Gerry Duggan Archives

Gerry Duggan & Matteo Lolli Return To Deadpool #350 In June
But that's what you are getting in June from Marvel Comics with Deadpool #15/Deadpool #350, an extra-sized issue and a new villain debuting, Kurami. With the current creative team, Cody Ziglar and Rogê Antônio giving the main feature story, Deadpool Vs Deathgrip finale. And more from writer Sanshiro Kasama and artist Hikaru Uesugi, and a special anniversary tale from Gerry[...]
Marvel Holiday Tales to Astonish One-Shot
Plus, check out a sneak peek at all three tales! Marvel Tales to Astonish Contents Here's what fans of both Marvel and Christmas can look forward to! First, you're invited to the Fantastic Four's Holiday Party! But when an uninvited guest decides to spread doom instead of cheer, the FF jump into action in this delightful story from[...]
Gerry Duggan & Chip Zdarsky Pay Rob Liefeld to Teach Jonathan Hickman
But with the end of the Krakoan Age, fellow Marvel writer Chip Zdarsky and X-Men lead writer Gerry Duggan took to Cameo to pay Rob Liefeld to extend congratulations to this "Jonathan" for leaving his day job to create comics… "Our top salesperson is leaving his job to pursue his dream of writing and drawing his[...]
Image Comics September 2024 Solicits
Leonardo Romero, Charles Soule, Alex Paknadel, Sumeyye Kesgin, PJ Holden, Rory Mcconville, Gavin Guidry, Sumeyye Kesgin, Matias Bergara, David O'Sullivan and John McCrea – whose Dead Eyes is returning with Gerry Duggan in September as well. OLD DOG: OPERATIONS (ONE-SHOT) 64 PAGES FULL COLOR $7.99 US T+ TEEN PLUS (AGES 16+) ON SALE SEPTEMBER 18 STORY DECLAN SHALVEY,[...]
Marvel Cancels Invincible Iron Man With #20
And now it seems there won't be for September either as it's been confirmed that it will be the final issue of the run written by Gerry Duggan AIPT tweeted "EXCLUSIVE Marvel Preview: Invincible Iron Man #20 – The final issue, set to reveal Tony and Emma's future!" The Iron Man storyline had tied in[...]
Al Ewing Joins A New Writers Room... What Could It Be?
According to Gerry Duggan on Substack, it turns out that Jordan wasn't actually a big Krakoan fan in the beginning when Jonathan Hickman kicked it all off But that soon changed… "None of these comics would've been possible without everyone in senior leadership at Marvel on both coasts Appreciate you all Thank you especially to CB[...]
Falling In Love On The Path To Hell
And such is the case for Falling In Love On The Path To Hell, the new book from X-Men head writer Gerry Duggan, just as he is about to no longer be X-Men head writer, drawn by Garry Brown. And Image Comics social media has been doing its best to present those creator quotes in as swish[...]
After X-Men, Gerry Duggan is Falling In Love On The Path To Hell
Gerry Duggan's run on X-Men is coming to an end with Fall Of X So what is he doing next? Falling In Love On The Path To Hell with Garry Brown of Babyteeth, which was announced with an exclusive ashcan giveaway to retailers at Emerald City Comic Con, copies of which have sold for up[...]
Gerry Duggan to Launch Substack Comics Too, But First a Book of Photos
X-Men writer Gerry Duggan launched a Kickstarter a few years ago for a book of photos documenting twenty years of carrying a camera to comics and Hollywood events Yes, Gerry Duggan has turned being a massive geek into a literary and artistic event, called Timing/Luck And in November, Image Comics will be publishing it for[...]
Patton Oswalt Lied About Not Being In Eternals
Raffle prizes include signed comics and graphic novels from creators who couldn't make the event and are not local, a front-of-the-line pass to FCBD 2024, and custom one-of-a-kind skate Arsenal decks that will ALL be signed by the special guests. As well as Patton Oswalt and Jordan Blum, that also means Tim Sheridan, Jackson Lanzing, Hannah Rose[...]
