Garth Ennis and Patrick Goddard are starting a new Rogue Trooper series, Blighty Valley, in upcoming issues of 2000AD, part of Rebellion Publishing's April 2023 solicits and solicitations (for comics that will arrive in the US in May) as "as the Genetic Infantryman encounters a strange side effect of the radiation emitting from Nu Earth's[...]
2000ad Archives
DC Comics may not have issued an official lettered preview for this Tuesday's Batman #131. But that hasn't stopped the fans from stepping in, especially
Garth Ennis is writing a new story for British sci-fi weekly anthology comic 2000 AD featuring classic character, Rogue Trooper, for whom he has written
Co-creating the misbehaving demon-child Bradley, as well as drawing Strontium Dog, the first part of The Final Solution, in which Johnny Alpha died, as Carlos Ezquerra refused to draw that, the strip Revere and outside of 2000AD creating the book Kung Fu For Girls, and more recently The Boy, The Girl & The Tree and[...]
And for that, they are returning to their All-Ages offering and making the case again that 2000AD should really make this a regular thing… go up against Phoenix Weekly maybe, and get sold in Aldi and Lidl rather than Waitrose?
(W) Alex De Campi, Ramzee, Roger[...]
But that'll be it."
Brendan McCarthy To Stop Drawing Comics After Failing Eyesight
Brendan McCarthy is a British artist and designer best known for his work on Judge Dredd for 2000AD, but also with Peter Milligan on comic books such as Freakwave, Strange Days, Paradax, Skin and Rogan Josh, but who also co-wrote the film Mad Max:[...]
Rebellion has released their January 2023 solicits and solicitations, though mostly for books shipping in February 2023 and beyond, including a new complete collection of The Ballad Of Halo Jones by Alan Moore and Ian Gibson, with a new introduction by Kieron Gillen,
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Bonjo was an anarchic, greedy alien created by Kevin O'Neill for 2000AD back in 1977 in the strip Beyond the Stars, a ten-part series that ran in progs 41-50 A running joke amongst old-school 2000AD fans, Bonko appeared again in prog 500 with occasional mentions since But now, a new revival drawn by O'Neill is[...]
Another all-ages 2000AD, and the 450th Judge Dredd Megazine fill Rebellion/2000AD's November 2022 solicits and solicitations as we also get the collection of Department K by Rory McConville, Dan Cornwell and P J Holden.
More action and adventure in the future-shocked world of Judge Dredd![...]
You may recall in the Before Times™ before the pandemic, Rebellion was set to launch a new series The Best Of 2000AD, and even had a 2020 Free Comic Book Day edition to promote everything But then real life caught up with dystopian fiction, and the project was put on hold But that was then[...]
Pat Mills, creator of 2000AD and developer of Judge Dredd, is famed for creating satirical excoriation of capitalism, exploitation and a general sticking-it-to-the-man attitude to life Which is why it was a slight surprise to discover that he had go head over heels into NFTs A bit like finding Johnny Rotten wants Jacob Rees-Mogg to[...]
2000AD and Judge Dredd first saw print in 1977 In 2022 it is still going strong, And Judge Dredd, from Pat Mills, Alan Grant and John Wagner, became the most recognisable character in the comic A satirical critique of the way it looked like police were going, especially American police, turning them into one man[...]
Alan Grant, best known for writing Judge Dredd for 2000AD and Batman and Lobo for DC Comics, passed away this morning at the age of 73 His wife, Sue Grant, posted to Facebook "I have no words Alan died this morning." A longstanding comic book creator for fifty-five years, and born in 1949, he began[...]
This September, Penguin Random House will publish five new audio adaptations of the 2000 AD stories Dredd: Origins, Dredd Vs Death, Judge Anderson:
So it will only be in October that The Best Of 2000AD will start, originally planned for 2020 before, you know, a certain thing happened Here are all the Rebellion/2000AD September 2022 solicitations for October 2022 and beyond.
(W) VARIOUS (A) VARIOUS (CA) Cliff Robinson
2000AD publishers Rebellion are diving into their IPC archives to deliver something very different A collection of what they describe as Britain's long-forgotten romance comics in a 224-page hardcover for January 2023, curated by Eisner Award-nominated historian and artist David Roach And mirroring the titles of recent BBC and Netflix hits, calling itself A Very[...]
