Posted in: Comics, Dark Horse Comics, DC Comics, Image, Marvel Comics | Tagged: 300, aaron kuder, al ewing, Black Hammer, Black Science, boom studios, charles soule, comedy, daredevil, dark horse comics, dc comics, deadpool, Dean Ormston, doctor star and the kingdom of lost tomorrows, fantasy, frank miller, garfield, garfield homecoming, Gerry Duggan, guardians of the galaxy, halo, halo: collateral damage, historical fiction, hunt for wolverine: weapon lost, image comics, immortal hulk, incredible hulk, infinity countdown, jeff lemire, jim cheung, joe bennett, justice league, Marvel Comics, master chief, Matteo Scalera, max fiamura, mike hawthorne, Misty Knight, nic klein, rick remender, sci-fi, scott snyder, Skottie Young, superheroes, top and bottom 5 comics, wolverine, x-men, xerxes
Top and Bottom 5 Comics, Week of June 6th, 2018: Justice League Soars, Xerxes Sinks
The Top and Bottom 5 Comics for the week has run late again; I apologize. You can blame E3 a little if you like. I do. Anyway, this week was actually very good for the Big Two and comics in general. There was a lot to like. I still found a few stinkers in the batch, and you can expect to see them below.
This comic excited me more than any other this week. A new Justice League with a new creative team and a new approach. Optimism, grand heroics, and the freaking Legion of Doom are back, and the team is led by the returned Martian Manhunter. Scott Snyder and Jim Cheung did an amazing job with this one, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.
Another triumphant rebirth occurred this week; the Incredible–err–Immortal Hulk returned. Bruce Banner is the jolly green giant once more, and he is now a thing that goes smash in the night and strikes terror into the worst of the worst. All the while, Bruce must contemplate what he has become with his constant death and resurrection.
3. Doctor Star and the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows #4
Jeff Lemire and Max Fiamura concluded their Black Hammer-affiliated Doctor Star miniseries. With it came a heart-breaking ending and a reflection on what we devote our time and efforts to in our lives. This was a downright beautiful comic book, and I recommend everyone pick up the trade and give it a read when it's released.
After Black Science #36 blew me away, I had to come back and read the Rick Remender and Matteo Scalera comic series again. It didn't disappoint either, providing a strange yet wonderful story with dueling narrations and two estranged lovers coming to know one another again.
I adore Scott Lang, and Nadia Pym has quickly become one of Marvel's most endearing heroes. The two uniting on a bizarre science fiction adventure into the Microverse because, well, Scott is a human trainwreck, is a perfect start to this fun and high-energy comic. I loved it.
5. Xerxes #3
This probably deserved to go higher on the list, but I've stopped having expectations for this miniseres. I've given it a beating three times now, but I'll probably follow it to the end. The narrative is unfocused, the characters uninteresting, and the art underwhelming. Xerxes is not the dive into the 300 villain I had hoped for.
Halo: Collateral Damage was just boring. It's exactly what I expected it to be, and that was sort of a disappointment unto itself. The comic is such a bog-standard sci-fi military book, and there are only the vaguest semblance of characters within it.
I know it's a kid's comic, but it was so boring and lacking in jokes that even a young child would be unimpressed by what this book has too offer.
This miniseries has well and truly bottomed-out, and that's concerning seeing as this is only a build-up to another Infinity miniseries. The Adam Warlock and Silver Surfer material is alright, but the Guardians of the Galaxy half is mostly irritating at this point. It's not funny, and it's eating away at my love for the characters.
1. Deadpool #1
Different creative team, same unfunny nonsense. I don't get it. I really don't. This is among Marvel's most popular properties, and it might just be their worst. Meta humor only works when there's a joke beyond "did you ever notice comics do this?" Deadpool isn't a likable character either, and he's far from compelling. This comic will still likely do well, but it will have to go its journey without me.
And that's it for another Top and Bottom 5 List. I will likely be caught up with E3 coverage again for part of today, but you can expect the Comics for Your Pull Box and possibly some advance reviews from me today. See you then!