Wolverine Is Frying Tonight in Fall Of The House Of X-Men (XSpoilers)
Fall Of The House Of X #1 by Gerry Duggan and Lucas Werneck is published next Wednesday from Marvel Comics Officially, that is. FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X #1 MARVEL COMICS OCT230774 (W) Gerry Duggan (A) Lucas Werneck (CA) Pepe Larraz KRAKOA HAS JUST BEGUN TO FIGHT! Mutantkind has never had a greater fall From the highs of Krakoa –[...]
House Of X #1 Preview
Gerry Duggan and Lucas Werneck are creating the end of days for the Krakoan Age of the X-Men with Fall Of The House Of X And the preview below from Comic Book taps into some of the tropes from the Jonathan Hickman relaunch that began four-and-a-half years ago, and will be relaunched again in June[...]
It's Tough To Be A Firestar
In Gerry Duggan's Substack newsletter, he promoted his  X-Men #28, out today drawn by Joshua Cassara from Marvel, saying "It's a fun one Poor Firestar Maybe she's had the most difficult road in FALL OF X." The X-Men who didn't quite fit in with the rest of the team, transformed by Jean Grey in her[...]
An X-Men Marriage And The First Firestar Fight
But it's just so ridiculous that no one could make it up – aside from Gerry Duggan. Is she going to have to give this speech to every one of the X-Men? And how many are going to believe her? X-MEN #26 MARVEL COMICS JUL230627 (W) Gerry Duggan (A) Towe, James (CA) Lucas Werneck "WE'RE NOT LOSING AN X-MAN… WE'RE GAINING[...]
Bad Idea Screw Up, Do A Great Reset On David Lapham's The Ends
Yesterday, Bad Idea launched a Kickstarter for David Lapham's The Ends, promising a premium digital comic book experience to shame Amazon, as well as a print collection and a number of comic books drawn by David Lapham and written by big names such as Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron, Ed Brubaker, Mark Waid, Jim Cheung,[...]
Bendis, Aaron, Brubaker, Waid, Duggan, Dastmalchian Write David Lapham
Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron, Ed Brubaker, Mark Waid, Jim Cheung, Gerry Duggan, Zeb Wells, Tony S Daniel, Gary Dauberman, Matt Kindt, Robert Venditti, Joshua Dysart and David Dastmalchian are the first writers announced for new stories written to be drawn by David Lapham for the new digital comic book from Bad Idea Comics, and[...]
X-Men Fall Of X Hellfire Gala Marvel Comics
As a citizen of Krakoa he may even have diplomatic immunity… X-MEN HELLFIRE GALA 2023 #1 MARVEL COMICS MAY230776 (W) Gerry Duggan, Jonathan Hickman (A) Adam Kubert, Luciano Vecchio, Matteo Lolli, Russell Dauterman, Javier Pina, R.B Silva, Joshua Cassara, Kris Anka, Pepe Larraz (CA) Phil Noto THE FALL OF X BEGINS HERE! The Hellfire Gala is always the biggest event[...]
Juggernaut & The Election of The New X-Men (Hellfire Gala XSpoilers)
And resurrection possibilities are also taken off the map. Juggernaut joins the ranks of the Fastball Special… But up against Nimrod, who originally played the part intended for The Fury, it looks like something can stop the Juggernaut… … just not a lighthouse. The Hellfire Gala 2023 #1 is published today by Marvel Comics. Writer: Gerry Duggan Artists: Adam Kubert, Luciano[...]
A Special Jonathan Hickman Cameo in Hellfire Gala Tomorrow (Spoilers)
Tomorrow sees the X-Men: Hellfire Gala, by Gerry Duggan, RB Silva, Lucian Vecchio and more, published by Marvel Comics And yes, Pepe Larraz does return from Mark Millar's dungeon for a few pages Shame he couldn't have drawn the whole thing like he did with Planet Sized X-Men but them's the breaks And having a[...]