Rebellion is bringing back their blast-from-the-past retro kids comic Monster Fun this summer in their August 2022 solicits and solcitations alongside plenty of Doctor Who,
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(W) VARIOUS (A[...]
For Free Comic Book Day, Rebellion Publishing previews their long-awaited The Best Of 2000AD series with a new The Best Of 2000AD #0 Including work from Al Ewing, John Wagner, Pat Mills, Chris Burnham, Vv Glass, Mick McMahon, Kevin O'Neill and Chris Burnham. Including a brand-=new Judge Dredd story by Al Ewing and V.V[...]
Oxford is the home to two of England's biggest comic book publishers, DFC, publishers of Phoenix Weekly, and Rebellion, publishers of 2000AD and Judge Dredd Megazine And they are being joined by Scotland's biggest comic book publisher DC Thompson, of The Beano, for a new exhibition in Oxford's Story Museum, running from the end of[...]
This summer's 2000AD Sci-Fi Special will be a musical-inspired anthology, with every story inspired by a song, with Paul Cornell, Michael Carroll, Karl Stock, Kek-W, and Emma Vieceli. As well as everything else in Rebellion;s July 2022 solicits and solicitations…
2000AD Sci-Fi Special Gets Musical in Rebellion July 2022 Solicits
2000 AD SCI FI SPECIAL 2022 (MR)
Two characters from the 2000AD Judge Dredd universe that haven't been rendered in 3D before, Judge Fire and Judge Giant, from Hiya Toys, both out in the autumn, as 1:18 PVC action figures with 16 points of articulation, shoulder and joint pads, and chains and badges of office, Giant comes with a Lawgiver gun and[...]
Rebellion Publishing, publishers of 2000AD and Judge Dredd and owners of most of the old IPC library have done a publishing deal with Chinbeard Books and Spiteful Puppet to bring out the first complete collection of Robin of Sherwood.
The Robin of Sherwood strips ran for the entirety of three years that the series was broadcast,[...]
It's one of the more influential 2000AD comic book strips of all time It was also tragically cut short as Alan Moore stopped working for 2000AD And no one has dared try and continue it since The Ballad Of Halo Jones by Alan Moore and Ian Gibson was an ambitious science-fiction space opera, inspired by[...]
Rebellion brings back an All-Ages 2000AD for its May 2022 solicits and solicitations with Cadet Dredd, as well as a brand new 45 Years Of 2000 AD with 45 modern comics artists showing their interpretations of45 2000 AD characters including Jamie Smart, Hannah Templer, Michael Allred, Kevin O'Neill, Sean Phillips, Colleen Doran and more.
2000 AD[...]
Rebellion has blamed suppliers being unable to source the right kind of paper for the project, despite them ordering early, but still plans to fulfil orders to their direct customers and comic book stores once the situation improves.
Brian Bolland's 2000AD Apex
Rebellion's first 'Apex Edition' was back in 2015 and collected the first 'phase' of Grant[...]
Rebellion, publishers of 2000AD and Judge Dredd publish a lot more, including Hawk The Slayer from Garth Ennis and Henry Flint debuting (again) in their April 2022 solicits and solicitations below, after appearing in this month's Judge Dredd Megazine Also Monster Fun reviving Sweeney Toddler, a joke I only got years after first reading.
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Later this month sees the Cartoon Museum of London open a Judge Dredd exhibition, for the 45th anniversary of the character and of 2000AD, running until April 2022 Bleeding Cool is always a big fan of the London Cartoon Museum as well as Judge Dredd, with Dredd@45.
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Battle Action Special is a new anthology from 2000AD publisher Rebellion that revives Action, Britain's most controversial comic, with two of Britain's most controversial creators – Garth Ennis and Kevin O'Neill!
"Battle Action Special" cover art courtesy of Rebellion Publishing.
When it first appeared on newsagents' shelves in 1976, Action caused a moral panic as newspapers, MPs,[...]
Rebellion launch The Best Of 2000AD for Free Comic Book Day, but also have a bunch of 2000AD, Judge Dredd and more for their March 2022 solicits and solicitations Including more Regened 2000AD, the Best of John Wagner's Judge Dredd, Birdman And Chicken from Krazy Comics, and more.
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Announced some time ago when the pandemic wasn't a thing, Rebellion has now rescheduled the launch of their Best of 2000 AD graphic anthology collection.