venom in 1988, is returning to the character again in the third of a series of retro-comics from Marvel.
The new Marvel's Voices: Legends #1 takes a trip to the future and we meet two new members of Marvel, courtesy of Black Panther and Storm.
Marvel launches their April 2024 solicits with launches of Roxxin' Thor, Blood Hunt, Deadpool, Spider-Gwen, Kid Venom and Darth Maul.
It's the first Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List for 2024. With Batman, as is natural, taking the top spot for the week, and possibly the year.
Today's Kid Venom: Origins from Marvel Comics collects the stories by Taigami that first appeared in the Edge Of Venomverse series.