Marvel Talks X-Men 60th Anniversary At Midnight, March the 16th
To celebrate 60 years of the X-Men with a Marvel Unlimited Live Virtual Event on Thursday, March 16th at midnight GMT, 7pm ET and 4pm PT which "will spotlight the history and creative legacy of Marvel's mutants, from their beginnings as the Original Five to their present era in the Krakoan Age." Access will be granted[...]
Auto Draft
As Gerry Duggan prepares for this summer's Hellfire Gala comic book for Marvel's X-Men line, he's looked back on Substack at his first extra-size special for the X-Men comic books Planet-Size X-Men from two years ago that saw the X-Men terraform Mars as a home for the Arakki and turn Mars into the New Arakko[...]
Gerry Duggan Teases New Comic With David O'Sullivan
X-Men writer Gerry Duggan posted to his Substack newsletter subscribers "With THE GIANT KOKJÜ serialized here for our subscribers, the next thing on the horizon is the print version of those comics from Image with some rare goodies for our Substack subscribers I wanted to switch gears to show you a piece of art I[...]
Marvel Comics
Separated At Birth! Gerry Duggan's Iron Man Vs James Tynion's Batman! During his run on Batman, writer James Tynion IV write a Bruce Wayne who had lost his fortune, taken by the Joker And unable to operate from Wayne Manor anymore Instead, the poverty-stricken Bruce Wayne took a "brownstone" property in the heart of Gotham. Batman[...]
Gerry Duggan Iron Man To Be Called 'Demon In The Armor'
Yesterday, Iron Man #25 teased the future of Iron Man from Gerry Duggan & Juan Frigeri with aa new Invincible Iron Man series beginning next month. We saw someone trying to kill Tony Stark, but also he is being defended against something in court by Jennifer Walters, the She-Hulk Both Amazing Spider-Man and Fantastic Four have featured stories[...]
She Hulk To Defend Tony Stark For Murdere, In New Invincible Iron Man? (Spoilers)
but also a beginning, teasing what the new Gerry Duggan & Juan Frigeri will be bringing to the character with their new Invincible Iron Man series beginning next month. We have someone trying to kill Tony Stark, but also he is being defended against something in court by Jennifer Walters, the She-Hulk Both Amazing Spider-Man and[...]
X-Men, Iron Man and upcoming-Batman writer Gerry Duggan is the latest comic creator to pivot his focus to comic book creation through the Substack newsletter system "I'm going to be collaborating on comics and delivering them directly to you on Substack Subscribers will come away with DRM digital comics, and a lot of other goodies[...]
Gerry Duggan to Launch Substack Comics Too, But First a Book of Photos
X-Men writer Gerry Duggan is the latest comic book creator to be announcing a line of Substack subscription comic books via a newsletter I mean, he hasn't announced it yet But he will do But first he has just launched a Kickstarter for a book of photos documenting twenty years of carrying a camera to[...]
Marvel Comics Says Goodbye To Conan Today (Mostly)
and a pleasure digging deeper into the-lore and expanding it with the likes of Jason Aaron, Mahmud Asrar, Matthew Wilson, Travis Lanham, Esad Ribic, Roy Thomas, Jim Zub, Gerry Duggan, Meredith Finch, Saladin Ahmed, Tini Howard, Kevin Eastman, Chris Claremont, Larry Hama, Christopher Priest, Frank Tieri, Steven S DeKnight, Kurt Busiek, Dan Slott, Ron Garney,[...]
X-Men: Hellfire Gala #1 to Radically Transform Marvel Universe
An all-star lineup of creators and Gerry Duggan will bring this 72-page tale to Marvel's readers for a price tag that will likely be as limitless as the creative possibilities. From the press release: Mark your calendar, because mutantkind is hosting another Hellfire Gala and it's shaping up to be a night that Marvel fans dare not[...]
Two weeks ago, Bleeding Cool broke the news about The Dark Room, an original graphic novel by X-Men writer Gerry Duggan, Buffy and Angel artist Scott Buoncristiano, and colorist to the stars Tamra Bonvillain, from Image Comics. To be published on the 24th of June 2022, it is described thus; The hunt for a camera containing an undeveloped photo of the face of true evil threatens to wipe[...]